Registration information for Lithuanian facilities which produce haylage for exportation to
No.序号 批准号 Register Number 生产加工企业名称 Establishment Name 原料 产品信息 产品用途 生产加工企业地址 联系电话 Species/ Description of Usage of Establishment Contact Tel. Raw commodities Product Address No. material 电子邮箱 Email Address 1 r LT EAT 252728 UAB “MY Haylage LAND LT” (whittered grass) 20 kg bales Leader‘s Spirit: UNIVERSAL SPECIAL ENERGY Horses, cattle, goats, camels, etc. Leader‘s Spirit SPECIAL Skuodo Str. 1A, Lukn?s vil., LT-98294 Skuodas distr., ( Festuca Lithuania rubra – 20 %; Phleum pratense – 30 %; Lolium perenne – 20 %; Poa pratensis –20 %; Justinas info@mylandgr+37060079555 ass.com +971543848844 Mantas +37068726665 ~
Festuca pratensis- 10%) Leader‘s Spirit UNIVERSAL (Festuca rubra – 10 %; Phleum pratense – 50 %; Lolium perenne – 25 %; Poa pratensis – 15 %) Leader‘s Spirit ENERGY (Lolium perenne – 20 %; Festuca pratensis ~
– 20 %; Phleum pratense – 20 %; Festuca rubra – 15 %; Poa pratensis – 5 %; Medicago sativa – 20 %) r LT AT 102482 ?ūB “AUGA Haylage r LT GT 102483 SMILGIAI” r LT KPS 102484 2 r LT PGA 102485 Cattle, goats, horses Alfalfa Panev??io str. +37060195530 j.stasiulis@a(Medicag23, Smilgiai uga.lt o sativa) vil., LT-38375 Panev??io distr., Lithuania