龙源期刊网 http://www.qikan.com.cn
摘 要:在长江经济带带动效应下,发展皖江城市带对推动我国区域经济协调发展有着重要作用。芜湖市作为皖江城市带产业转移示范区的核心城市和安徽农业大省的重要组成部分,2015年芜湖市成为全国物流标准化试点城市,研究芜湖市生鲜农产品物流发展路径具有很强的现实意义。文章阐述了芜湖市生鲜农产品物流发展的现状,分析存在的问题,从国外成熟的农产品物流发展中借鉴经验,最后,构建芜湖市生鲜农产品物流体系,并提出推动芜湖市生鲜农产品物流发展的策略。
关键词:芜湖市;生鲜农产品物流;发展 中图分类号:F259.27 文献标识码:A
Abstract: With the driven effect of Yangtze River Economic Zone, the development of Wanjiang city belt is an important support to promote the coordinated development of China's
regional economy. As the core of Wanjiang city belt with industrial transfer demonstration area and an important part of Anhui province, Wuhu city became the national logistics standardization pilot cities in 2015. The study of Wuhu city's development of fresh agricultural products logistics path shows strong reality significance. This paper expounds the present situation of fresh agricultural products in Wuhu city, analyzes the existing problems, draws lessons from the experience of foreign mature agricultural logistics, and finally constructs the logistics system of fresh agricultural products in Wuhu city and puts forward the strategy to promote the logistics of fresh agricultural products in Wuhu city.
Key words: Wuhu city; fresh agricultural products logistics; development 1 生鲜农产品物流的相关概念 1.1 生鲜农产品的概念界定