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Section Ⅲ Using Language


1.It's f reezing cold today.Why don't you turn on the air conditioner? 2.It will act as the follow-on to the current v ersion of the software. 3.At the time,I was a ssociated with him in a large law firm. 4.Prices remain s table throughout.

5. He turned as someone t apped him on the shoulder.

6.Oral communication compentence (能力) has improved a lot than before. 7.Susan could not bear (忍受) the loud music and asked Tom to turn down the volume a little.

8.It was a practical (实际的) certainty that he would try to raise more money. 9.The tidal stream or current (水流) gradually decreases in the shallows. 10.The skills needed to manage a young dynamic/energetic (精力充沛的) team. Ⅱ.选词填空

dive into, set out, be associated with, hang on, out of

order, get through, ring back, ring off

1.Sorry, I have to ring off .It's time for me to go to work. 2.I'm sorry but my cell phone is out of order .It can't work now. 3.With face masks, air tanks and diving suits, men can dive into deep water and be at home with the fish.

4.These concerns may be associated with strong feelings such as anger or shame.

5.What's wrong with your telephone? I can't get through all the time. 6.Know your choices when you set out to research a paper.

7.Please hang on .I will write down your telephone number and let him ring back later.

8.He's not in;why don't you ring back after 6 o'clock? Ⅲ.完成句子

1.Whisky is usually associated with Scotland.(associate) 人们常把威士忌同苏格兰联系起来。

2. Study hard and you will make progress.(study) 努力学习,你就会有进步。

3.All students are supposed to arrive 10 minutes earlier before the performance begins .(before)

所有学生应该在演出开始前10分钟到达。 4.He tapped me on the shoulder.(tap) 他拍了一下我的肩膀。

5.Wu Minxia dived into the water perfectly and won the cheers of the audience.(dive)


6.He set out to break the record for the English Channel swim.(break) 他立志要打破横渡英吉利海峡的记录。

7.I can't get through to Beijing.The line is busy.(get) 我打不通北京的电话,占线。

8.I'll tell him the moment he gets here.(moment) 他一到这儿,我就告诉他。

9.I'll ask him to ring you back when he gets in.(ring) 他来时我让他给你回电话。

10.The telephone in my room is out of order .(order) 我房内的电话有故障了。 Ⅳ.完形填空

The Japanese have always loved fresh fish.But the 1.B close to Japan has not held many fish for decades.So to 2.D the Japanese population, fishing boats got bigger and went a longer way than ever.The 3.A the fishermen went, the longer it took to bring the fish.If the return trip 4.C more time, the fish were not fresh.

To solve this 5.D , fish companies installed(安装) freezers on their boats.They would catch the fish and freeze them at sea.Freezers 6.B the boats to go farther and stay longer.

However,the Japanese could taste the difference 7.A the fresh and the frozen fish.And they did not like the taste of the frozen fish.The frozen fish brought a lower 8.C .So,the fishing companies 9.B fish tanks.They would catch the fish and put them in the tanks, fin to fin.After a little thrashing around(起伏挣扎), they were 10.D , dull, and lost their fresh-fish taste.The fishing industry 11.A a coming economic crisis!

But today, they get fresh-tasting fish to Japan.How did they 12.C ? To

keep the fish tasting fresh,the Japanese fishing companies 13.B put the fish in the tanks but with a small shark.The fish are 14.D and so are on the move all the time.The challenge they face keeps them 15.A and fresh !

Have you 16.C that some of us are also living in a pond but most of the time tired and dull? Basically in our lives, 17.B are new challenges to keep us active.If you are steadily 18.D challenges,you are happy.“Your challenges keep you 19.A .”Don't create success and revel (陶醉) in it in a state of 20.C .You have the resources,skills and abilities to make a difference.


1.A.island C.town

B.water D.tank

解析:根据文章中提到的fresh fish等语境可知,此处指靠近日本的海水(water)。 2.A.increase C.reduce

B.satisfy D.feed


3.A.farther C.slower

B.longer D.faster

解析:结合上文中的“fishing boats got bigger and went a longer way than ever”可知,渔民走得越远(farther),他们把鱼带回来所花费的时间就越长。

4.A.wasted C.took

B.spent D.saved

解析:根据上文中的“the longer it took to bring the fish”可知,返回所花费(took)的时间越多,鱼就不新鲜了。

5.A.quarrel C.question

B.argument D.problem


6.A.encouraged C.forced

B.allowed D.advised



7.A.between C.among

B.through D.beyond

解析:根据下文中的“And they did not like the taste of the frozen fish.”可知,日本人能够尝出鲜鱼和冻鱼之间(between)的区别。

8.A.cost C.price

B.value D.money

解析:联系下文中的“a coming economic crisis”,说明冻鱼的价格(price)更低,这样经济状况就会变得糟糕。

9.A.removed C.repaired

B.installed D.covered

解析:根据下文中的“They would catch the fish and put them in the tanks”可知,公司安装(installed)盛放鱼的水箱。

10.A.surprised C.excited

B.puzzled D.tired

解析:联系文中的“a little thrashing around”和句中的dull说明,它们都会疲惫不堪(tired)。

11.A.faced C.built

B.avoided D.stopped

解析:根据上文中的“The frozen fish brought a lower 8 ”,很明显,这样渔业公司面临着(faced)经济萧条。

12.A.change C.manage

B.follow D.exist

解析:根据上文中的“But today,they get fresh-tasting fish to Japan”,说明他们已经有了使鱼新鲜的方法,那么他们到底是怎么做到(manage)的呢?

13.A.also C.already

B.still D.even

解析:上文中把鱼放到水箱里,现在他们仍然是(still)这样。 14.A.injured C.observed

B.protected D.challenged

解析:根据上文中的“put the fish in the tanks but with a small shark”可知,水箱里放入一条小鲨鱼,它会吃鱼,所以会追赶它们,这对鱼来说是挑战(challenge)。

15.A.alive C.alone

B.sleepy D.alike


16.A.promised C.realized

B.predicted D.remembered


17.A.wolves C.tigers

B.sharks D.lions

解析:很明显,作为一种比喻性用法可知,这里指鲨鱼(sharks)。 18.A.searching C.obeying

B.collecting D.conquering

解析:像鱼一样,如果你不停地战胜(conquering)挑战,你就会快乐。 19.A.energetic C.curious

B.independent D.gentle

解析:联系上文中的“The challenge they face keeps them 15 and fresh!”可知,挑战能保持你精力旺盛(energetic)。

20.A.thankfulness C.stillness

B.sadness D.weakness

解析:联系第三段中的“After a little thrashing around (起伏挣扎),they were 10 ,dull,and lost their fresh-fish taste.”可以推知,此处指安静的(stillness)环境。



The problem of robocalls has gotten so bad that many people now refuse to pick up calls from numbers they don't know.By next year,half of the calls we receive will be scams (欺诈).We are finally waking up to the severity of the problem by supporting and developing a group of tools,apps and approaches intended to prevent scammers from getting through.Unfortunately,it's too little,too late.By the time these “solutions”(解决方案) become widely available,scammers will have moved onto cleverer means.In the near future,it's not just going to be the number you see on your screen that will be in doubt.Soon you will also question whether the voice you're hearing is actually real.

That's because there are a number of powerful voice manipulation (处理) and automation technologies that are about to become widely available for anyone to use.



