自动控制原理 课程设计报告
I型三阶系统的典型分析与综合设计 系 别 ____________________________________ 专业名称 _______________
班 级 _____________________________ 学 号 _______________________________ 姓 名 ___________________________________ 指导教师 ______________________________
题目摘要:在科学技术高速发展的今天,自动控制技术已经广泛的运用与制造 业,
农业,交通,航空航天等众多部门,极大地提高了社会劳动生产率,改善了 人们的劳动环境,丰富和提高了人民的生活水平。 在今天的社会中,自动化装置 已经无所不在,为人类文明进步做出了重要的贡献。自动控制原理的课程设计是 检验我们学过只是扎实程度的好机会,也让我们的知识体系更加系统,更加完善。 在不断学习新知识的基础上得到动手能力的训练,启发创新思维及独立解决实际 问题的能力,提高设计,装配,调试能力。
In the rapid developme nt of scie nee and tech no logy, automatic con trol tech no logy has bee n widely used with many sectors such as manu facturi ng, agriculture, transportation, aerospace, and greatly improve the social labor productivity, and improve people's working environment, enrich and improve the people'ssta ndard of livi ng. In today's society, the
automatio n device has bee n everywhere, and made importa nt con tributi ons to the progress of human civilization. Curriculum design of automatic control theory to test we learned just a solid degree of good opportunities, but also to our body of kno wledge more systematically, more perfect.
Con sta ntly lear ning new kno wledge based on training ability, and in spire innovative
and the ability to solve practical problems
in depe nden tly, and to improve the desig n, assembly, commissi oning and capacity.
Keywords: System Performanee Analysis System Design System Calibrati on
二、 系统分析6 三、 系统综合8
总结13 参考文献14