【期刊名称】《电脑与电信》 【年(卷),期】2015(000)001
【摘要】Application of BYOD in college aims to encourage teachers and students to use their own personalized information equipment in the process of teaching and learning in obtaining teaching resources, realizing the interaction in teaching and optimiz-ing teaching the effect. This paper first analyzes the necessity of the application of BYOD in college, and then puts forward the de-sign scheme of BYOD in college. The design includes system design, network design, service platform design, software design and network security design. Finally the paper analyzes the challenges of BYOD applied in college.%在高校中应用BYOD旨在鼓励师生在教与学的过程中个性化地利用自己的信息设备获取教学资源,实现教学交互,达到优化教学效果的目的。本文首先分析了BYOD在高校中应用的必要性,然后提出高校中的BYOD设计方案。设计方案包括系统设计、基础网络设计、服务平台设计、软件设计和网络安全设计。最后分析了在高校中应用BYOD面临的挑战。 【总页数】3页(70-72)
【关键词】BYOD;高校信息化;移动办公 【作者】张卫东;谭花娣
【作者单位】常州信息职业技术学院,江苏 常州 213164;常州信息职业技术学