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五年级下译林版英语 第一课详细的知识点 

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Unit 1 Cinderella 知识点


1. why 为什么 2. because 因为 3. clothes 衣服 4.let 让 二、三会单词

1.prince 王子 2.fariy 仙女 3.fit 合适,合身 4.mushroom蘑菇 5.late 迟的,玩的 6.pick 摘,拾 7.understand明白,理解 三、词组

1.at the prince’s house 在王子的房子里 2.help me 帮助我 3.so sad 那么伤心 4.go to the party 去参加聚会 5.put on 穿上 6.the new clothes 新衣服

7.come back 回来 8.have a good time 玩得开心 9.at the party 在晚会上 10.have to 不得不

11.visit every house拜访每户人 12.try on 试穿 13.in the forest 在森林里 14.find some mushrooms 找到一些蘑菇 15.under a tree在一棵树下 16.hurry up 快点 17.be bad for 有害的 18.what a pity! 多么可惜啊! 19.leave ??behind 留下,丢下 20.take off 脱下 四、句子

1.There is a party at the prince’s house. X k B 1 . c o m 2.Why are you so sad ,dear ? 3.Because I can’t go to the party.

4.Because I don’t have any nice clothes or shoes. 5.Cinderella puts on the new clothes and shoes. 6.Many girls try on the shoe, but it does not fit. 7.Why can’t you go to the party ? 8.Because these mushrooms are bad for us ! 9.There is a party at the prince’s house. 五、语法

1.can’t = can not don’t= do not

2.Why??? Because ??

3.be bad for 对??有害 be good for 对??有益处 4. 动词第三人称单数变化规则:

A大多数动词在词尾加“S”。如:make-makes (1) I make the bed every day . (2)Mary makes the bed every day .

B以辅音字母加“y”结尾的,要先将“y”变为“i”,然后再加“es”。 如: study-studies (1) We study Chinese every day . (2) My sister studies English every day.

C以“s, x, ch, sh”结尾的,在词尾加“es”。 如: watch-watches (1) I often watch TV at home. (2) My mother watches TV at home.

D以“o”结尾的动词,也在词尾加“es”。 如: go-goes (1) I go to bed at half past nine.

(2) My brother goes to bed at ten o’clock.

E动词have遇在主语是第三人称单数时,have改为has。如:have-has (1) I have a new pen.

(2) He has an interesting book . 5.like + v ing (1) 直接加ing

(2) 辅音字母以e结尾的去e加ing。

(3)双写末尾字母加ing, sit -----sitting swim ----swimming run---runnning 6.Why?Because I can’t go to the party. Why为什么回答用Because。

7:clothes衣服 穿上衣服put on the clothes 8:can 的用法

1) can表示能力,意思是“能,会”。后面直接跟动词原形,用于一切人称和数。Can的否定形式为can not,其缩写为“can’t。

如:We can speak much English now. 我们现在能说英语了。 2) 表示许可,意思是“可以”。 http://www.x kb1.com

如:You can watch TV after supper. 晚饭后你可以看电视。 如:You can stay here for another six weeks. 你可以再待在这儿六个月。 3) 和can相关的常用句型

a)Can I help you? ——Yes, please. / No, thanks. b)Can I borrow your book?----Yes,of course.

c)Can I write on the book? ------No, you can’t\\mustn’t.

批注:could是can 的过去式,同时也可以用来表示委婉语气,但在小学阶段重点考察委婉语气的用法。

如:Could \\Can you help me?---- Yes,of course.\\Certainly.\\ Sure.

Could \\Can you tell me the way to the Zoo? 9、 情态动词的基本用法

1)情态动词没有人称和数的变化;如: Li ming can speak English. 2)情态动词的后面必须跟动词原形; 如:He should go to school on time. 3) 情态动词的句式变化

A.变否定句,变化规则是在情态动词后面加 \。 例如:He can play the piano.(改成否定句)

He can’t play the piano. 新|课 | 标|第 |一| 网

B.变一般疑问句,变化规则是将情态动词直接提到句首,后面保持不变。 例如:He can play the piano.(改成一般疑问句) Can he play the piano? C.变特殊疑问,变化规则是词加情态动词开头的一般疑问句。 例如:He can play the piano.(对划线部分提问) What can he play? 10:Would表示建议“你愿意…吗” Would you like to go shopping with me?

-----Yes, I’d love to. /I’d love to. But I’m busy now. Would you like something to eat/drink? ----Yes, I’d like… 祈使句讲解http://www.x kb1.com

一、祈使句:用于表达命令、请求、劝告、警告、禁止等的句子叫做祈使句. 祈使句的作用是要求、请求或命令、劝告、建议别人做或不做一件事。祈使句的句末一般用感叹号,但是有些祈使句的语气较弱,可以用句号结尾

祈使句因对象(即主语)是第二人称,所以通常都省略。祈使句的动词都为一般现在时,例:Go and wash your hands. 例如:保持肃静! Be kind to our sister. Watch your steps. 表示禁止的句式有:不准、不要、别、No parking. 二、表现形式

Let型(即:Let + 宾语 + 动词原形 + 其它成分)。如:Let me help you. 让我来帮你。 ●否定结构:

Let型的否定式有两种:“Don\\'t + let + 宾语 + 动词原形 + 其它成分”和“Let + 宾语 + not + 动词原形 + 其它成分”。如:Don\\'t let him go. / Let him not go. 别让他走。 二、祁使句

祈使句是用来向别人提出命令,建议或请求的句式.常见的祁使句有以下五种: 1) Let's 开头的祁使句 如: Let's say it in English .


1.表示“建议”。 这个句型里的\后头紧跟着一个第一人称的代词宾语,如:

(1) Let me try. (2) Let's do it. (3) Let me go and look for it. 2.表示“警告”、“蔑视”、“威胁”等。

这种祈使句里的宾语也是第三人称为主。除了口气凶悍之外,有时还语带讽刺,如: (7) Let him try and he will expose(暴露) his inability(无力) to work on his own. (8) Let the invaders(侵略者come and our armed forces will wipe(擦拭)them out in no time. 用\的祈使句时,必须注意下列几点:Let’s …. 让我们….( let’s = let us )


Don't let this type of things happen again. Let's not go out until after the rain.

二、用\时,把谈话者的对象包括在内;用\时,并不包括对方,如: (17) Let's try it, shall we?

(18) Let us do it by ourselves, will you?


全写与缩写: I am = I’m can not = can’t

you are = you’re I would = I’d who is = who’s let us = let’s do not = don’t does not = doesn’t 相关练习题:


例1: ---Mum, I want ______ TV. --- I think you must _____ to bed now. A. to watch, go B. watch, go C. to watch, to go 例2: you like something to eat? A. Would B. Shall C. Must D. Can 例3:Would you like something to drink?

A.Yes,we would. B.Yes, I’d like some milk. C.Yes, of course. 例4:What can I do for you?

A.Yes,you can. B.No,I can do it. C. Yes.I’d like some oranges. 题型3:用所给词的适当形式填空 例1.My mother can’t __________(find) her glasses. They _________(be) in her bag just now. 例2I can __________(get) up early. I __________(do) morning exercise at six. 例3.What can I (do) for you? 检测题2:单项选择

( )1. you like some milk ? w W w .X k b 1.c O m A . Would B. Could C . Can D.Must( ).


五年级下译林版英语 第一课详细的知识点 


