基于 Android和 GPRS的水产养殖监控系统设计
【期刊名称】《渔业现代化》 【年(卷),期】2013(000)006
【摘要】研究了一种基于Android手机平台和GPRS通信技术的水质参数无线远程监控系统。该系统实现了对水位、温度、pH和溶氧等水质参数信息的远程采集、存储与管理,并且实现对控制节点的远程控制。采集部分采用了TI公司的16位处理器MSP430f149,利用12位高精度的AD转换器,将传感器采集到的数据通过GPRS模块发送至远程服务器,再由服务器向Android手机发送水质参数数据。控制部分采用的是PID控制,控制指令由安卓手机发送给服务器,再由服务器发送给下位机来控制水位调节阀和增氧泵。实际调试发现,温度测量精度±0.5℃,pH测量精度±0.3,水位控制在平均±3 cm以内,溶解氧的控制精度在±0.3 mg/L以内,各项指标均能达到要求。%In order to promote the development of intelligent agriculture in China , this paper puts forward a wireless remote monitoring system of water quality parameters which is based on Android mobile phone platform and GPRS communication technology .The system realized the remote collection , storage and management of water quality parameters such as the water level , temperature , pH and dissolved oxygen , and also realized the remote control of the control nodes .16-bit microprocessor MSP430f149 of TI company was adopted in acquisition part , and 12 high-precision AD converter was used , the sensor collected data
基于 Android和 GPRS的水产养殖监控系统设计