【期刊名称】《中国病案》 【年(卷),期】2018(019)001
【摘要】Objectives To conduct effect validation on 2014 version BJ-DRGs grouping scheme from aspects of expense evaluation and classification results,and understand its applicability.Methods According to the data of the front pages of medical records of a Three A and Tertiary Hospital,and SPSS16.0 was adopted to evaluate the effect of the 2014 version BJ-DRGs with the application of the indexes included cost component ratio,RIV and CV.Results All the patients discharged from the hospital after the DRGs group developed the standard cost 87.40% of the actual discharge costs.The RIV value greater than 50% accounting for all MDC group is 23.08%.The number of DRGs in hospital costs and length of stay in hospital were 99.47% and 98.78% of the whole CV<1 groups,respectively.Conclusions The 2014 version BJ-DRGs showed better grouping efficiency,the consistency in the group was better,the difference between the groups was significant,and we could select BJ-DRGs grouping scheme to carry out pilot work.%目的 从费用评价、分类结果两方面对2014版北京-DRG (BJ-DRGs)分组器进行效果验证,了解其适用性.方法 基于某大型综合三甲医院2015年出院病案首页数据,采用SPSS16.0软件,使用费用构成比、方差减少量、变异系数等统计指标对2014版BJ-DRGs
分组器效果进行评价.结果 所有出院患者病案首页信息经过DRGs分组后制定的标准费用占实际出院费用的87.40%.方差减少量RIV≥50%占所有疾病分类组别的23.08%.住院费用、住院天数的变异系数CV<1的DRGs组数分别占到整个DRGs组数的99.47%、98.78%.结论 2014版BJ-DRGs分组器显示了较好的分组效能,DRGs组内一致性较好,组间差异显著,可选择BJ-DRGs分组方案开展DRGs试点应用工作. 【总页数】4页(52-55)
【关键词】疾病诊断相关分组;方差减少量;变异系数 【作者】陈波
【作者单位】重庆医科大学附属第一医院,重庆市,400016 【正文语种】中文 【中图分类】 【文献来源】
https://www.zhangqiaokeyan.com/academic-journal-cn_chinese-medical-record_thesis/0201215054270.html 【相关文献】
1.病案首页合理性的研究 [J], 楚恒群
2.病案首页信息采集标准对BJ-DRGs分组的影响 [J], 李卫民; 谷欣; 普忠伟; 刘海云; 石艺
3.采用DRGs分组方式提高病案首页填写质量探究 [J], 姚建灵; 邹伟明; 李莹 4.对DRGs分组方案科学性合理性的分析比较 [J], 付婷辉; 张乐辉; 郭默宁; 刘婉如; 邓小虹
5.基于2414份住院病案首页数据缺陷分析及干预前后效果评价 [J], 李小丹; 许名东