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33. The baby is sleeping. Please ________ the radio a little.

A. turn down B. turn up C. turn on D. turn off 34. —Look! The bus is coming.

—But there are too many people. We can't ________ it.

A. get off B. get down C. get on D. get up 35. Don't ________ your coat, Tom! It's easy to catch a cold in spring.

A. take away B. take off C. take down D. take out 36. The trees must ________ three times a week.

A. water B. is watering C. be watered D. waters



1 They ________ (visit) the museum last week.

2. Zhang Hong ________ (make) many friends since she came to Paris. 3. She ________ (go)to the cinema with her classmates tomorrow evening. 4. John is always busy. He ________ (sleep) only six hours very night. 5. Stay here; boy; don't go out. It ________ (rain) now. 6. She often ________ (do) her lessons after supper. 7. Hurry up! The train ________ (leave) in five minutes.

8. They ________ (arrive) in London on the night of April 30, 1989. 9. While we ________ (talk) in the room, the light suddenly went out 10. They ________ (learn) about 200 English words since this term. 11. The meeting ________ already ________ (start) when we got there. 12. He ________ (work) hard at English every day.

13. Put on your coat. The wind ________ (blow) hard outside now. 14. I ________ (not finish) my homework yet.

15. He ________ (must send) to the hospital at once.

16. By the end of last year we ________ (plant) 1,500 trees. 17. She ________ (play) the piano when I went to see her last night. 18. I'll tell him about i8t as soon as I ________ (see) him. 19. She isn't at home, she ________ (go) to Shanghai.

20. ________ you ________ (get) up early every morning this year?

21. The film ________ (be) on for five minutes when I got to the cinema.

22. He said that light ________ (ravel) much faster than sound.

23. How many Chinese words ________ Mike ________ (learn) since he got to Beijing? 24. The earth ________ (move) around the sun.

25. The teacher said he ________ (give) us a talk on history soon. 26. All the students ________ (plant) trees tomorrow.

27. Please ________ (not shout) here, the baby is sleeping.

28. We were sure that he ________ (can work) out the problem. 29. The singer said she ________ (not sing) twice in one evening.

30. We are sure he will come to see us before he ________ (leave) Tianjin. 31. Look! The Yong Pioneers ________ (pant) trees on the hill. 32. Mr Wang ________ (not give) us a talk last Monday. 33. They ________ (play) basketball this time yesterday.

34. He said that they ________ (clean) the classroom the next day.

35. We often ________ (have) an English party on Saturday evenings.

36. He ________ (joint) the army a few years ago.

37. I'll tell him the news as soon as he ________ (come) back.

38. Tom always ________ (think) much of others, but little of himself.

39. Mr Black, together with his students, ________ (visit) the Science Museum now. 40. There ________ (be) a League meeting the day after tomorrow. 41. My brother ________ (be) away form home for three years. 42. When Black got to the classroom, the first class ________ (begin).

43. I don't know if he ________ (come). If he ________ (come), please let me know. 44. Tom said, \ 45. The story ________ (take) place in 1985. 46. —Where is your uncle?

—He________ (go) to the bank.

47. I usually ________ (do) my homework in the evening.

48. If it ________ (not rain) tomorrow, the League members of class ________ (plant) trees around the lake? 49. I ________ (finish) my homework by half past eight last night. 50. —What's in the lake?

—Some boys ________ (swim) in the lake.

51. The USA ________ (attack) Iraq (伊拉克) in March, 2003.

52. My brother likes English very much, and he ________ (practice) reading every morning.



一、动词的被动语态 1.主动语态和被动语态



We swept the floor.

我们打扫了地板。(主动语态) The floor was swept.

地板被打扫过。(被动语态) 2.被动语态的构成




Apple trees aren't planted in the south. 苹果树不种在南方。

The building hasn't been completed. 这座建筑物没有竣工。 3)被动语态的一般疑问句

被动语态的一般疑问句的结构是:Be+主语+过去分词(vt)+(by+宾语)?其答语用yes或no作简单回答。 例如:

Are they made in China? Yes, they are.

它们是中国制造的吗?是的,是中国制造的。 Was the museum built in 1993?

这座博物馆是在1993年建成的吗? No, it was built in 1986.

不,它是在1986年建成的。 4)被动语态的特殊疑问句

被动语态的特殊疑问句的结构是:疑问词+be+主语+过去分词(vt),其答语要作具体回答。 例如:

What is the machine used for?

