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2020-2021中考英语 英语 任务型阅读理解专题练习(及答案)

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2020-2021中考英语 英语 任务型阅读理解专题练习(及答案)



There are many things that you should be careful with when you are alone at home. Read the following situations to protect yourself.

Keep the door locked when you are alone at home. Many people think it's the best way to protect themselves.

Keep a list of phone numbers to call for help- such as 110, or a neighbour's number.

Be careful with the electrical appliances(电器). If you don't know how to use them, ask your parents. Make a safety check before going to sleep.

(Look through the keyhole when you hear the doorbell. If there are strangers, ask \that?\Say \

Here's some information about how to ________ at home. Keep the door ________ when you're alone at home. To call for help, keep a list of ________. Before going to sleep, make a ________ of the electrical appliances. When you talk to strangers, ask \that?\with the door locked and don't say your parents are ________.

【答案】 protect yourself;locked;phone numbers;safety check;away 【解析】【分析】主要讲了独自在家时怎样自我保护。

(1)根据Read the following situations to protect yourself.可知是讲了怎样在家保护自己,how to do sth.,怎样做某事,固定搭配,故填protect yourself。

(2)根据Keep the door locked when you are alone at home.可知独自在家时保持门锁着,故填locked。

(3)根据Keep a list of phone numbers to call for help- such as 110, or a neighbour's number.可知保存一系列电话号码来寻求帮助,故填phones numbers。

(4)根据Make a safety check before going to sleep.可知睡觉前做好安全检查,故填safety check。

(5)根据Don't tell them that your parents are away.可知不要告诉他们你的父母离开了,be away离开,故填away。



The map below helps you become familiar with the library's resources: Fiction and nonfiction titles for all subjects Current newspapers and magazines

Computers accessible with your student ID number Helpful library staff

Welcome, new students, to Maple Knoll High School Library! Here is an introduction of our school library. The ________on the left of the map helps you best understand it.

The computer lab is just on the ________of the main entrance. You can enter computers by putting into the ________ of your student ID card. There are 4________ copy machines in the library. The circulation desk on the left of the main entrance is a place to borrow and return books from general stacks. The reading area is in the middle of the library. A water fountain is between the ________ and the cellphone area. They're all on the right. If you want to ask for more help, you can go to the librarian's office. 【答案】 key;right;number;two/2;restrooms


(1)根据图示,可知左侧的是key,故是地图左边的关键词能帮助你更好地理解它,故答案是 key。

(2)根据图示,可知计算机实验室就在正门的右侧 ,故答案是right。

(3)根据the定冠词后是名词, student ID card,学生证上的是号码,作为密码使用 , 可知你可以把你的学生证的号码输入电脑 , 故答案是 number 。

(4)根据图示图书管理员室上方和电脑是里各有一台复印机,可知图书馆里有2台复印机 , 故答案是 two/2 。

(5)根据图示,可知一个饮水机在休息室和手机区之间 , 故答案是 restrooms。 【点评】考查任务型阅读,关键在看懂文章,然后根据题目要求作答,注意尽量用文章的语言填写答案。在文章中找不到答案时,要完全理解句子,根据同义词,句型转换的方式找到可以替换文章中的单词,短语或者句子的词。

3.从方框中选择适当的选项填入到短文中,使短文内容完整、通顺。 A. In the past two years, I only carried half a pot of water every trip. B. Do you know why they grow there? C. Every day, he filled a pot with water at a river and carried it to a farm. D. If you did not spill any water, the path would not become so beautiful. E. The pot was ashamed because it could only carry half the water to the farm. Long ago, there lived a water carrier. ________ Unfortunately, one day, the pot hit a stone and cracked(裂开) a little. Half the water slowly spilled(溢出) outof the narrow opening as the carrier walked. ________

After two years, the pot said to the water carrier, \ \

\the river. I am a terrible pot!\

The water carrier smiled. \well there because of the water. ________\ 【答案】 C;E;A;B;D 【解析】【分析】所给选项意思:

A. In the past two years, I only carried half a pot of water every trip.在最近两年我每次旅行只带半壶水。

B. Do you know why they grow there?你知道它们为什么要生长在那里吗?

C. Every day, he filled a pot with water at a river and carried it to a farm.每天他在河里装一壶水,把它带到农场。

D. If you did not spill any water, the path would not become so beautiful.如果你不洒水,道路将不会变得如此美丽。

E. The pot was ashamed because it could only carry half the water to the farm.水壶感到很羞愧因为他只能带一半水到农场。

(1)根据 Long ago, there lived a water carrier. 从前居住着一个运水者。和Unfortunately, one day, the pot hit a stone and cracked(裂开) a little. 不幸的是,一天,这个水壶撞到一个石头上裂开了一点,可知此处说的是运水者每天用壶运水。故选C。 (2)根据 Half the water slowly spilled(溢出) outof the narrow opening as the carrier walked. 当运水者走路时一半谁慢慢地从裂开的缝中溢出了。可知此处说的是当他到达农场时只剩下一半水了。故选E。

