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A.Probably B.especially C.immediately


24.Mr. Black's speech is______.It helps us have a better understanding of life.(2019 海南) A.silly B.awful C.excellent

25.As students, we should go over lessons and do our homework______.(2019 海南) A.carefully B.finally


26.Shanghai has a______population than that in many other cities.(2019 海南) A.large B.larger C.largest

27. The High Speed Rail is amazing. It makes travel_________.(2019河北) A. easier B. harder C. higher D. slower

28. Ken was_________ late for school. The bell rang right after he entered the classroom. (2019河北)

A. still B. always C. already D. almost

29.More and more people agree that expressions such as “LOL” and “hahaha” are makingour speech more direct but interesting and creative. (2019 河南) A.less —Not

B. more

C. the least D. the most

30—You don’t like British breakfast, do you?

. I just need some time to get used to it. (2019 河南)

A. more B. only C. truly D. exactly

31. Many tourists visit Longfeng Wetland (湿地) all year round.____ in summer. (2019黑龙江大庆)

A. hardly B. nearly C. especially D.really

32.----If there are ______ people driving ,there will be ______air pollution. (2019黑龙江大庆) ----Yes,and the air will be fresher.

A.less :less B. less;fewer C. fewer:fewer D.fewer ;less 33.—what's the weather like in summer here? —It s hot. Sometimes it rains ____. A. clearly

B. heavily

C. carefully

C. something new

34. Learning is a lifelong journey because we can learn ____ every day. A. nothing new 江齐齐哈尔)

A. quietlyB. easily C. politely

36. Bill says, “Robinson Crusoe is ________ interesting than Tom Sawyer.” (2019黑龙江绥化)

A. very more B. more much C. much more

37. Sally’s home is far from Fun Times Park, so she ________ walks there. (2019黑龙江绥化) A. seldom

B. usually

C. often

38. —Mike plays the drums so wonderfully! (2019湖北黄冈) —Of course. He is than any other students in his class.

B new something

35.Seeing a butterfly resting on a flower, the girl moved________ to have a look at it. (2019黑龙

A. talented B. more talented C. less talented D. the most talented 39.一Do you know Hong Kong - Zhuhai - Macao Bridge(港珠澳大桥) -Yes ,it is____cross- sea bridge in the world. (2019湖北黄石) A. the longer B.longest C.the longest D.longer 40. —Why not ask Bob to join us in the trip to the zoo tomorrow ?

—Everyone in our group loves animals, but he always seems. (2019湖北武汉) A. anxious B. personal C. cruel D. careless

41—It is____cross—sea bridge in the wortd, linking Hong Kong, Zhuhai and Macao. A. long B. longer C.longest D.the longest 42. 一How do you like this plan? (2019 湖北孝感) A. Perfect.

B. Terrible.

C. Meaningless

D. Awful

43. 一The young are always busy checking their mobile phones while getting together. 一So it is. They should put down phones and have more talks, ________. (2019 湖北孝感) A. still

B. too C. either

D. instead

44. 一There will be no winner in the trade war between China and the US. (2019 湖北孝感) 一I agree. If we can't avoid it, the relationship will get ________as time goes on. A. bad

B. badly C. worse

C.the less difficult

D. worst

45.Of the two physics problems, Martha just finished ______ one. (2019湖南长沙)

A.the most difficult B.the least difficult 46. -This T-shirt is a bit expensive for me

-But this is _________one in our shop, sir. (2019湖南郴州) A. cheap

B. cheaper C. the cheapest

47. -Shaoyang has changed a lot in the past few years. -Yes. It is getting _________________.(2019湖南邵阳)

A. clean

B. cleaner B. taller

C. cleanest C. the tallest

48. Lin Tao, a student of Grade 9, is ________ boy in our school. (2019湖南益阳)

A. tall

49. Tina isas ________ as her sister. Tara. (2019湖南岳阳) A. outgoing B. more outgoing C. the most outgoing

50.- Can you give me some advice on how to be slimmer? (2019江苏常州) - Eat __________ meat and ___________cakes. A. less; less

B. fewer; fewer

C. less; fewer

D. fewer; less

51 Jim is watching a football match which is shown __________TV. Though he is not on the (2019江苏常州)

scene, he can still cheer for his team. A. lively (2019江苏常州) notice you.

A. Otherwise B. Anyhow C. Instead

B. live C. living D. alive

52. You must raise your hand if you have any questions in class._________, your teacher won’t

D. Moreover

53. In the library, students are required to keep ___________ and move ____________.(2019江苏常州)

A. quiet; quiet B. quiet; quietly

C. quietly; quiet D. quietly; quietly

54 While watching the film yesterday, I couldn't stop laughing at some __________moments. (2019江苏省连云港)

A. humorous B. challenging C. dangerous D. surprising

55. —I hear people can pay for almost everything by ZHI FU BAO in China. (2019南通江苏) —Actually. It’s that people often go shopping without taking any paper money. A. important B. impossible C. surprising D. necessary 56. —Would you like to go to the city and live with us, Granny?

—Oh, dear, I’m used to the life in the country. I think life here is . (2019南通江苏)

A. more comfortable B. less comfortable C. the most comfortable D. the least comfortable

57. The flying squirrel might be one of __________ animals you could meet during the trip. (2019江苏苏州)

A. strange B. stranger C. strangest D. the strangest 58. Could you speak in a loud voice so that I can hear you _______________?(2019江苏苏州) A. quickly B. happily C. slowly D. clearly 59. LeBron James is one of ___________ players in the NBA. He is my hero. (2019江苏宿迁)

A. better

B. the best

C. worse

D. the worst

60. Santaishan Forest Park is __________ beautiful that it has become a hot tourist attraction. (2019江苏宿迁)

A. so

B. very

C. such

D. quite

61. -How about the fruit salad?