这台机器用来作什么? It is used for making paper. 它是用来造纸的。

Where were the car made? 这些小汽车是哪里制造的? They were made in China. 它们是中国制造的。


被动语态的八种时态(以动词ask为例): 一般时态 I am asked He She is asked It 进行时态 完成时态 将来时态 I am being asked I have been asked I He He We She It She It We You They He She It We You He She It You They We He She It You They We We You are asked You They I was asked They I was being asked I had been asked I He He She was asked She It It We We You were asked You They They They 注意:




1)在没有指明动作的执行者的情况下。 例如:

The meeting was held last week. 会议上周召开了。

English is taught in all middle schools. 所有中学都开设英语课。

2)要强调动作的承受者而不是执行者时。 例如:

Teapots are used for drinking. 茶壶是饮水用的。 Where's cotton produced? 棉花产于何地?

The bike was stolen yesterday afternoon. 昨天下午自行车被偷了。


1)将主动句里的宾语成分变为被动句里的主语成分。把主动句里的宾格人称代词改为主格形式。 2)把主动结构的谓语动词改为be+过去分词形式。 3)将主动句的主语变为介词by的宾语。


People use radios for listening to the news.(主动)

→Radios are use for listening to the news by people.(被动) I posted a letter last week.(主动)

→A letter was posted by me last week.(被动) 注意:

在make, let, see, hear, notice, watch, feel等动词后面作宾语补足语的动词不定式都不带to,但这种句子如果变为被动语态时,则应加上to。

例如:We heard her sing an English song.(主动) →She was heard to sing an English song by us.(被动) 5.主动语态变为被动语态的主要类型


例如:The workers are building a ship.(主动语态) →The ship is being built by the workers.(被动语态) I have finished the exercises.(主动语态)

→The exercises have been finished by me.(被动语态)

2)谓语动词有两个宾语的,其中一个变为被动句的主语,另一个仍作为宾语,称为保留宾语。 例如:

I sent him a present. (主动语态)

→He was sent a present by me.(被动语态)

A present was sent to him by me.(被动语态) 注意:

a)在主动句中有些动词,如ask, answer, teach等变成被动句时,一般将间接宾语(指人的)改成被动句的主语。


He asked us a lot of questions.(主动语态)

→We were asked a lot of questions by him.

b)在主动句中有些动词,如build, buy, choose等变成被动句时,将直接宾语(指物的)改成被动句的主语。 例如:

My father bought me a new bike.(主动语态)

→The new bike was bought for me by my father.(被动语态)

3)谓语动词后跟复合宾语,只把宾语改为被动句的主语,宾语补足语不变。 例如:

宾语 宾补

He left the door open.(主动语态)


→The door was left open by him.(被动语态) 门由他打开着。



We must take good care of our books.(主动语态) →Our books must be taken good care of.(被动语态) 我们应该保管好我们的书本。


5)谓语动词含有情态动词时,只变及物动词为被动语态,构成为:情态动词+be+过去分词(vt.) 例如:

We must finish it at once. (主动语态) 我们必须马上做完这件事。

→It must be finished at once(被动语态)


6)带有be going to结构的被动语态,被动结构表现在不定式上。结构为:sth be going to be done。 例如:

I am going to close the door.(主动语态) 我将去关门。

→The door is going to be closed.(被动语态) 门将要关上。


1)在被动语态句子中要注意主语与谓语在人称和数方面要保持一致。 2)主动语态不能变为被动语态的情况:



c.主动句的宾语是each other或反身代词时,不能变成被动句的主语。 d.主动句的宾语是不定式或动词的-ing形式时,不能变成被动句的主语。 3)注意有时用主动语态表示被动意义的情况。 例如:

This kind of cloth washes very well. 这种布很禁洗。

The machine made in China sell well abroad. 中国制造的机器在国外畅销。


不定式是动词的一种非限定形式,通常前面带有小品词to,动词不定式的基本形式由“to +动词原形”构成,有时也可以省略to。

不定式可以有自己的宾语或状语。带有宾语或状语的不定式叫不定式短语。 1.不定式在句子中的作用 1)作主语


To learn a a foreign language well is not easy. 学好一门外语不容易。

如果不定式(短语)过长,可用形式主语it,而将真正的主语不定式(短语)放在句末。 例如:

It is better to see once than to hear a hundred times. 百闻不如一见。 2)作宾语

They all wanted to see you yesterday. 他们昨天都要来看你。 3)作表语

To eat is to live,but to live is not to eat. 吃饭是为了活着,但活着不是为了吃饭。 4)作宾语补足语

He wants you to call him back at eleven. 他要你在十一点给他回电话。

I helped him (to) find his things.



在某些复合宾语中,由于谓语动词的要求,我们往往先用it代表示定式,作为形式宾语,而把真实宾语——不定式放在句子的后面。这类动词还有make, think等。 例如: They found it important to get everything ready in time. 他们发现把一切事情及时准备好很重要。


