第七章 压力
1. What cherished management belief have you had to five up in order to get where you are?
2. Tell me about a time when your employer was not happy with your job performance.
3. Who is the toughest employer you ever had and why?
4. Have you ever had to work with a manager who was unfair to you, or was just plain hard to work with? Please give details. 5. What’s more important to you, truth or comfort?
6. At what time is it better to ask for forgiveness than to ask for permission?
7. Have you learned more from your mistakes or your successes? 8. Is honesty always the best policy?
9. How has your tolerance for accepting mistakes from your subordinates changed over the years?
10. You want to go swimming in a pool. The water is a little colder than comfortable. Are you the type of person who jumps in or do you wade in?
11. Where do you think the power comes from in your organization? Why?
12. How will you handle the least interesting or least pleasant tasks of this job?
13. What have you heard about the company or department that you don’t like?
14. If you were going to be fired, how would you like your supervisor to handle it?
15. On what occasions are you tempted to lie?
16. How have you been an agent for change in your current (or last)
17. Your supervisor tells you to do something in a manner you are convinced is dead wrong. What would you do?
18. What would you do if everyone in your department called in sick? 19. Say your supervisor left an assignment for you in your In-box, then left town for a week, you can’t reach him and you don’t fully understand the assignment. What do you do?
20. There are two applicants for one job. They have identical qualifications is every respect. How do you decide?
21. What do you want to hear first, the good news or the bad news? 22. What are some of the things your supervisor did that you disliked? 23. If you were on a magazine cover, what would the magazine be and what would the headline say?
24. What kinds of things do you worry about?
25. Finish this sentence,” I know I an taking a risk when…”
1. What cherished management belief have you had to give up in order to get where you are?
2. What’s more important to you, truth or comfort?
3. Have you learned more from your mistakes or your successes? 4. Is honesty always the best policy?
5. How has your tolerance for accepting mistakes from your subordinates changed over the years?
6. Where do you think the power comes from in your organization? Why?
7. On what occasions are you tempted to lie? 8. Is the customer always right?
9. If you could organize the world in one of three ways—no scarcity, no problems, or no rules—how would you do it?
10. Should all business relationships have fixed terms, that is, expiration dates?
第八章 富含思想的问题
1. What was the last product or service you saw that took your breath away?
2. What’s the most significant compliment anyone has ever paid you? 3. How has your perspective of quality evolved over your career? 4. Is the customer always right?
5. How would you finish this sentence: “most people are basically…” 6. If you could organize the world in one of three ways —no scarcity, no problems, or no rules—how would you do it? 7. Who has been a major influence in your life?
8. How has your tolerance for accepting mistakes from your subordinates changed over the years?
9. Have you learned more from your mistakes or your successes? 10. What’s the unwritten contract between you and the people who report to you?
11. How have you benefited from your disappointments? 12. Can you suggest three reasons why manhole covers are round? 13. We are sending you on an assignment in Santa Barbara, California. You have an unlimited expense account. What kind of car are you going to rent?
14. Are you the type of person who likes to make lists or strike items off lists?
15. What would you do if your boss gave you a direct order to pursue a
policy that you disagreed with?
16. What if the board of directors was reviewing a policy that would make such an activity improper but hadn’t ratified it yet?
17. What would you do if you saw a peer taking office supplies home? 18. Describe a situation where your work or an idea was criticized. 19. The business world is full of euphemisms. What’s your current favorite?
20. Should all business relationships have fixed terms, that is, expiration dates?
21. Is there anything positive to be said about conventional wisdom? 22. What did you accomplish at work the day before yesterday—in detail? 23. What’s the difference between a manager and a leader? 24. What is your philosophy of mentoring?
25. This is a role-play question. You are a consultant hired to assess me and the organization. Based on your observations at this interview, describe my operating style and those of all the other people you have met. Finally, tell me how I could improve the organization.
第九章 钱的问题
1. Can you review your salary history for me?
2. What salary, excluding benefits, are you making now? 3. How can we best reward you?
4. What kind of salary reviews or progress would you expect in this company?
5. In your professional opinion, how much do you think a job like this should pay?
6. What do you think you’re worth? 7. Why do you think you’re worth that?
8. How do you think your compensation should be determined? 9. What value can you add to our organization?
10. How much money do you want to be making five years from now? 11. How much did you make on your last job? 12. What sort of salary are you looking for? 13. Would you be willing to work for less?
14. What was the last raise you got? Were you satisfied? 15. How would you justify a raise to your current supervisor?
16. The salary you’re asking for is near the top of the range for this job, why should we pay this much?
17. How would you feel if a person reporting to you made more money than you?
18. Is money the most important aspect of the job for you?
19. What do you think of a process where subordinates have a say in the compensation of their supervisor?
20. What salary do you expect to make in this position? What do you base that figure on?
21. Have you ever worked on commission? Tell me about it? 22. Why aren’t you making more money at this point in your career? 23. On what criteria do you believe you should be evaluated and compensated?
24. How important are stock options or deferred payment plans to you? 25. What noncash aspects of your compensation are important to you?
第十章 评估具体技能
1. What extracurricular activities were you involved in? What made you choose those? Which of them did you most enjoy, and why? 2. What led you to select your major? Your minor?
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