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国际音标 IPA 美式音标 K.K 例词 Please 例句 Please speak English with me. [pli:z] [spi:k] [?1. [pli:z] ??gl??] [w?e][mi:] 请和我说英语。 It’s not difficult to speak English. 2. Difficult ['d?f?k(?)lt] [?ts] [n?t] [nɑt] ['d?f?k(?)lt] [tu,t?] [spi?k] [spik] ['??ɡl??] 说英语不难。 3.Everything ['evr?θ??] Everything is ready. ['evr?θ??] [?z] ['red?] 一切都准备好了。 Practice makes perfect. ['pr?kt?s] [me?kz] ['p??f?kt] 4. Practice ['pr?kt?s] 熟能生巧。 . .下载可编辑 . .


5. Perfect ['p??f?kt] He speaks perfect English. [hi?] [spik] ['p??f?kt] ['??ɡl??] 他讲一口流利的英语。 Remember to call your mother. [r?'memb?] [tu,t?] [k??l] [j??; j??] ['m?e?] 6. Remember [r?'memb?] 记得打电话给你母亲。 My mother is a wonderful teacher. [ma?] ['m?e?] [?z] [?] ['w?nd?f?l; -f(?)l] ['ti?t??] 7.Wonderful ['w?nd?f?l; -f(?)l] 我妈妈是一位非常棒的老师。 China and America should always work 8. Together [t?'gee?] together. ['t?a?n?] [?nd] [?'merik?] [??d] ['??lwe?z] [w??k] [t?'gee?] 中美两国应该时刻携手合作。 9.[] . .下载可编辑 . .

Bother Sorry to bother you. ..

['b?e?] ['s?r?] [tu,t?] ['b?e?] [ju?] 对不起,打搅了。 10.Charming ['t?ɑ?m??] You have a charming smile. [ju?][h?v] [?] ['t?ɑ?m??] [sma?l] 你有非常迷人的微笑。 Always say \['?lwez] [se?] [pli:z] [?nd] [θ??k ju:] Always 11. ['?lwez] 要经常说“请”和“谢谢”。 It’ s important to practice English every 12. Important [im'p?:t?nt] day. [?ts] [im'p?:t?nt] [tu,t?] ['pr?kt?s] ['??ɡl??] ['evri] [dei] 坚持每天操练英语是非常重要的。 13.Should [??d] You should read as many books as possible. [ju?][??d] [ri:d] [?z] ['meni] [bukz] [?z['p?s?bl] 你应该尽量多读书。 . .下载可编辑 . .


A:What’ s your favorite food? [w?tz] [j??; j??] ['feiv?rit] [fu:d] 14. Food [fu:d] 你最喜欢吃什么? B:My favorite food is noodles. [ma?] ['feiv?rit] [fu:d] [?z] ['nu?d(?)lz] 我最喜欢吃的面条。 Don’t be afraid of making mistakes. 15. Mistake [mi'steik] [dont] [bi?][?'freid] [?v; (?)v] ['meiki?] [mi'steikz] 不要怕犯错误。 Is this your first time in China? 16. China ['t?a?n?] [?z] [e?s] [j??; j??] [f?:st] [taim] [in] ['t?a?n?] 这是你第一次来中国吗? 17. Enjoy [?n'd???] I really enjoyed talking to you. [a?] ['r??l?] [?n'd???d] ['t??k??] [tu,t?] [ju?] . .下载可编辑 . .


和你聊天我很开心。 I hope to see you again soon. 18. Hope [h??p] [a?] [h??p] [ tu?][ tu?] [si?] [ju?] [?'gen] [su?n] 我希望能尽快再见到你。 outstanding [a?t'st?nd??] You’re an outstanding teacher. [ju?19. ] [ɑ?] [?n] [a?t'st?nd??] ['tit??] 你是一位杰出的老师。 It’ s very important to have clear 20. clear [kl?r] pronunciation. [?t] [?z] ['ver?] [?m'p??t(?)nt] [ tu?] [h?v][kl?r] [pr?'n?ns?'e??n] 清晰的发音是很重要的。 21. care We should all care about the environment. . .下载可编辑 . .


[ke?] [wi?] [??d] [??l] [ke?] [?'ba?t]] [e?][?n,va?r?n'm?nt?] 我们都应该爱护环境。 sure [???] I’ m sure you will enjoy it. [a?m] [ ???] [ju?] [w?l] [?n'd???] [?t]. 22. 我相信你会喜欢的。 Nothing is impossible. ['n?θ??] [?z] [?m'pɑs?bl]. 23. impossible [?m'pɑs?bl] 一切皆有可能。 Believe in yourself. 24. believe [b?'li?v] [b?'li?v] [?n] [j?r's?lf]. 相信你自己。 Don’ t waste time. 25. time [ta?m] [dont] [we?st] [ta?m]. 不要浪费时间。 . .下载可编辑 . .


