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26. 看到小女孩向自己走来,他站了起来,递给了她一本书。(get to one's feet)


27. 他写的书总是很受青年人欢迎(popular),这本书也不例外。(exception)


28. 在调查(survey)中他们发现大部分人不主张使用暴力。(advocate)


29. 作者说这本书是为年龄在5-7岁的儿童写的。(intend)


30. 美国再也不能像在冷战初期时那样控制世界经济了。(dominate, the Cold War)


31. 老实说,我希望能看到你取得你有能力取得的成就。(capable)


32. 持械抢劫的受害者只有在肯定抢劫犯消失在黑暗的街道之后才敢呼救。(the victims of

armed attacks, not...until, fade)


33. 他脸色苍白,就好像在街上被人抢劫过似的。(as if, rob)


34. 我不假思索地转过身,在愤怒和恐惧中开了枪。


35. 我们珍惜自己行动的自由,劳动的果实和我们的生命。(hold dear)


36. 唯一的可能性是这两起谋杀案都是由同一个人干的。(commit)


37. 政府宣布了在年底前增加五万个工作岗位的打算。(intention, create)


38. 我看到两个男子面对面站在那儿,一句话也没有说。(face to face)


39. 他创作的诗很洗练,这是让我最着迷之处。(with an attributive clause) (simplicity;



40. 说到找工作,读过大学的人有很大优势。(with an attributive clause) (advantage; when it

comes to)


41. 他工作越辛苦,就越感觉快乐。(with \ to say that

if a particular activity increases, another change happens as a result)


42. 一般来说,一个人年纪越大,就越有经验。(with \

to say that if a particular activity increases, another change happens as a result)


43. 总统40分钟的演说被掌声反复打断。(applaud)


44. 这个职位的合适人选必须显示出独立工作的能力。(capacity)


45. 河谷土地肥沃,好收成是十拿九稳的事。(fertile; certainty)


46. 除非是急事,白天请不要打搅我。(disturb; emergency)


47. 经过门口时他晃了一下会员证。(flash)


48. 至今尚未有人能解答百慕大三角之谜。(mystery; the Bermuda Triangle)


49. 他一言不发地看着我,我第一次看出他满心充溢着骄傲。(fill)


50. 对于细枝末节的投诉,还没有让人满意的应对方法。(satisfactory; complaints)


51. 政府正为最近提出的教育改革寻求教师们的支持。(seek)


52. 警方已开始调查这个案件,搜寻那名失踪男子。(search for)


53. 另一名司机该对车祸负责,他应该支付损害赔偿。(be responsible for)


54. 报告显示,过去十年里,环境有了明显改善。(dramatic; decade)


55. 我们税制改革的新政策肯定有助于经济,唯一的问题将是如何让公众相信。(convince)


56. 她第一次意识到自己处境的潜在危险。(potential)


57. 她过去做过模特,现在决定重操旧业。(take up)


58. 你们两个同时说话,我听不懂你们在说什么。(at once)


59. 我感到我的朋友在利用我,让我为她免费照看婴儿。(take advantage of)


60. 我们决定抓住到手的任何机会。(come one's way)


I. Translation from Chinese into English(每题1分,共60分) 1. I enjoy Ann's company, and so does Jimmy.

2. ?°None of us has any idea how long we're going to be here.?± ?°Neither do I.?± 3. ?°If my husband has no future,?± she said, ?°then nor do my children.?± 4. Even if the government survives this crisis, they still face enormous problems. 5. He cannot imagine there will be any joy in hauling trash for four solid hours continuously every day.

6. She enjoys doing a service for people in need and making the rounds to help with the sick children.

7. Everyone is equal and we should call for respect for both the economists and the trashmen. 8. Contrary to what people think, I love working as a trashman.

9. I'm not ashamed of working as a trashman, but I don't go around boasting about it either. 10. In fact, until I read his article I knew neither where the actress was born nor (where she was) educated.

11. The boy could not look his mother in the eye because he had not kept his promise to stay away from those boys.

12. I don't think his argument that the poet tries to praise the power of the tiger in the poem holds water.

13. Old enemies can become new friends even if their national interests are not in complete agreement.

14. I only take on work that excites me, even if it means turning down lots of money. 15. How has the car stayed in such good condition after all those miles of traveling? 16. Of course they have not been home from school yet! It's only three o'clock, after all. 17. You just can't go around making such inquiries unless you take a policeman with you. 18. The next day, in the court, the woman went a step further and told the judge that her neighbor had broke into people's houses quite a few times.

19. I think I'd like to stay at home this evening rather than go out.

20. Rather than driving around all day looking for somewhere to park, why don't you take a bus into town?

21. Unfortunately, she had her leg broken while climbing the mountain. 22. I should have the essay polished before I hand it in to Professor Li.

23. The police held a meeting to discuss and analyze the details of a number of robberies that have occurred over the past few months.

24. In the court, she asked the judge to have mercy on her husband. 25. I've always been cautious about giving people my phone number.

26. Seeing the little girl coming up to him, he got to his feet and handed her a book. 27. His books are always popular with young people and this one is no exception. 28. In the survey, they found that most of the people did not advocate the use of violence. 29. The writer said the book was intended for children aged 5-7.

30. Never again will the United States dominate the world economy as it did in the early Cold War.

31. To tell you the truth, I want to see you achieve what you are capable of.

32. The victims of armed attacks did not dare to shout for help until they were sure that the robbers faded down the darkened street.

33. He looked pale as if he had been robbed in the street. 34. I turn and without really thinking, angry and frightened, I shot.

35. We hold dear our freedom to move about, the fruits of our labor, and our own lives. 36. There's only a possibility that the same person committed the two murders. 37. The government announced its intention to create 50,000 jobs by the end of the year. 38. I saw two men standing there face to face without a word.

39. His poems have an apparent simplicity, which is most fascinating to me.

40. People who have been to university have a big advantage when it comes to looking for jobs.

41. The harder he worked, the happier he felt.

42. Generally speaking, the older a man gets, the wiser he gets.

43. The President was applauded repeatedly during his 40-minute speech. 44. The right person for the job must show a capacity to work independently. 45. The valley was fertile, and a good crop was a near certainty. 46. Please avoid disturbing me during the day unless it's an emergency. 47. He flashed his membership card as he passed through the door.

48. No one has ever been able to explain the mystery of the Bermuda Triangle.

49. He looked at me without speaking, and for the first time I could see the pride that filled him. 50. There is no satisfactory method of dealing with minor complaints.

51. The government is seeking support from teachers for its latest educational reforms. 52. The police have started on the case of searching for the missing man.

53. The other driver was responsible for the accident, and he should pay for the damage. 54. The report shows that there have been dramatic improvements in the environment in the past decade.

55. Our new policy on tax reform will certainly help the economy. The only problem will be how to convince the public.

56. For the first time she realized the potential danger of her situation. 57. She used to be a model and has decided to take it up again. 58. I can't understand what you're saying when you both talk at once. 59. I felt that my friend was taking advantage of me as a free babysitter. 60. We're determined to take every opportunity that comes our way.



