【期刊名称】《中国全科医学》 【年(卷),期】2011(014)013
【摘要】目的 了解重庆市主城区社区卫生服务中心的人力资源配置状况,为优化社区卫生服务人力资源配置提供决策依据.方法 采取二级整群随机抽样方法,抽取重庆市主城区12家社区卫生服务中心,使用自行设计的调查表进行现场调查.结果 社区卫生服务中心人员专业构成不合理,公卫医生与医护比未达国家标准;年龄以45~54岁者最多,占30.28%;学历以大专为主,占44.95%;职称以初级为主,占56.79%.结论 应加强社区卫生服务人力资源队伍建设,提高人员素质,合理配置专业结构.%Objective To find out the status of human resource allocation in community health service ( CHS ) centers in Chongqing central urban zone so as to provide a basis for optimizing the human resource allocation. Methods Two stage cluster random sampling was used to select subjects from 12 CHS centers. And self - designed survey was taken to perform field investigation. Results The professional structure of manpower in the CHS centers was irrational, and the ratio of doctors over nurses failed to reach the national standard; 30. 28% of them were between 45 to 54 years old. accounting for the largest percentage of human resource; the major education background was junior college degree, accounting for 44. 95% ; and the professional titles were mainly primary , accounting for 56. 79% . Conclusion It is