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BOOK1 UK Unit 1 1.T

2.F doesn't include 3.F 1 in 20 4.T 5.T 6.F strong----weak 7.T

8.F Most people----A small number of people 9.T 10.T 11.F large----small 12.F Welsh---English 1-5 DBDCD 6-10 ACABB 11-13CDD Unit 2 Ⅰ

1.F(Great Britain+Ireland=UK) 2.T 3.F(a small city)

4.F(because of the political troubles) 5.T 6.T 7.F(it has) 8.T 9.T 10.T

11.F(by three separate jurisdictions: that of the Republic of Ireland, that of Great Britain, and

that of its own elected executive government of ten ministers.) Ⅱ.A.B.D.B.C.D.B.D.C.B.C.B Unit 3 Ⅰ.

1 F. It is no doubt that Britain is the oldest representative democracy in the world. 应该为“It is arguably that”

4. The divine right of the king means the sovereign derived his authority from his subjects. 应该是“from the God, not from his subjects” 5. As the king……, it was thought that he should exercise absolute power. 应改为“he should not”

6. The term “Parliament” was first officially used in 1066 to… 应改为“in 1236”

8. Britain, like Israel, has a written constitution of… 应改为“Israel and Britain are the only two countries without written constitutions of the sort which most countries have.” Ⅱ.Multiple choice. 没错 Unit 4 Ⅰ.T or F 1.T

2.F .Anyone who is eligible to vote with 500pounds as deposit can stand as an MP. 原文P50 :It is necessary only to make a deposit of 500 pounds which is lost if the candidate does not receive at least 5%of the vote. 3.F The time is given free 4.T 5.F is an important part

6.F.There are two(three) major national parties in the UK, according to the text.

7.F Liberal Democratic party(the Labor party) is the newest of the major national parties. 8.T 9.T 10.T

11.F south Asia, not North Asia 12.F原文如下:P59.Of course most

immigrants do no open restaurants or become writers or musicians.与题目明显相悖。

13.F 原文如下P60:Individuals from ethnic minorities are mare likely to be unemployed;and they are under represented in politics too....Many immigrants believe the police and justice system to be unfair in their dealings with them. 14T 15T

16T 原文为P55:Under the agreement 指的就是Kyoto Protocol. 第二部分没错 Unit 5


2.F Both the US and Canada overtook Britain in economy by 1990. Germany 3.F By the end of World War Ⅱ,Britain has gone heavily in debt in order to develop its manufacturing industry and borrowed large amounts from the US and France. finance the war; Canada

6.FThe leader of the Conservatives, Margaret Thatcher started a series of reforms. An extensive programme of privatisation was carried out, and she was successful in an all-round way.(全面的) 造成了很高的失业率,所以不能说全面的成功

7.F Tertiary industries include banking, insurance,tourism,agriculture and the selling of goods.

agriculture is primary industry.

8.F Britain has a larger sector of agriculture producing 11.6% of its national wealth. small 1.4%

12.The UK is the third biggest international investor in the world. Fourth

选择题没错 Unit 6 判断题 1、T

2、F Beowulf was a Swedish warrior who killed a sea monster. 3、T 4、F 应该是15th and 16th centuries。 5、F much→little 6、T 7、T 8、T 9、F John Milton→Byron 10、T 选择题没错 Unit 7 判断题: 1T

2.F 把seldom interferes--is heavily involved 3.F what should be taught in school----how “equal”educational opportunity should be 4.T

5.F public schools----state schools 6.T 7.F not all secondary schools 8.T 9.T

10.F a general education ----on advanced academic work 选择题没错 Unit 8 判断题:

1. F when the war ended 2. F in recognition of continuing importance to world politics 3. T 4. T 5. T

6. F parliamentary democracy 7. F there are 54 8.F

NATO because there`re 63 American military which are under American control bases in London and America host the NATO nuclear deterrent 9.F 选择题答案无误 Unit9

T or F: 1. T 2. T

3. F 17th-18th → 18th-19th T or F: 1 T 2 T

3 F Tennis is usually regarded as a 1 D 2 C 3 C 4 B 4. T 5. T 6. F incorrect→correct7. F the telegraph guardian readers 8. T 9. T 10.F 42→43 Multiple choices:没错 CDBAA CBCAA UNIT10

readers→the summer and spring sport 4 T 5 T

6 F Christmas is the biggest and best loved British holiday. 7 T 8 F Boxing Day doesn’t involves the sport of boxing

9 F the biggest bonfire night celebration is held in the small medieval town of lewes 10 T Multiple choices:没错

5 D 6 C 7 D 8 D 9 C 10 D 11 C 12 A BOOK2 Unit3 T or F: 1. T

USA 2. T

3. F (California――North America) 4. F (the Roman Catholic

Church――church of England) 5. T 6. F (French――English political) 7. T

8. F (Abraham Lincoln――Thomas Jefferson) Multiple choices: 1. A 2. D 3. B 4. C 5. A 6. C 7. C 8. D 9. A 10. D Unit 4 T or F:

1 F 原文正确的是…….the United States was not one unified nation .. 2 F 原文正确的是…….was called the Articles of Confederation. 3 T 4 T

5 F 原文正确的是….only two terms. 6 F 原文正确的是.....not by the house of Representatives, but by the Senate 7 T 8 T 9 T

10 F 原文是…..Americans do not have to join a …… Multiple choices:没错 1 D 2 B 3 B 4 A 5 B 6 C 7 C 8 B 9 D 10 A unit5

一:true or false

1:F Alexander Hamilton 改为 Thomas Jefferson 2:T 3:T

4:F: during the world war 2, it’s the biggest winner. 5:T 6:T 7:F 8:F have inherited from 改为 have not inherited from. 9:T 10:T 11:F 二:选择题 BCCCD CDAAD Unit 6

正确答案:I.1.F 2 F 3 T 4 F 5F 6 F 7 T 8 F 9 T 10 F II.1~8 BCCDADAB 原书答案无错。 判断为F的解释:

1. …were mostly concerned about religious freedom. 应为 politics 2. … , there would be a state-supported region. 应为 would not be 4. … with over 25 million members. 应为 32 5. There are more than 100 Protestants sects.

应为 more than 100 other 6. 依据:Over 60% Americans are said to be Protestant believers. 8. Today many Jewish people don’t think of themselves as ethnically Jewish … 应为肯定 10. In America,… 应为 Europe Unit 7 American Literature

这一单元的参考答案无误 判断题: 1、T

2、F (Rip Van Winkle was a character by




