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Euphemism and Its Pragmatic Functions

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Euphemism and Its Pragmatic Functions

[Abstract] Euphemism is one of the most important components in English. It plays a significant role in communication. Many people abroad such as Leech, Rawson, etc have done research on it. However, the pragmatic function of euphemism is seldom included. So this paper mainly discusses the pragmatic functions of euphemism. The purpose of this paper is to prove the connection between euphemisms and to hint the important of euphemism in communication and its pragmatic functions. [Key words] Euphemism, Pragmatic functions.

I. Introduction

British author George Blunt firstly created the word “euphemism” at the beginning of 1530s. Euphemism originally comes from the Greek. Eu means “good”, pheme means “ speech” or “saying”, and thus the word means literary “to speak good words or in a pleasant manner.” The Merriam Webster Dictionary defines euphemism as “the substitution of a mild or pleasant expression for one offensive or unpleasant.” The Longman an dictionary of contemporary defines it as “(an example of) the use of a plaster, less direct name for something thought to be unpleasant.” Neanan explained “substitution an offensive or pleasant term for a more explicit offensive one, thereby veneering the truth by using kind

words.” Neanan mainly concluded the nature and characteristic of euphemism. Some times it is unnecessary to call a spade a spade rather than using euphemism-a linguistic fig leaf to save one?s face.

No matter what definition euphemism is given, it is something good. It is a common phenomenon of language. It is widely used by people of all kinds of cultural background. It is also a reflection of socio-cultured psychology, a society?s beliefs, value and conventions. No doubt, euphemism is a widely and frequently used figure of speech. As a hot research issue in the field of linguistics, euphemism has been examined and discussed by scholars such as Munches (1936), From kin (1988), Rawson (1981), Leech (1985) etc. Their studies have been mainly confined with two areas: rhetoric semantics and dictionary compiling. But the pragmatic functions of euphemism are seldom discussed. Nowadays, linguistic researchers in China begin to step into the field of pragmatics, but the connection between euphemisms and pragmatics is seldom referred to. So, this paper mainly discusses the relationship between euphemism and pragmatics to make sense of the pragmatic functions of euphemism. And since euphemism plays an important role in communication, it is necessary to focus on the pragmatic functions.

II. The Classification And Features of Euphemism 2.1 The Classification of Euphemism

According to the different standards, euphemism can be felled into different types, they are follows:

2.1.1 According to the Standard of the Expression Way of


On the basis of the expression way of euphemism, it can be felled into traditional euphemism and stylistic euphemism. The former refers to the taboo things about lives, death, illness, burring, etc. And if we express them directly, it would be vulgar, impolite. So we often use the euphemism to avoid using them in a bad manner. The latter is another way of euphemism. It is something about words of fulsome praise. In order to achieve the purpose of social interpersonal ship, we frequently use them to communicate with others.

2.1.2 According to the Standard of the Using Frequentness of


According to this standard, euphemism is felled into common euphemism and temporary euphemism. Common euphemism is a language unit used by people in community in the fixed time. However, the temporary euphemism is a temporary language. It occurs with the changes of our circumstances.

2.1.3 According to the Standard of the Areas of Euphemism On the basis of it, euphemism is classified into several kinds.

Euphemism and Its Pragmatic Functions


