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Private Sub Command1_Click() Dim i As Integer,j As Integer Dim k As Integer i=10 j=4

k=Funk(i,j) Print i,j,k End Sub

Priate Function Funk(ByVal A As Integer,B As Integer) As Integer A=A+B B=B-2

If B=0 Or B=1 Then Funk=1 Else

Funk=A+Funk(A,B) End If End Function


运行下面程序,如果连续三次单击命令按钮之后,A数组共有___【1】___个元素;数组元素A(2)的值是__【2】____,A(5)的值是__【3】______. Option Explicit Option Base 1

Private Sub Command1_Click()

Static a() As Integer, n As Integer Dim i As Integer, k As Integer k = n n = n + 2

ReDim Preserve a(n) For i = k + 1 To n a(i) = i * n + 1 Next i

For i = 1 To n Print a(i); Next i Print End Sub


执行下面的程序,单击Command1,在窗体界面上显示的第一行是 【1】 ,第二行是 【2】 ,第三行是 【3】 ,第四行是 【4】 。 Option Explicit

Private Sub Command1_Click()

Dim a As Integer,b As Integer,i As Integer i=1218 a=i\\100 b=i Mod 100 If b<>0 Then

Print a Print b

. Print Lcd((a),(b));a;b Print Lcd(a,b);a;b End If End Sub

Private Function Lcd(x As Integer,Y As Integer) As Integer Dim d As Integer If x

If x Mod y=0 Then Lcd=x Exit Do Else x=x+d End If Loop End Function


执行以下程序,单击Command1,则在Picturel上显示的第一行是 【1】 ,第二行是 【2】 ,第三行是 【3】 。 Option Explicit

Private Sub Command1_Click()

Dim A(3,3) As Integer,i As Integer,j As Integer Dim k As Integer i=3:j=2:A(i,j)=1:k=1 Do Until k>9 k=k+1

If i+1>3 And j+1<=3 Then i=1:j=j+1

ElseIf i+1<=3 And j+1>3 Then i=i+1:j=1

Elself i+1>3 And j+1>3 Then i=i-1

ElseIf i+1<=3 And j+1<=3 And A(i+1,j+1)<>0 Then i=i-1 Else

i=i+1:j=j+1 End If A(i,j)=k Loop

For i=1 To 3 For j=1 To 3

Picture1.Print A(i,j); Next j

Picture1.Print Next i End Sub


执行下列程序,单击Command1,在窗体上显示的第一行内容是__【1】__,第二行的内容是__【2】__,第三行的内容是_【3】___。 Option Explicit

Private Sub Command1_Click Dim n As Integer ,i As Integer n=2

For i=7 To 1 Step -1 Call sub2(i,n) Print i,n Next i End Sub

Private Sub sub2(x As Integer,y As Integer) Static n As Integer Dim i As Integer For i =2 To 1 Step -1 n =n+x x =x-1 Next i y=y+n End Sub


执行下列的程序,单击Command1,在窗体上显示的变量b的值为__【1】__,变量c的值为___【2】_,变量z的值为__【3】__。 Private Sub Command1_Click()

Dim b As Integer,c As Integer,z As Integer b=2 c=1

z=fun(b,fun(b+1,c))+b-c+1 Print b,c,z End Sub

Private Function fun(x As Integer,ByVal y As Integer) As Integer x=x-y y=x+y+2 fun=y-x End Function



Option Explicit

Private Sub Command1_Click()

Dim a As Integer, b As Integer, i As Integer a=2:b=5

For i=a To a*b Step a Call sub1(i,a,b) Print a,b Next i Print a,b,i End Sub

Private Sub sub1(i As Integer, a As Integer, b As Integer) i=i+1 a=a+1 b=b+1 End Sub


执行下面程序,单击Command1,窗体上显示的第一行是__【1】__,第二行是__【2】__,第三行是_【3】___。 Option Explicit Option Base 1

Private Sub Command1_Click()

Dim sa (3,3) As String*1,i As Integer,j As Integer,k as Integer k=1

For i=1 To 3 For j=1 To 3

sa(i,j)=Chr(Asc(\ Print sa(i,j);\ k=k+3 Next j Print Next i End Sub


执行下面程序,单击Command1,则数组元素a(1,2)的数值是____【1】_____,a(3,3)的数值是____【2】______,图片框中最后一行显示的是____【3】_____. Option Explicit

Private Sub Command1_Click()

Dim a(4,4) as Integer, i as Integer, j as Integer Dim k As Integer, num as Integer num=0 For k=1 To 4 For i=1 To k-1 num=num+1 a(i,k)=num next i

For j=k To 1 Step -1 num=num+1 a(k,j)=num next j next k

For i=1 To 4 For j=1 To 4

Picture1.Print Right(\ Next j

Picture1.Print Next i End Sub


执行下面程序,单击Command1,则图片框中显示的第一行是___【1】___,显示的第二行是_____【2】___,最后一行显示的是___【3】_____. Private Sub Command1_Click() Dim a(3, 3) As Integer

Dim i As Integer, j As Integer For i = 1 To 3

For j = 3 To 1 Step -1 If i >= j Then a(i, j) = i - j Else

a(i, j) = j - i End If Next j Next i

For i = 1 To 3

For j = 3 To 1 Step -1 Picture1.Print a(i, j); Next j

Picture1.Print Next i End Sub


执行下面程序,单击Command1,则窗体上显示的第一行是 【1】 ,第二行是 【2】 ,第三行是 【3】 。 Option Explicit

Private Sub Command1_Click() Dim a As String,i As Integer Dim x As String,z As String a=\ i=InStr(5,a,\ Do

x=Mid(a,i,3) z=Right(x,1) z=UCase(x & Z) i=i-2 Print z Loop Until i=1 End Sub