-Yummy! It tastes very _________. By the way, who made it? (2019江苏泰州)

A. good

B. bad

C. well

D. badly

62. In order to protect the environment, all the countries should work _________with each other. (2019江苏泰州)

A. close

B. closely C. near D. nearly

63. -I missed the film \

-What a pity! It is ______________ meaningful film that it is really worth seeing. (2019江苏泰州)

A. such a

B. so C. such

D. so a

64. -Guess what? The university has accepted my application! (2019江苏无锡) -Wow! That’s __________ new I’ve heard this year, Boris! Let’s celebrate.

A. a worse

B. the worst

C. a better

D. the best

65. –Can you tell me when the Boeing 737 MAX planes will be allowed to fly again, sir? - I’m afraid it’s still _________to talk about that. We’ll see. (2019江苏无锡)

A. later enough

B. early enough

C. too late D. too early

66. –You haven’t said a ___________word since last Friday. What’s wrong? (2019江苏无锡)

-Nothing. Just leave me alone.

A. simple

B. single

C. similar

D. silent

67. Peter spoke so __________ that I could hardly hear him. (2019江西) A. loudly B. quietly C. clearly D. patiently 68. - What do you think of the band’s performance? (2019江西) - It could be __________. I think they’re feeling very nervous. A. good B. better C. bad D. worse

69. —He is planning to walk on the wings of the a flying plane. (2019呼和浩特) —What? I have never heard of ______idea before.

A crazier B. the crazier C. a creaziest D. the creaziest

70. Frederick _______entered the final competition last month. His hobby has brought him _______.(2019呼和浩特)

A. successful ; success B. successful ; successfully C. successfully ; success D. successfully ; successful

71. \ leaving them behind in the countryside to be cared for by their grandparents. (2019山东临沂)B A. always 东滨州)

A. common

B. careless

C. creative

D. helpful

73. –Confucius Institute (孔子学院) has been set up in many other countries. (2019山东滨州) - Yes, Chinese is _______ spoken in those countries. I am proud of that as a Chinese.

A. hardly

B. widely

C. never

D. seldom

74. You need not only talent but also hard work to become a _________ football player. (2019江苏盐城)

A. young

B. successful

C. happy

D. friendly

75. _________ say the English is too difficult for us to learn. We can learn it well with efforts. (2019江苏盐城)

A. Always

B. Sometimes

C. Seldom

D. Never

76. The police are watching the suspect _____ for more clues which will help solve the case. (2019江苏扬州)

A. clearly B. highly C. closely D. heavily

77. —Tan Dun does not use any musical instrument in his music Water. (2019江苏扬州) —That’s really amazing! He is so _____.

A. energetic B. modest C. serious D. creative

78. Because of the flood, there are _________ tourists in that ancient town this year than last year. (2019江苏镇江)

B. hardly ever C. Often

72. The artist is so ________ that he can’t make different changing pictures with sand. (2019山

A. more B. most C. fewer D. fewest

79. A black young man named Sheku Kanneh-Mason is _________ enough to show that people of colour can take on any challenge of classical music. (2019江苏镇江)

A. modest

B. humorous

C. confident

D. curious

80. Which of the following words can NOT be added the prefix \to give it the opposite meaning? (2019江苏镇江)

A. happy

B. healthy

C. usual

D. polite

81. -Tom speaks Chinese quite well now. (2019辽宁抚顺) - Yes, he has made ____________ progress in Chinese learning. A. common B. simple C. perfect 抚顺)

A. are famous for

B. are afraid of D. are interested in

C. are worried about

D. rapid

82. Not only Chinese kids but also western kids ______________ Journey to the West. (2019辽宁

83. Intelligent house furnishings(智能家居) am __________ used in people's homes these days. (2019辽宁抚顺)

A. widely B. luckily C. softly D. loudly

84. The Greens like the quietness in the countryside. The city is too ______ for them. (2019辽宁本溪)

A. comfortable B.dangerous C. noisy D. perfect

85. Mr. Liu _________ watches TV. He thinks watching TV is a waste of time. (2019辽宁本溪) A. often B. seldomC. alwaysD. usually

86.—Simon has been________ school for 2 days. What's wrong with him? (2019辽宁本溪) —It's said that he has a cold.

A. nervous about B. thirsty for C. absent from D. worried about 87.-What do you think of the TV program I'm a singer?

-Great! I've never watched a ______ one.( 2019辽宁省葫芦岛 ) A.worse




88.His grandfather did his best to keep the tree________,but it died in the end. (2019辽宁铁岭) A.alive B.asleep C.absent D.awake

89.Nelson__exercises because he has too much work every day. (2019辽宁铁岭) A.usually B.always C.often D.seldom 90.Whenwereadapieceofnewsonline,we’dbettermakesureit’s

before sending it to others. If not, we may spread something bad. (2019山西) A.true

B.special C.strange

91. --- Our motherland’s 70th birthday iscoming.

- -- Great! We will hold many activities tocelebrateit . (2019山西) A.wisely B.warmly C.simply

92. --- After the big exams, we can finally have a goodrelax.

---How I a chance to have a chance to have a trip! I can’t wait. (2019山西)



