罗素,当今时代理性主义和人道主义的代言人,是西方思想解放与言论自由的见证人。二十世纪最有影响的哲学家、数学家、逻辑学家之一,分析哲学创始人,同时也是活跃的政治活动家,并致力于哲学的大众化、普及化。作为哲学家,罗素的主要贡献在于数理逻辑方面,是逻辑原子论和新实在论的主要创始人之一。以此为基础的现代分析哲学在西方近代哲学史上具有重要的地位。罗素出身于英国一个贵族家庭,是罗素伯爵的第三代继承人,其祖父曾两次出任英国首相。1945年,罗素在美国出版了《西方哲学史》一书,该书不但为罗素带来了丰厚的收入,还是罗素获得1950年诺贝尔文学奖的重要原因之一。其代表作有《西方哲学史》、《神秘主义与逻辑》、《怀疑论》、《婚姻与道德》等。 Heraclitus
№.1-Heraclitus, though an Ionian, was not in the scientific tradition of the Milesians. He was a mystic, but of a peculiar kind. He regarded fire as the fundamental substance; everything, like flame in a fire, is born by the death of something else. \immortals, and immortals are mortals, the one living the other's death and dying the other's life.\is unity in the world, but it is a unity formed by the combination of opposites. \one, and the one out of all things\less reality than the one, which is God.
【短语笔记】regard as - 把…认作
【例】Here I advanced a criterion which I regard as the only valid one.
№.2-As might be expected, Heraclitus believes in war. \he says, \the father of all and the king of all; and some he has made gods and some men, some bond and some free.\Again: \was wrong in saying: 'Would that strife might perish from among gods and men!' He did not see that he was praying for the destruction of the universe; for, if his prayer were heard, all things would pass away.\must know that war is common to all and strife is justice, and that all things come into being and pass away through strife.\
【短语笔记】believe in - 信仰;信任 【举一反三】trust in - 信任;依靠;存放 【例】
(1)Any person who is really profoundly humane can't believe in everlasting punishment.
(2)Russia 's wheat export ban accelerates the risk of a price spike and again undermines the trust in food trade .
№.3-His ethic is a kind of proud asceticism, very similar to Nietzsche's. He regards the soul as a mixture of fire and water, the fire being noble and the water ignoble. The soul that has most fire he calls \\
念也作了解释。从仅存的著作残篇看,赫拉克利特涉及到灵魂问题的论述并不多,但也不难看出,他在批判地吸取泰勒斯和毕达哥拉斯灵魂观点的基础上,循着从物质及其运动出发然后引出认识论意义的途径,对灵魂概念作了新的规定。 【短语笔记】be similar to - 与…相似
【举一反三】have … in common - 与…有共同之处 【例】
(1)Most banks' tests were based on historical crises , but this assumes that the future be similar to the past.
(2)What these companies also have in common are unglamorous surroundings.
№.4-The doctrine of the perpetual flux, as taught by Heraclitus, is painful, and science, as we have seen, can do nothing to refute it. One of the main ambitions of philosophers has been to revive hopes that science seemed to have killed. Philosophers, accordingly, have sought, with great persistence, for something not subject to the empire of Time. This search begins with Parmenides.