学生姓名 XXXX 院系名称 XX 学 院 专业名称 XXX 班 级 XXXX 学 号 XXX 指导教师 XXX 答辩时间 X年 X 月 X日
学生姓名:XX 指导教师:XX
服饰作为一种文化现象, 自其诞生以来, 就富浪漫色彩。随着时代的发展, 服饰文化愈加意味无穷。从古到今, 中国服饰走过了漫长的路程, 昭显着历代的印记, 从中折射出不同文化背景的深刻意蕴。中国素有“衣冠礼仪之邦”之称。中国的服饰艺术是中国深厚人文传统的重要部分,它经历了数千年甚至更长时间的发展,取得了举世瞩目的成就。在服饰文化的这个范畴中,女性的服饰更显得丰富多彩,这和女性在社会中扮演的角色和所处的地位有着很大的关系。因几千年的朝代变迁,环境、地域、民族的不同,女子传统服饰形成了自己独特的风格和有时代特色的服饰制度及服饰风俗。
关键词:传统 女性 服饰审美 文化背景
Aesthetic culture study of the ancient Chinese
Women’s traditional dress
Clothing, as a cultural phenomenon, has been abundant with romance since its birth. With the development of the times, dress culture is more and more infinite. Chinese dress has come a long way throughout history, presenting the mark of dynasties, which reflects the profound implications of different cultural backgrounds. We all know that China is \formal State\ The art of its costume is an important part of the deep Chinese humanistic tradition. It has gone through thousands of years or even longer time of development, has achieved remarkable success though thousands of years or even longer time of development. In the area of the dress culture, women’s costume is more colorful. This shows great relationship to their role in society. Meanwhile, the costume has formed its style and showed the times features of costume system and the costume custom because of dynasty changes, differences of environment, district and nation.
This article mainly analyzes the cultural connotation of Chinese traditional dress, proceeding with the integrated national culture. And, it aims to research the thought-provoking cultural track with dress culture reflects, to elaborate the aesthetic
culture in traditional Chinese dress.
Key Words: Traditional Women Clothing aesthetic Culture background