(3)根据 Lots of water spills through the crack. That means you have to make more trips to the river. I am a terrible pot! 很多水从缝中溢出。那就意味着你不得不多向河边走几趟。我是一个糟糕的壶。可知此处是壶在抱怨自己每次盛的水少,故选A。

(4)根据 The water carrier smiled. \ 运水者微笑着说“看沿路那些漂亮的花。”和 They grow well there because of the water. 因为这水它们在那里生长的很好。可知此处说的是花为什么在这里生长,故选B。 (5)根据They grow well there because of the water. 所以此处说的是水和花的关系,没有洒的水,花儿就不能这么美丽。故选D。


4.根据材料内容,从A—G七个选项中选择五个还原到文中空白处,使材料完整、通顺。 My challenge for you is this: to read a book for 15 minutes a day. Let me explain where the challenge came from.

I have many things in common with my dad, like music taste and sense of humor, but sadly reading isn't one of them. I can happily spend a whole day reading a book. ________ He reads e-mails, websites and papers for work, but not books. He is a busy person, with a short attention span, so I think that sitting down to read for just 15 minutes a day is a good way to introduce him to reading. Giving yourself a goal or challenge is a good way to change a habit or achieve something, so why not try to develop a new habit of reading?

________ Everyone is different and has their own interests, but I think there are lots of benefits of reading, which screen-based activities (games, films, TV) don't have.

________ Looking at screens can cause tire eyes, and you should avoid looking at screens for a long time.

Another thing I love about reading is being transported to another world. ________ So you go to bed. Because you think more about the world of the book, rather than the real world and the problems you have during the day, so you can truly relax.

I also love people. I enjoy hearing what people are doing and finding out what people think.________ It also teaches me to see things from other people's point of view, and understand other people's decisions or opinions.

So give it a try! Include 15 minutes of reading in your daily schedule and see the difference you can make.

A. Firstly, it's better for your eyes.

B. But my dad can't read a book for longer than 5 minutes. C. I often forget the time or things that are going on around me. D. Reading ten thousand books is like travelling ten thousand miles. E. Reading gives me the chance to get to know hundreds of new people. F. You can download free e-books online and read them on your computer. G. I know lots of people would rather relax at the computer or in front of the TV. 【答案】 B;G;A;D;E 【解析】【分析】所给选项意思:

A. Firstly, it's better for your eyes.首先,它对你的眼睛是更好。

B. But my dad can't read a book for longer than 5 minutes. 但是我父亲读书不能超过五分钟。

C. I often forget the time or things that are going on around me.我经常忘记时间或在我周围正在发生的时。

D. Reading ten thousand books is like travelling ten thousand miles. 读万卷书像行万里路。

E. Reading gives me the chance to get to know hundreds of new people.读书给了我认识上千新人的机会。

F. You can download free e-books online and read them on your computer.你可以在网上免费下载电子书或在电脑上读书。

G. I know lots of people would rather relax at the computer or in front of the TV.我知道很多人更愿意在电脑或电视机前放松。

(1)根据 I have many things in common with my dad, like music taste and sense of humor, but sadly reading isn't one of them. I can happily spend a whole day reading a book. 我在很多方面和我爸爸是一样的,喜欢音乐的品味和幽默感。,但是令人遗憾的是读书不在其中。我能高兴的花一天的时间读书。可知此处说的是父亲不爱长时间读书,故选B。

(2)根据Everyone is different and has their own interests, but I think there are lots of benefits of reading, which screen-based activities (games, films,TV) don't have.每个人都是不同的并且有自己的兴趣,但是我认为读书有很多的益处是那些基于屏幕活动所没有的。可知此处说的是很多人更愿意在电脑或电视机前放松不愿看书,故选G。

(3)根据 Looking at screens can cause tire eyes, and you should avoid looking at screens for a long time. 看屏幕能使你的眼睛劳累,你应该避免长时间看屏幕。可知此处说的是看书对眼睛比看屏幕好。故选A。

(4)根据 Another thing I love about reading is being transported to another world. 关于我喜爱读书的另一方面是被转移的另一世界。在书中你可以看到你没有见到的世界,可知此处是读万卷书就像行万里路。故选D。

(5)根据 It also teaches me to see things from other people's point of view, and understand other people's decisions or opinions. 他也教会我从别人的观点看事情,理解别人的决定或观点。可知此处说的是读书让我们有机会认识他人。故选E。



Imagine this: your parents go away on business, but you have to stay at home alone. Would life be as easy as when your parents are around? Would it be a perfect holiday for you?

\can fill an empty stomach with tomato and egg soup, but that's all. I think many of my classmates are the same. We wouldn't know what to do, or how to look after ourselves,\Zheng Chenyu. \soup.\


2020-2021中考英语 英语 任务型阅读理解专题练习(及答案)


