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GRAMMAR “it”的用法(一)


1. 用作人称代词,指代上文提到的事物、动物、性别不明或没必要知道性别的人。如: “Where’s your car?” “It’s in the garage.” Her dog was howling at the door, so he let it in. The baby next door kept me awake. It cried all night.

2. 用作非人称代词,用来指代时间、日期、地点、天气、温度、距离、环境、情况等。如: It was 4 o’clock and the mail still hadn’t come. It’s quite warm at the moment.

It’s over 200 miles from London to Manchester. It’s getting very competitive in the car industry.

3. 用作形式主语,真正的主语常为不定式(短语)、动词-ing形式(短语)或名词性从句。如:

It’s impossible for us to get there in time.

It’s always sad saying goodbye to someone you love. It’s strange that she never mentioned the wedding.

4. 用作形式宾语,真正的宾语常为不定式(短语)、动词-ing形式(短语)或名词性从句。如:

Many people find it hard to stop smoking. She finds it boring staying / to stay at home. I find it strange that she doesn’t want to travel. 【辨析】it, one和that

1. it指物时,是明确指上文提到的那个事物。it可以代替单数可数名词、不可数名词及前面提到的事情或情况。如:

I can’t find my ticket. I think I must have lost it. (it = my ticket)

2. one指前面的名词或名词短语所表示的同类事物中的一个,而不是指同一个事或物。one既可以代替人,也可以代替物,但只能代替可数名词,其复数形式为ones。如: The train was crowded so we decided to catch a later one.

Those shoes are too small. We must buy some new ones.

3. that可以代替“the +单数可数名词或不可数名词”,用于特指。that不能代替人,不可带前置定语,但可带后置定语。如:

Are you sure the population of Shanghai is larger than that of Beijing? The milk here is tastier than that of other places. 【即学即练】

I. 根据括号内的汉语提示补全下面句子。

1. ________________________ (天气很暖和) at the moment.

2. ________________________ (我觉得奇怪) that Jennifer doesn’t want to travel. 3. John said ________________________ (继续这个实验是很重要的).

4. Her baby’s due next month. She hopes ________________________ (是个男孩). 5. Don’t you think ________________________ (与吉姆争论是没有用的)? II. 根据括号内的汉语提示补全下面对话。 Alex: 1. ________________________ (现在几点)? Nora: 7 p.m.

Alex: What about going for a walk?

Nora: I wanted to, but 2. ________________________ (外面在下雨). Shall we watch TV


Alex: Sure. Where is the remote control?

Nora: I 3. ________________________ (把它放在抽屉里了) last night. Ah-ha, here it is! Which

channel do you want to watch?

Alex: I read in the newspaper that there’s an interesting documentary on Channel 4 tonight. Nora: OK. ... Interesting indeed. But 4. ________________________ (有这么多广告很烦人)

during the interval. (The doorbell rang.) Someone is ringing the doorbell. 5. ________________________ (去看看是谁). Alex: OK.

(Alex opens the door and finds his neighbour Rose standing outside.)

Rose: Sorry to disturb you, but would you please turn down the TV a little bit? I 6.

________________________ (发现难以集中注意力到我的学习上). Alex: Sorry! We will turn down the TV at once. Rose: Thanks.

参考答案: 【即学即练】

I. 1. It’s quite warm 2. I find it strange 3. it’s important to continue with the experiment 4. it will be a boy 5. it is no use arguing with Jim

II. 1. What time is it now 2. it’s raining outside 3. put it in the drawer 4. it’s very annoying to have so many ads 5. Go and see who it is 6. find it hard to concentrate on my studies



