高考英语作文指导—— 议论文
Knowledge Objectives
To help the students to learn the basic writing skills on Argumentative
Compentence Objectives
To help the students to grasp their basic writing skills
To practice writing skills.(detailed information& general idea) Emotion Objectives To cultivate the love of writing Teaching approach: Communicative approach Teaching Aids: Multi-Media Difficult points :
Teaching procedures: I. Pre-task: Revision
II. While task:Learn some basic writing skills on Argumentative Composition
(一) 英文议论文的结构特点 汉语写作对文章结构的要求不是很高,如开头段
简而言之,英语议论文共有三大特点: 1、 观点鲜明的开头; 2、 紧扣主题的结尾;
3、 有主题句并且衔接自然的中间段落。
所以,既然高考英语考的是英语文章,大家就应该遵循英文议论文的写作思路和习惯:表示支持则旗帜鲜明地支持;表示反对就彻彻底底地反对,而不能采取“墙头草两边倒”的做法。 (二)英语议论文写作要点: straight:开门见山,直来直去。
brief:文章“简为贵”,要抓住要点,简明扼要。 coherence: 文理通顺,前后连贯。
division:词汇、句子、段落要分配使用得当,划分要清楚,避免使用重复字句和片段。 ambiguity:尽量不用可能会引起歧义的词语或句子。 Key:用适当的关键词突出主题,每段都应有主题句。
omit:合理删除多余的不必要部分。 sentence pattern:句型要尽量多样化。 tense:动词时态要正确、一致、变化合理。(三)英语议论文写作手法 1. 引言段
2. 主体段
① 引证法(即引用一些名人名言、成语、格言、谚语灯作为论据); ② 例证法(即举例来进行论证 )
③ 喻证法(用比喻的方法来论证事理,把深奥、抽象的事理表述得浅显易懂,使文章既生动又形象 )
对比论证法(通过对事物的正反两个方面的对比来分析论证,使文章的表达效果更强烈,给人留下深刻印象 )
归纳法 (从分析典型,即分析个别事物入手,找出事物的共同特点,然后得出结论。)
推理法 (从一般原理出发,对个别事物进行说明、分析,而后得出结论)驳论法 (先列出错误的观点,然后加以逐条批驳,最后阐明自己的观点)。
④ ⑤ ⑥ ⑦
此外,在主体段中要恰当地使用过渡词,有明显的层次感,引领阅读者一层一层地根据你的分论点走向最终你要阐述的观点。 3. 结尾段
Private Tutors
With the development od science and society, more and more students are keen to take on private tutors.
Some people think taking on a private tutor is good for students in some ways. The tutor can answer the
students’questions individually and carefully and give them detailed advice; some private tutors assign their students more exercises to do and the students will learn extra knowledge from their tutors; it is known to us all that a good and experienced teacher can help his students to review their lessons in a very good way so that they can have a better understanding of the
knowledge learned in class, which is help to them in their examinations.
But every coin has two sides. Some people look upon it with disapproval. They hold the opinion that the students rely too much on their tutor and they even take little notice of what their own teacher says in class; the private tutor assigns them to do a lot of extra exercises, thus occupying plenty of rheir spare time and they will be too worn out; contrary to what their parents hope, their studies become worse than before.
So it is hard to say whether taking on a private tutor is good or not. It all depends on the individual. But in my opinion, if you want to take on a private tutor, you should choose one carefully since he or she will have a great impact on your studies.
Money for Education
In my opinion, it is worthwhile to
spend more of the money in order to have the children better educated.
First, as there are more than 40 or
even 50 students in a class, in most cases, teachers can not take care of all the students in class. Therefore many students have to attend spare time classes or even go to the tutors to make up for this.
Second, we are now in the 21st
century. With the development of society, only those who have a good education are more likely to get good jobs. So the more we learn now, the more chances we will have in the future. Of course we will get a high pay.
In a word, spending money on
education is certainly rewarding.
III. Post-task ( Each composition 120-150 words)
IV. Sentence patterns:
I think/believe that… The point is that…. In my opinion…
From my point of view… As for me…
As far as I am concerned… We must recognize that… There is no doubt that… The main reason is that… As we all know…
V. Summary:
VI. Assignment: ( Each composition 120-150 words)
高考英语作文指导 - 议论文