【期刊名称】《天津医药》 【年(卷),期】2012(040)007
【摘要】Objective:To explore the achievement rates of porcelain laminate restoration based on different preparation designs. Methods:Thirty-nine patients and 97 porcelain laminate veneers were prepared by facies labialis overlap (type I), incisive edge overlap (type L) and finishing lines extended proximally (type U). The veneers' integrity, fracture, the marginal situation and color match were evaluated at 1 week, 6 months, 12 months and 18 months. Results: There was 1 failure in type I at 12-month follow-up, 1 failure at 12-month and 1 failure at 18-month follow-up in type L and 1 failure at 6-month and 1 failure at 18-month follow-up in type U. There was no significant difference in achievement rate between 3 type preparations. Conclusion: The excellent effect of porcelain laminate restorations can be obtained by preparing the way of dental ceramic veneer.%目的:探讨不同牙体预备方法对瓷贴面成功率的影响.方法:采用唇面覆盖型(I型)、唇切缘覆盖型(L型)、唇切邻面覆盖型(U型)3种牙体预备方法,对39例患者共计97颗患牙行瓷贴面修复,于修复后1周、6个月、12个月、18个月复诊,观察不同牙体预备方式的修复体保存完整度、颜色匹配、边缘适合性及术后过敏等指标.结果:I型在第12个月随访时有1颗患牙修复体出现裂纹,L型在第12个月和18个月随访时各有1