8. A Community Center
8. 社区活动中心
If the library is too far away from your house, but a community center (like the YMCA, for instance) is pretty close, then head down there for a quick study session. Most community centers have rooms you can use for studying, and since exercising is a great way to relieve test-day stress, then you can just hop on the treadmill afterward for a quick run and call it a day.
9. A Tutoring Center
9. 辅导中心
Finding good places to study is the easy part; maintaining your focus while studying is often the tough part. If you're one of those people who find it difficult to study, then heading to a tutoring center could be right for you. Sure, it'll cost you a little bit of cash. But when you're bringing home the GPA you really want, it might be worth it.
10. Share Your Best Study Spot
10. 分享你认为最好的学习场所
If I missed a great place to study, share your favorite places to study with the rest of us, and read some other great places to study posted by students just like you.