Standard resumé template
1. Heading 表头 Current position: 职务: Employer: 工作单位: APC faculty pathway 专业方向 2. Personal details 个人详细信息 Full name: 姓名: Date of birth: 出生日期: Nationality: 国籍: Telephone (office): 办公电话: Telephone (home): 宅电: Mobile: 手机: Email: 电子邮件 Address: 通讯地址: Valuation 评估 3. Education: (please list all academic qualification(s)) 以下部分用英文填写 教育背景: (请列出学校颁发的所有资格证书) University/institution Degree/diploma nameType of study 学习类型 □全日制 □半脱产 □在职 □全日制 □半脱产 □在职 □全日制 □半脱产 □在职 Date started Date completed 大学名称及专业 学位/毕业证书 开始时间 结束时间 How many years’ relevant surveying experience do you have since attainment of your bachelor degree or master degree? 相关专业本科或硕士毕业后,您有多少年相关工作经验? □不足5年 □5-10年 □10年或以上 4. Member of any other professional organization(s): (if it applies) 是否是其他相关专业组织的成员:(适用时) Name of organization 组织名称 Grade 等级 How membership was achieved (eg examination) 成员资格如何获得?(如通过考试) Year gained 加入组织的时间 5. Professional experience: (Please list all employer details to date, starting with the most recent, going back at least 10 years if needed.) 专业经历: (请从最近的时间开始,列出至少十年以内的工作单位的详细信息.) Period 时间 Description of CURRENT job profile, leadership & managerial experience( give a more detailed description in appendix 1) 目前工作概况,领导力和管理方面的经历.(请在附件一中做较详细的阐述) Major Achievement / Assignments 主要成绩/任务 Job title 职务 Employer 工作单位 Type and scope of responsibilities (in detail) 职责类别和权限范围 (详细情况) Other Supporting Experiences 其他辅助经历 Note: Please attach the following to support your resume: 1.The structure chart of your current organization and clearly mark your position and the number of the staff under your leadership. 2.A brief introduction of your current organization. 请附上以下文件: 1、 当前服务机构的组织结构图,并在图上清晰标记所处位置及所领导的员工数。 2、当前所服务机构的简要背景介绍。 6. Senior professional route to membership 成为会员的资深专业人员途径 The senior professional route to membership was introduced by RICS to encourage greater diversity of membership by offering a route to senior professionals in the industry. A ‘senior professional’ is someone who formulates strategy and policy within a senior position of their organisation, exercising extensive leadership and management skills. 为使其会员更具多样性,RICS向该行业的资深专业人士提供了入会的“资深专业人士途径”。“资深专业人士”是指在组织中占据高级职位,负责制定战略和政策性决策,拥有很强的领导力和管理技能的人。 注意:面试可以选择中文或者英文,请在下面选择面试语言
□ 中文面试 □ 英文面试
Appendix 1附件1:
Please note that your responses will be evaluated by a senior RICS member vetting team for assessment to proceed to final interview. If successful your responses can be
expanded and used in case studies put forward for final assessment interview. 请注意RICS审核小组会根据你的回复进行资历审核,进而确定你是否能够进入APC面试。如果成功的话,你可以将其加以扩展作为终审提交材料中案例报告的内容。 Leadership: Please in 150 words or less practically outline how you perform and justify the role of a leader in your company 领导力: 请用150字左右陈述你在工作中是如何应用和展现领导能力的。 Managing People: Please in 150 words or less practically outline how you apply the skills required to manage people on a project and/or within the company 人员管理:请用150字左右陈述在某个项目或公司中你是如何运用管理人员的技能的。 Managing Resources: Please in 150 words or less practically outline how you allocate resources (other than human resources) in an appropriate and cost effective manner on a project and/or within the company 资源管理: 请用150字左右陈述在某个项目或公司中你是如何恰当有效的分配使用资源的(人员管理除外)