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Unit 3 Section A

Pre-reading activities 一

1C 2D 3E 4B 5A Language focus Word in use 三

1integral 2cherish 3afflicted 4noteworthy 5portray 6compliment 7domain 8anonymous 9conscientious 10perpetual Word building 四

Words learned New words formed -ize

General Generalize Normal Normalize Public Publicize Minimum Minimize Immune Immunize Mobile Mobilize -or

Invest Investor Dictate Dictator Conquer Conqueror Investigate Investigator Moderate Moderator Elevator Elevate 五

1normalize 2moderator 3immunized 4investors 5mobilize 6conqueror 7elevate 8publicizes 9investigator 10minimized 11generalize 12dictator Banked cloze 六

1C 2I 3F 4L 5A 6H 7K 8N 9E 10B Expression in use 七

1embark on 2be deprived of 3turn down 4taken captive 5live on 6share in 7was stricken by 8led by example Translation





Ink and wash painting, one of the unique traditional art forms of China, is representative of Chinese painting. It began around the time of the Tang Dynasty, and then prospered in the Song and Yuan dynasties. With a history of over one thousand years, it has experienced constant development, improvement and perfection. The tools and materials used to create ink and wash painting, i.e. brushes, rice paper and ink, are characteristic of Chinese culture and closely related to the features of the paintings. For example, the mixing of water and ink creates different shades of dryness, wetness, thickness and thinness. The integration and infiltration of water, ink, and rice paper enables such paintings to convey rich images, and hence to achieve unique aesthetic effects. Ink and wash painting holds a high status in the history of Chinese painting, and it is even regarded as the criterion to evaluate the artistic level of Oriental paintings. Section B Reading skills 一

1F 2O 3F 4O 5O 6F 7F 8O Reading comprehension Understanding the text 二

1D 2C 3D 4A 5B 6C 7D 8D Language focus Words in use 四

1skeptical 2coincidence 3mounted 4contrive 5simulated 6manifest 7divert 8infected 9upgraded 10temperament Expression in use 五

1on 2in 3as 4into 5to 6to 7with 8under/on Sentence structure 六

1 It is not his carefree attitude that made him seem eccentric; it is his conspicuous interest in film that made his classmate shun and mock him.

2 It is not his experience in filmmaking that sabotaged transfer attempts; it is his poor grades that forced film school to withhold acceptance.

3 It is not because thing are difficult that we fail to dare; it is because we do not dare that things are difficult. 七

1 In this way, he deprives himself of the capacity to see things as they are. 2 In general, the main objective of scientists is to understand the world as it is. 3 A student should learn to accept people as they are and not to try to change them.



Collocation Warm-up

1internationally famous 2rigorous schedule 3jeopardize hope 4emotionally draining 5physically dangerous 6overwhelming misery 7perpetually signify 8conspicuous interest 9repeatedly try 八

1internationally 2committed 3compassionate 4repeatedly 5thrill 6terrific 7overwhelming 8desperate 9physically 10rectified 11personal 12emotionally 课文翻译 Text A


1奥黛丽·赫本在《蒂凡尼的早餐》、《龙凤配》、《罗马假日》、《窈窕淑女》、《战争与和平》和《直到永远》等出色电影中主演的许多角色让观众为之陶醉。 2尽管在电影界获得成功,但她最愿意塑造的角色却并不在影片中,而是做两个儿子的模范母亲和联合国儿童基金会亲善大使,为饱受战争蹂躏的人们提供服务。 3作为一名在纳粹占领下的祖国荷兰生活的小女孩,奥黛丽·赫本清楚战争所带来的野蛮、死亡和破坏。由于受到侵略,家庭破产,奥黛丽经常食不果腹,营养不良。她的父亲抛弃了家庭,两个舅舅也被俘,并且惨遭杀害。奥黛丽被纳粹分子从大街上抓走,与准备被押往劳役营的人放在一起。趁卫兵不注意,她飞快 地跑开,惊险逃脱了,蜷缩着躲在一个满是耗子、又冷又脏的地下室里。

4这个日后将成为世界上最具魅力女星的小女孩刚开始只是一个无名难民,直面生命中的恐惧和脆弱。不过她并没有让自己的精神受到幼年生活中残酷现实的影响。相反,她克服了种种挑战,而又从没忘记那种受苦挨饿、孤立无助的感觉。 5战后,奥黛丽和母亲离开荷兰,到达伦敦,成了贫穷的移民。奥黛丽梦想成为一名一流的舞蹈家,这驱使她去了一所著名的芭蕾舞学校,接受严苛的训练安排。后来,她被一位制片人发现,并最终得到机会,在好莱坞顶级男演员格列高利·派克主演的电影《罗马假日》中饰演一角。




9 1988年,奥黛丽被任命为联合国儿童基金会亲善大使,这个基金会专门为受到战争或其他大灾难伤害的儿童提供紧急食品援助和卫生保健。亲善大使这个角色让她毕生帮助有困难的人的热情化为了神圣的使命。





