A. between with
39. Who can it be? I
A. of in
D. in
B. from C.
’m quite _____ a loss to guess.
B. on
D. at
40. The monitor _____ the examination papers to the class for his teacher.
A. delivered reported
B. distributed
D. presented
’clock last night?
C. C.
41. Have you any _____ that you were not there at 9 o
A. statement words
D. proof
B. cause
42. The children looked up as the planes passed _____ .
A. overall outward
D. forward
B. overhead
43. Charles Dickens _____ many wonderful characters in his novels.
A. invented uncovered
B. discovered
D. created
44. Many young people find it harder to appreciate _____ music than pop music.
A. simple ancient
B. light D. classical
45. If the wounded soldier had been given first _____ , he would not have died.
A. help care
B. aid D. attention
Part III Identification (10%) Directions:
Each of the following
sentences has four underlined
parts marked A, B,
C and D. Identify the one that is not correct. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.
46. We should start [at once ]and not waste [too] much time [to argue] [about] the procedure. A
47. [\A
48. After [driving] twenty miles, he suddenly [realized] that he [has been]
me $10 [in notes]\
you a cheque [for $10?]\\rather you [give]
[Driving] in a wrong direction. D
49. We [will have] to [put off] our departure [in the case] it [rains.] A
50. The girl [her] father [is] a famous pianist [learned] to play [the] piano A
w hen she was a small child.
51. This morning I heard [on the radio] [which]the steel industry has A
decided [to give] its employees a [10% raise] in pay. C
52. [Not knowing] the language and [having no] friends in the country, A
he [found impossible] [to get] a job. C
53.Once [giving] [a set of] instructions, a computer can gather [a wide ranger] A
of information [for different purposes.] D
54. The old man [will never] forget the event, [that] [has changed] his life A
[ever since.] D
55. Little children [will listen] [what] people say and [try to] imitate A
[what] they hear. D
Part IV Cloze (10%)
Directions: there are 20 blanks
in the following passage, and for
each blank there
are 4 choices marked A, B, C and D at the end of the passage. You should choose ONE answer that best fits into the passage. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center. In China it is relatively
usual to ask people their age, but in the West this question
is generally regarded as impolite.
This is particularly true 56 women, and
even more than However, it is very mind 59 either.
if the inquirer is a man.
to ask children their age, and some adults may not
people are quite happy to 61
In fact, some elderly
especially if they feel they look young very wise to ask a(n)
their age. Nevertheless, it is not
like \are you?\If elderly
want to talk about their age, and perhaps receive a compliment on how young they look, they may easily 63 to
how old they are.
the topic themselves, and ask the other person 65
such a question, it is quite acceptable to
discuss age 66 though rather than
. They normally expect to be complimented on their youthfulness, 67
that they look very old!
68 Westerners do not usually ask people directly how old they are, this does not
that they are not interested to know how old other people are. They
the information,
they may try
may ask someone else to
the topic indirectly. Sometimes discussions about 73
and the number of years of working experience may provide
C. in
C. than C. expected C. to ask
C. reveal C. for C. impolite C. bring along
C. learn
C. In C. freely
D. direct
D. bring to
D. predict
D. On D. in a free
D. of D. so D. unusual D. to be asked
D. remark
D. at
educational some 56. A. on 57. A. that 58. A. average
, but this is not always the
B. for
B. such B. normal B. asking
B. reflect
B. with B. strange B. bring up B. know
B. With B. freedom
59. A. being asked 60. A. release 61. A. to 62. A. open 63. A. bring about 64. A. guess 65. A. For 66. A. free way
67. A. being told 68. A. Though even 69. A. include 70. A. about 71. A. rather than 72. A. approach
B. told B. Even
B. intend B. of B. or else B. solve
C. to tell C. Even that
C. mean C. with C. so else C. address
D. to be told D. Even though
D. conclude
D. for D. still else D. take
73. A. background 74. A. knowledge 75. A. truth
Part V Translation (20%) Section A
B. level B. clues
B. case
C. knowledge
C. evidence
C. reality
D. experience
D. suggestions
D. fact
Directions: In this part there are five sentences which you should translate into Chinese. These sentences are all taken from the 3 passages you have just read in the part of Reading Comprehension. You can refer back to the passages so as to identify their meanings in the context.
76. Children do not have enough experience to realize world; that TV advertisements
that TV shows present an unreal
lie to sell products that are sometimes bad or useless.
77.Used to TV shows, where everything is quick and interesting, they do not have the patience to read an article without pictures; to read a book that requires thinking; to listen to a teacher who doesn't do funny things like the people on children's programs.
78. The scientists say that those gestures, movements and so words do not carry.
79. The length of time that the person whom you are speaking to looks at your eyes indicates the mount of interest he has in the things you are talking about. 80. The atmosphere is usually very friendly,
and the teachers have now accepted the
on have meaning which
idea that the important thing is to make the children happy and interested. Section B Directions:
In this part there are five sentences in Chinese. You should translate
them into English. Be sure to write clearly. 81.同意这项建议的请举手。
2006年4月成人三级学位考试英语试题答案及题解I阅读理解Passage 1
本文讨论了电视机对人类生活的影响,重点探讨了电视机对年轻人的有害影响。Question 1:在过去,许多年轻人
_____。D 愿意参加战争
【题解】该题为细节考查题,文章的第一段话告诉我们war as they did in 1914.恨,所以合适的题目应该是
Young men will never again
go to
电视机的影响使得现在的年轻人不再愿意参军,而是对战争的憎D 项。
______。 B对政治活动更感兴趣。
Question 2:有了电视机,人们现在可以【答案】B
【题解】该题为细节考查加推断题,and so to make their opinion count.进展,更有可能去参与这些活动,故应该选Question 3:作者认为电视广告【答案】D
根据Better informed, people are more likely to vote,
B 项。
______。 D 对年轻人非常有害
【题解】该题为细节考查题,由第三段第二句话to realize
Children do not have enough experience
lie to sell
that TV shows present an unreal world; that TV advertisements
products that are sometimes bad or useless.可以知道,电视广告为了销售一些不好或
D 项。
者无用的商品有时对观众撒谎,可是年轻人往往不能识破真相,因此应该选Question 4:根据文章意思,下列选项哪个是错误的?快解决。【答案】B
Question 5:从这篇短文中,我们可以得出结论【答案】D
【题解】该题为推断能力考查题,得更准确,故应该选Passage 2
Question 6:根据文章的意思,非语言交际【答案】B
The scientists
D 项。
B 有了电视机后,一些问题可以被很
say that those gestures,
movements and so on have meaning which words do not carry. ,即手势语等非语言交际可以表达文字不能表达的事物。所以应该选Question 7:南美洲人______。B与谈话者之间的距离比较近。【答案】B
North Americans often complain that
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