....参数:......parameters 光锥:light cone 显示光锥:show cone 泛光化:overshoot
聚光区/光束:hotsport/beam 衰减区/区域:fall off/field 纵横比:aspect 为图拟合:bitmap fit.. 高级效果:advanced effects 影响曲面:affect surface 对比度:contrast
柔化漫反射边:soften diff edge 漫反射:diffuse 高光反射:specular 仅环境光:ambient only 投影贴图:projector map 阴影参数:shadow parameters 对象阴影:object shadows 密度:pens
灯光影响阴影颜色:light affect shadow color 大气阴影:atmosphere shadows 不透明度:opacity
颜色量:color amount
【高级光线跟踪参数:adv-ray traced params 基本选项:basic options ↓简单:simple
↓单过程抗锯齿:1-pass antialias ↓双过程抗锯齿:2-pass antialias 双面阴影:2-sided shadows 抗锯齿选项:antialiasing options 阴影完整性:shadow integrity 阴影质量:shadow quality 阴影扩散:shadow spread 阴影偏移:shadow bias 抖动量:jitter amount 优化:optimizations
透明阴影:transparent shadows 抗锯齿阈值:antialiaing threshold 抗锯齿抑制:antialias suppression 超级采样材质:super sampled material 反射/折射:reflect/refract 共面面剔除:coplanar face culling 跳过共面面:skip coplanar faces
【mental ray 阴影贴图:mental ray shadows map
贴图尺寸:map size 采样范围:sample range 采样:samples 使用偏移:use bias 合并距离:merge dist 【区域阴影:area shadows
区域灯光尺寸:area light dimensions 【阴影贴图参数:shadows map parameters 偏移:bias
绝对贴图偏移:absolute map bias 【光线跟踪阴影参数: 光线偏移:ray bias
最大四元树深度:max quadtree depth 【v-ray阴影参数
光滑表面阴影:smooth surface shadows
Mental ray 间接照明:metal ray indirect illumination
自动计算能量与光子:automatically calculate energy and photons 全局倍增:global multipliers 能量:energy
焦散光子:caustic photons GI光子:GI photons 衰退:decay
强度/颜色/分布:intensity/color/Distribution 等向:lsotropic 开尔文:Kelvin
结果强度:resulting intensity Web文件:web file X轴旋转:x rotation
IES天光参数:IES sky parameters 启用倍增:on multipier 天空颜色:sky color 覆盖范围:coverage 晴朗:clear 少云:partly cloudy 多云:cloudy
每采样光线数:rays per sample
默认(图像):default(image) 【发光率:luminous power 【亮度:luminance 【辐射率:radiant power 【辐射:radiance
尺寸:size 半长:half-length 半宽:half-width 双面:double-sided 不可见:invisible
忽略灯光法线:lgnore light normals 不衰减:No decay 天光入口:skylight portal
储存发光贴图:store with irradiance map 细分:subdivs
穹顶灯光选项:dome light options 纹理:Texture 分辨率:resolution
穹顶灯光光子发射:photon emission 目标半径:target radius 发射半径:emit radius
球形(完整穹顶):sphercal(full dome) Vr阳光参数:VRsun parameters 激活:enabled 浊度:turbidity 臭氧:ozone
光子发射半径:photon emit radius