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摘要 [目的] 调查广州南沙黄山鲁森林公园的蕨类植物资源。[方法]采用样方法和路线调查法进行野外实地调查。[结果]共记录蕨类植物31种,隶属于16科20属。区系分析表明,科的分布类型有3个,以泛热带分布为主,占总科数的68.75%。属的分布类型有4个,其中以泛热带分布类型为主,占总属数的55%。根据生长基质的不同,黄山鲁森林公园蕨类植物可分为陆生蕨类、石生蕨类和藤本蕨类3种生态类型。按蕨类植物的应用价值,可分为药用、观赏、食用蕨类植物等。[结论] 该研究可为黄山鲁森林公园蕨类资源的保护和利用提供基础资料。 关键词 蕨类植物;区系分析;黄山鲁森林公园;南沙
中图分类号 S324;Q948.565 文献标识码 A 文章编号 0517-6611(2015)12-025-03 Abstract [Objective] The research aimed to investigate pteridophytes in Huangshanlu Forest Park, Nansha, Guangzhou. [Method] Quadrat method and route method were used in the field site survey. [Result] There were 31 species of 20 genera in 16 families. The floristic analysis showed that there were 3 areal-types of families, of which pantropic type was the main element, accounting for 68.75%. There were 4 areal-types of genera, of which pantropic type was the main areal-type, accounting for 55%. According to the difference of growth matrix, pteriophytes in Huangshanlu Forest Park were divided into 3 types, namely terraneous pteridophyte, pteridophyte on rocky land and cany pteridophyte. The pteridophytes of the park have various economic values, such as medicinal, ornamental, edible and so on. [Conclusion] The study can provide basic data for the conservation and utilization of the pteridophytes in Huangshanlu Forest Park.
Key words Pteridophyte; Floristic analysis; Huangshanlu Forest Park; Nansha
黄山鲁森林公园位于广州南沙中心城区,是南沙野生植被资源集中丰富的区域。目前对该森林公园的风景资源、次生林群落特征、药用植物资源已有一些研究报道[2-4],但就黄山鲁森林公园蕨类植物的研究尚属空白。随着广州南沙区经济的飞速发展,势必会带动人流量和工业生产的增加以及对旅游资源的开发。该研究分析了黄山鲁森林公园蕨类植物资源的现状,以期为黄山鲁森林公园蕨类资源的保护和利用提供基础资料。 1 研究区概况