The experiment study on slippage effect of the coal-bed methane transfusion
The experiment study on slippage effect of the
coal-bed methane transfusion
PENG Xiao-hua;PAN Yi-shan;XIAO Xiao-chun;CHEN Chang-hua
【期刊名称】《煤炭学报:英文版》 【年(卷),期】2008(014)004
【摘要】When the gas flow in the compact porous medium at low speed,it has slippage effect which is caused by the gas molecular collision whit the solidskeleton.Using the gas transfusion slippage effect at researching the coal bed transfusion rule,established the transfusion mathematical model of the coal bed which had considered the slippage effect.Observing the influence of the different toencircle presses,the different hole press and the different actual stress to the coal bed by using the three-axles permeameter.Thus summarized the transfusion rule of the coal bed.The experiment indicates that the bigger of the surrounding pressure,the more obvious of the slippage effect.At the same condition of axial pressure and the surrounding pressure,with the increase of the hole pressure,the coal permeability became bigger and then smaller.The coal body effective tress and the permeability curve nearly also has the same change tendency.Thus we can draws the conclusion that the transfusion of the gas in the coal bed generally has the slippage effect. 【总页数】4页(530-533)
The experiment study on slippage effect of the coal-bed methane transfusion