Sing some songs and do some actions.(利用歌曲, 并配上动作,活跃课堂气氛,调动学生的学习积极性,同时复习以前学过的知识。)a) Good Morning.b) Read, draw, sing.c) Eye and ear.2. Play games: (利用游戏等引出新的教学内容)1) Simon Says. (Listen and act)Smell the peach. /Raise your apple. /Touch the melon. Open your mouth. /Close your eyes. /Show me your book.Wave your hand. /Touch your arms.2) Touch and guess: Feel the fruit and say out the words.3. Introduce the fruit:This is a/an… That’s a/an…4. Today we’ll learn “Let’s learn” in Unit 5 (Fruit).While-task procedure 1. Show the real objects and teach the new words of fruit. (运用实物、图片等,配上动作,教学本课的新单词,。)1) (Put up an apple.) What’s this? ---- It’s an apple. This is an apple.Apple, apple,苹果,苹果apple香又香。2) (Taste the melon.) What’s that? ---That’s a melon.Melon, melon是瓜果,瓜果melon甜又香。3) (Touch the orange.) This is an orange. Orange, orange是桔子,桔子orange甜又酸。 4) (ask someone to smell a pear)What’s this? Do you know? Pear, pear是梨儿,梨儿pear 甜又甜. 5) (show them a lemon and introduce) This is a lemon. Lemon, lemon 是柠檬,柠檬lemon 酸又酸。 6)(Point to a peach)That’s a peach. Peach, peach是桃子,桃子peach
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大又鲜。2. Stick on the word and picture cards on the board, and then read the words for several times.3. Point to the cards, repeat the words in chorus, then in groups.4. Read one by one.5. Listen to the tape, follow it and point to each picture as it is being read out.6. Re-arrange the word and picture cards in random order. Post-task
Activities1.Play games(Divide the whole class into groups and have a competition): (分组进行游戏、竞赛等,复习和巩固这节课上学过的知识。同时加入竞争机制,增加教学的趣味性,提高学生的竞争意识。)1)Say some words,ask someone to pick out the correct words and put it on the board.2) Say the words and point them out. 3) What fruit do you like? (Ask some pupils to answer and pick them out.) 4) Teacher hides some words and the pupils guess the words. 5) Which group is the quickest?Divide the whole class into six groups. Each group has the name of a fruit. When I say a fruit’s name, the whole group has to stand up and do the actions.Apple, apple, show me your book. Pear, pear, touch your arms.Melon, melon, wave your hand. Lemon, lemon, raise your hand. Peach, peach, close your eyes. Orange, orange, open your book.2. Read the rhyme: (利用朗朗上口的rhyme巩固新知,提高学生的学习兴趣。)
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Apple,apple苹果,苹果apple 圆又圆, Orange,orange桔子,桔子orange甜又酸, Pear,pear梨儿,梨儿pear甜又甜, Peach,peach桃子,桃子peach大又鲜,Lemon, lemon 是柠檬,柠檬lemon 酸又酸。 Melon, melon是瓜果,瓜果melon甜又香。3. Listen and draw the fruit. Then show me your drawings and stick some better pictures on the blackboard. (利用小学生爱画画的特点,锻炼和提高学生的听力和绘画能力,同时展示一些优秀的作品,使学生有成就感。)4. Count the stars to see which group is winner. (实施评价,展示结果,及时对教学情况进行反馈,让学生树立自信,培养合作精神。)Homework: 1. Write down the words under your drawings.2. Say out the fruit words in English when you see some fruit.Blackboard Design(板书):Unit 5 FruitLet’s Learn apple orange melon pear lemon peach 课后反思: 1、在本节课上,我大量地运用实物、图片、卡片等,努力创造平等、和谐、真实的语言环境,鼓励学生合作学习、大胆地使用英语,发展他们用英语解决问题的能力。2、在教学中,我采取小组竞赛的形式,加入竞争和评价机制,利用五星、红花等提高了学生的兴趣,对他们的点滴成绩及时地进行表扬、奖励,对他们学习中的失误采取宽容的态度,努力为他们提供自主学习和相互交流,以及充分表现自我的机会。学生兴趣盎然,在轻松、愉快的学习环境中
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教学案例(设计) 设计教师:珠海市海华小学 刘 波 课题名称: Unit 5 Fruit Let’s Learn (P24) 单词教学教材版本:小学一年级《Oxford English》(1A) 授课时间:40分钟学生分析:1、 小学一年级的学生,大部分都是6、7岁的小孩子,好动、爱玩,好奇心和好胜心都很强,对一切新鲜事物都感兴趣,尤其是刚刚开始接触英语,学生的新奇感特别强,在英语课堂上也表现得特别积极。2、 学生已经学过了一些基本的用语,如“This is a/an…”、“That’s a…”等,以及“smell, taste, touch”等一些口语。3、 学生已经掌握了一些基本的学习方法,能听懂一些课堂指令,能就一些简单的问题进行口语问答等。教材分析:1、本节课是Unit 5 的第三课时,本教学设计适应小学英语一年级起点的学生。2、学生在本课时前,已经学过了“Smell the peach. /Touch the melon. /Open your mouth. / Wave your hand. /Raise your arms.”等指令,正好可以运用于本节课堂教学中。3、 本节课的教学设计是以学生的日常生活为题材,包括了“apple, orange, pear, melon, lemon, peach”等学生喜闻乐见、易于接受的课题,遵循思想性、趣味性、灵活开放性等原则,采用探究式、发现式的学习方法,促使学生拓展视野,培养学生的创新精神和实践能力。4、学生对水果等的教学比较感兴趣,对这些
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常见的水果等易于接受,学生学过了这些单词后,能在日常生活中正确运用,真正做到学以致用。教学目标 :1. Listening: Listen and identify the key words.2. Speaking: Pronounce the words properly.3. Communicating: Use nouns to identify objects.教学重点、难点:1. Master the pronunciation of the new words.2. Use the patterns to solute the tasks.3. Use the fruit words in daily life.教学策略、方法: 1、任务驱动型教学小学英语新课程标准要求,合理地设计教案,在课堂上有计划地组织任务型的教学活动, 让他们有目的地进行学习活动,能调动学生的积极性, 提高学生的学习兴趣。2、TPR教学TPR教学充分利用了小学生活泼好动的特点,带有游戏的性质,可以减少学生的学习负担,培养他们愉快的学习情绪,提高学习效率,在激发学生学习英语的兴趣方面也有一定的作用,教学准备: 1.教师准备:cassette player, cassette, some fruits, word and picture cards. 2.学生准备: real fruits, colour pens, some paper, pencils.设计思路:本教案设计符合小学生的生理和心理特点,遵循语言学习的规律,力求满足不同类型和不同层次学生的需求,使每个学生的身心都能得到健康的发展。在教案设计中,教师依据教学内容和教学目标 ,创造性地设计贴近学生实际的“任务型”教学活动,利用TPR进行教学,吸引和组织学生积极参与。学生通过思考、交流、合作等方式,学习和使用英语,完成教学任务。
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