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20. How did you resolve them and what were the results?

21. Describe one of the best ideas you have ever sold to a peer or supervisor. What were your approach and result?

22. What kinds of obstacles to completing assignments on time do you most frequently encounter at work?

23. What strategies have you devised to handle such obstacles? 24. How do you know you are doing a good job? 25. How do you prefer to measure performance?

26. Can you recall a time when you were less than pleased with your performance?

27. Can you describe some projects that were a result of your own initiative?

28. What prompted you to begin such projects? How did they end up? 29. What qualifications do you have to make you successful in this field? 30. Do you prefer to speak with someone or send a memo? 31. How do you motivate people?

32. Give an example of a situation in which you failed, and how you handled it.

33. What characteristics are the most important in a good manager? How have you displayed these characteristics?

34. What two or three accomplishments have given you the most satisfaction?

35. Describe a leadership role of yours and tell me why you committed your time to it.

36. Have you been in charge of budgeting, approving expenses, and monitoring departmental progress against financial goals?

37. What suggestions did you make in your last job to cut costs, increase

profits, improve morale, increase output, etc.?

38. What results did you get? How do you know? How did you measure results?

39. What would you like to have done more of in your last job? 40. What specifics strengths did you bring to your last job?

41. What would you consider the three most significant accomplishments in your business life?

42. Think of something that you consider a failure in your career. What did you learn from it?

43. Can you think of an example of a lesson you learned from someone else’s mistake?

44. What risks did you take in your last few jobs? What was the result of those risks?

45. What languages do you speak?

46. What do you think differentiates you from the other applicants for this job? Why?

47. Why do you think you’d be a good fit for this job?

48. What do you do when you are having trouble solving a problem? 49. What interests you most about this position? 50. Have you ever hired anyone?

51. On what basis do you select a new hire?

52. Describe the people that you hired on your last job. Did they work out(工作进展)? How long did they remain at their jobs? 53. Have you ever fired anyone? On what basis did you fire them? 54. How would you describe your management philosophy?

55. What kind of references do you think your previous employer will give you? Why?

56. If you have complaints about your present employers, and they think

so highly of you, why haven’t you brought your concerns to their attention?

57. The successful candidate for this position will be working with some highly trained individuals who have been with the company for a long time.

58. What is the most difficult situation you have faced? How did you handle it?

59. How did your supervisor get the best performance out of you? 60. How do you use deadlines in your work?

61. How would you do this hob differently from other people?

62. What personality traits do you think are necessary to succeed in this field?

63. Have you thought about why you might prefer to work with our firm as opposed to one of the other firms to which you’ve applied? 64. When some managers make a decision, they often feel a need to defend it. Can you describe a time when you changed a stated decision or opinion because you were persuaded you were wrong? 65. What would you do differently in your life? Your career?

66. If you could eliminate one responsibility from your last job, what would it be?

67. After being with the same company for so long, do you think it will be hard to adapt to a new organization?

68. Some people feel that spending so much time at one job demonstrates a lack of initiative. How do you respond to that? 69. What are the advantages of staying at one job a long time/

70. Since you were in the same job for such a long time, you’ve probably grown very comfortable in it — maybe even a bit stale. How would you cope with a new job in a company such as ours?

71. You’ve changed jobs quite frequently. How do we know you’ll stick around if we hire you?

72. How do you explain the diversity of jobs you’ve had? The positions don’t seem to be in a logical progression.

73. You’ve been with your current employer for only a short amount of time. Is this an indication that you’ll be moving around a lot throughout your career?

74. How long will you stay here at this company?

75. What strategies have you found to be successful in managing unfair criticism?

76. Can you describe a time when you pushed too hard for a project to the detriment of the project?

77. Give me some examples of different approaches you have used when persuading someone to cooperate with you.

78. How do you cope with the inevitable stresses and pressures of any job?

79. Worked effectively under pressure.

80. Handled a difficult situation with a coworker. 81. Were creative in solving a problem. 82. Were unable to complete a project on time. 83. Persuaded team members to do things your way. 84. Had to take a stand on an unpopular position.

85. Wrote a program (or report or strategic plan) that was well received. 86. Anticipated potential problems and developed a proactive response. 87. Had to make an important decision with limited facts. 88. Were forced to make an unpopular decision. 89. Had to implement an unpopular decision.

90. Were tolerant of an opinion that was radically divergent from your


91. Were disappointed in your behavior.

92. Used your political savvy to push through a program you really believed in.

93. Had to deal with an irate customer. 94. Delegated a project effectively. 95. Surmounted a major obstacle. 96. Set your sights too high. 97. Set your sights too low.

98. Prioritized the elements of a complicated project. 99. Lost (or won) an important contract or sale. 100. Hired (or fired) the wrong person.


1. Tell me about yourself using only one-word adjectives. The first question cuts through the creative writing of the resume and the stage acting of the interview (none of which is bad, merely obfuscating). The order of the adjectives is as much of a window as the adjectives themselves. The candidate will hit a very detectable pause after he or she has offered up the pertinent ones (usually three to six) and them it’s time to move on to a discussion of “why” to each one of those adjectives. Follow-up questions might include: have you always been that way? For example (name one of the adjectives), have you always been like that? If not, what caused you to change? What are the highs and lows that each of those adjectives have brought you?

2. What have been the biggest success and biggest mistake of your career?

3. What was the most useful criticism you ever received?


