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1.Our English professor is very____in using chopsticks.

A.skilled B.great C.likely D.good 【参考答案】: A

2.What kind of events are you good ____?

A.at B.to C.in D.after 【参考答案】: A

3.—May I see the menu, please? I've been waiting an hour already. —_________.

A.That is the menu, sir B.Yes, please go on C.Here you are, sir D.Of course, sir 【参考答案】: C

4.My friend ____ to visit the Great Wall, too.

A.does not plan B.plan not C.not plans D.plans 【参考答案】: D

5.He and his family had to ______ on 50$ a week.

A.pay B.spend C.live D.exist 【参考答案】: B

6.The conductor and composer ____________by a crowd of people.

A.are greeted B.is greeted C.greets D.have been greeted 【参考答案】: B

7.It makes no difference to me ____________he will come or not.

A.how B.why C.when D.whether 【参考答案】: D

8.The manager will not _______ us to see use his car.

A.have B.let C.agree D.allow 【参考答案】: D

9.— Who is John Smith? — He is the speaker ____________ heard last week.

A.which we would have B.we would have C.we D.we had 【参考答案】: C

10.I have no doubt ____ he will overcome all his difficulties.

A.which B.what C.that D.if 【参考答案】: C

11.The temperature____________, the chemical reaction is being speeded up.

A.raised B.being risen C.rising D.raising 【参考答案】: C

12.He is very____.He often comes first in shot putting.

A.simple B.strong C.strict D.small 【参考答案】: B

13.That tree looked as if it____________for a long time.

A.hasn't watered B.hadn't been watered C.didn't water D.wasn't watered 【参考答案】: B

14.The news you told me_______ surprising.

A.is B.are C.will D.should 【参考答案】: A

15.It happened____________Lisa wasn't there at that time.

A.whether B.if C.that D.why 【参考答案】: C

16.I recognized her____________I saw her.

A.the instant (that) B.after C.if not D.unless 【参考答案】: A

17.—Do you think I could borrow your dictionary? —_________.

A.Yes, you may borrow B.Yes, go on C.Yes, help yourself D.It doesn't matter 【参考答案】: C

18.This western restaurant is superior____________the one we went to last week.

A.than B.to C.as D.for 【参考答案】: B

19.You will be given a ticket if you ______ the speed limit.