Let me know what you decided. 26. Decide [d?'sa?d] [let] [mi?] [n??] [w?t] [ju?] [d?'sa?d?d]. 让我知道你的决定。 keep [ki?p] Keep up the good work! [ki?p] [?p] [e?] [g?d] [w??k]! 27. 再接再厉! Our government does a great job. 28. government ['g?v?m(?)nt] [a??] ['g?v?m(?)nt] [d?z] [?;] [gre?t] [d??b]。 我们的政府表现得很出色。 I feel a little sick today. 29. feel [fi?l] [a?] [fi?l] [?] ['l?t(?)l] [s?k] [t?'de?]. 我今天有点不舒服。 30. leave When are you leaving? . .下载可编辑 . .


[li?v] [wen] [ɑ?] [ju?] ['li?v??]? 你什么时候离开? Don’t be nervous about speaking English. 31. nervous ['n??v?s] [d?nt] [bi?] ['n??v?s] [?'ba?t] ['spi?k??] ['i?ɡli?] . 不要一说英语就紧张。 Do you do a lot of business in China? 32. business [?b?zn?s] [du?] [ju?] [du?] [?] [l?t] [(?)v] [?b?zn?s] [?n] ['t?a?n?] 你在中国的业务多吗? This is a special local dish. 33. special ['spe?(?)l] [e ?s] [?z] [?] ['spe?(?)l] ['l??k(?)l] [d??]. 这是一道地方特色菜。 34. pleasure ['ple??] It’s a pleasure to be here today. [?ts] [?] ['ple??] [tu?] [bi?] [h??] [t?'de?] . . .下载可编辑 . .


我很高兴今天能来到这里。 Bathroom 35. [?b?θ?rum] I need to use the bathroom. ai] [nid] [tu,t?] [ju:s] [e?] [?b?θ?rum] Weather ['wee?(r)] 我要上洗手间。 Are you used to the weather here? 36. [ɑ:r] [ju] [juzd] [tu,t?] [e?] [?w?e?] [h?r] 你适应这里的天气吗? 37. Help [help] Let me help you. [l?t] [mi] [h?lp] [ju] 让我来帮你。 You look terrific today. [ju] [l?k] [t??r?f?k] [t??de] 38. Terrific [t??r?f?k] 你今天看起来棒极了! China is changing every day. [?t?a?n?] [?z] ['t?e?nd???] [??vri] 39. Change [t?end?] . .下载可编辑 . .


[de] 中国每天都在变化。 Language 40. [?l??ɡw?d?] English is an international language. [???ɡl??] [?z] [?n,?n] [??nt??n???n?l] [?l??ɡw?d?] Trouble [?tr?b?l] 英语是一门国际语言。 I don’t want to trouble you. [ai] [dont] [wɑnt, w?nt] [tu,t?] [?tr?b?l] [ju] 41. 我不想麻烦你。 What would you like to drink? w?42. Drink [dr??k] t,[w?d] [ju] [la?k] [tu,t?] [dr??k] 你想喝点什么? I have lots of friends from all over the 43. Lots [l?ts] world. [ai] [h?v] [l?ts]?v] [frendz] [fr?m [?l] [?ov?] [e?] [w?rld ] . .下载可编辑 . .


我有很多来自世界各地的朋友。 Words can’t express how thankful I am. 44. Words [w?:dz] [w?:dz] [k?nt] [?k?spr?s] [ha?] [?θ??kf(?)l] [ai] [?m] 言语无法表达我的感激之情。 45. Memory [?m?m?ri] I have poor memory. [ai] [h?v] [p?r] [?m?m?ri] 我的记忆力不好。 Can you give me your telephone number? 46. Number [?n?mb?(r)] [k?n,k?n] [ju] [ɡ?v] [mi] [j?r,?t?l??fon] [?n?mb?] 你能给我你的电话号码吗? 47. Wrong [r??, Learn Is there anything wrong? [?z] [e?r] [??ni?θ??] [r??, rɑ?] 有什么问题吗? Learn something new every day. 48. . .下载可编辑 . .


[l?:n] [l?n] [?s?mθ??] [nu, nju] [??vri] [de] 每天学点新东西。 You have been very helpful lately. 49. Helpful [?h?lpf?l] // [ju] [h?v] [b?n] [?v?ri] [?h?lpf?l] [?letli] 你最近帮了大忙。 50. Welcome ['welk?m] You’re welcome to join us. [ju?] [?w?lk?m] [tu,t?] [d???n] [?s] 欢迎加入我们的行列。 I arrived yesterday morning. [ai] [a'ra?vd] [?j?st??de, -di] [?m?rn??] 51.

Yesterday ['jest?de?] 我昨天早上到的。 . .下载可编辑 . .



