龙源期刊网 http://www.qikan.com.cn
作者:蒋君 殷志祥
【摘 要】DNA密码是近年来伴随着DNA计算而出现的密码学新领域。本文简要介绍了DNA密码学、传统密码学、量子密码学。从三者的基本概念、理论基础、具体操作过程、安全依据和现阶段的发展成果以及不足着手,通过对比得出DNA密码学相较与传统密码学和量子密码学的优势和不足并分析存在问题的原因。然后给出DNA密码学在实际运用中已经取得的成果和未来可能发展的方向。最后做出展望提出结合三种密码学的优势建立新的混合型密码学体系的构想。
【关键词】DNA计算;DNA密码;传统密码学;量子密码学 The Advantages and Disadvantages of DNA Password in the Contrast to the Traditional Cryptography and Quantum Cryptography JIANG Jun YIN Zhi-xiang
(School of Science, Anhui University of Science And Technology, Huainan Anhui, 232000) 【Abstract】In recent years, DNA Password is a new cryptography field which appears with DNA calculation. This paper briefly introduces the DNA cryptography, Traditional cryptography and Quantum cryptography. From the basic concepts, theoretical foundations, concrete operation proc-esses, safety basis and the current development achievements and shortcomings of the three fields, this paper obtains DNA cryptography’s advantages and disadvantages compared with traditional DNA cryptography and quantum cryptography and analyzes its causes. Then, thie paper shows
theachievements of DNA cryptography in practical application and its future development direction Finally, it will make an outlook that a new mixed cryptography system can be created on the advantages of the three kinds of cryptography.
【Key words】DNA computing; DNA cryptography; Traditional cryptography; Quantum cryptography 0 引言