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66. A. from B. for C. to D. about 67. A. in B. with C. on D. for 68. A. to B. for C. about D. by 69. A. make B. overcome C. beat D. solve 70. A. some B. many C. others D. those 71. A. is B. are C. were D. was 72. A. for B. on C. at D. by 73. A. made B. addressed C. written D. sent 74. A. with B. for C. as D. by

75. A. producing B. giving C. making D. sending 76. A. time B. yet C. way D. enough 77. A. advise B. answers C. advice D. problems 78. A. at B. on C. in D. about 80. A. called B. named C. reached D. claimed

第二卷(共30分) Part Ⅳ Vocabulary (10﹪,10minutes)

Directions: Complete each of the following sentences with the proper word derived from the one given in the bracket.

1. Everyone had an ____ (apply) form in his hand, but no one knew which office to send it to.

2. He found it ____ (increase) difficult to read, for his eyes were failing.

3. It is reported that ____ (identify) flying objects were seen over New Jersey last night. 4. Any ____ propose) that Norman should be dismissed must be resisted.

5. The reason why the water in this area had been polluted was the ____ (poison) substances had been poured into the river. 6. They are poor but ____ (respect).

7. Flowers are always a ____ (please) sight, especially in the city.

8. The bedrooms in his new flat are ____ (taste) decorated and furnished. 9. Hardly ever have I heard music as ____ (impress) as this.

10. They are proud their son has won the first prize in the physics ____ (compete).

Part Ⅴ Sentence Completion(20﹪,30minutes)

Directions: Put the underlined part in each sentence into English. Section A

1. Both the cars 一出发就抛锚。

2. There was a large were house 在河对岸。 3. In the supermarket Afl,人人自助购物。 4. 不管谁犯了法 will be punished.

5. A few people葬身于火海,but most were saved. 6. 如果你听从我的劝告, you will probably succeed.

7. The next flight doesn't go directly to Rome,而是要绕道巴黎。 8. He is so foolish 竟让认敌为友 9. 此规定不适用于你,you are under 18. 10. 除了现在,我们任何时候都能去。

Section B

Directions: Put the underlined part in each sentence into Chinese. 1. You will have to answer for your foolish behavior. 2. While respected, he is not liked.

3. As long as you clear your desk by this morning, you can have tomorrow off.

4. She and I liked an hour strolling in the street. 5. He loves keeping his own opinion to himself.

6. If we are discouraged at the start, we will never succeed. 7. What fruits are in season now? 8. A fall in a pit, a gain in your wit.

9. The general manager's secretary has been on the go all day.

10. By the time he was 18 years old, he had developed to the extent that he never listened to his parents' advice.

Part Ⅵ Writing(20﹪)


Directions: For this part, you are allowed thirty minutes to write a composition on the topic \your composition on the outline (given in Chinese) below: 1.为解决交通难的问题,有人建议多建造马路; 2.有人则建议限制私家车的数量; 3.我的看法。



Part I Reading Comprehension

1.参考答案: B 详细解答: B。从第二段第一句“a lazy sailor…pretended to be ill.”可知第一个sailor不愿意从事船上的艰苦劳动而装病偷懒。

2.参考答案: C 详细解答: C。第二段中,那位好为人“医”的船长并没有给出什么药方,只是told the man to rest for a few days and made the other sailors do his work

3.参考答案: D 详细解答: D。前两段叙述了船长装医生,两个船员装生病,其他船员很生气,因此副船长在征得船长同意后为他们配了“药”,那些药是如此horrible以致于那些船员无法装病。

4.参考答案: C详细解答: C。这道题的关键是理解单词deceive的意义:欺骗。 5.参考答案: A 详细解答: A。综合归纳文章内容,A为主题思想。

6.参考答案: D 详细解答: D。根据第一段第二句中with the aid of electricity,可知答案为D。

7.参考答案: C 详细解答: C。第二段第一句话。

8.参考答案: D 详细解答: D。A、B、C三个选项都能直接在文章的第三段中找到,只有D选项没有在文中找到。

9.参考答案: B 详细解答: B。最后一段第一句话中的非限制性定语从句是该题的题干。答案很显然应该是该非限制性定语从句所修饰的中心词:bauxite(铝土矿)。 10.参考答案: A 详细解答: A。本文介绍了铝的特点、性质以及用途,正确答案为A。 11.参考答案: D详细解答: D。第二段第三句话。observance(法律、习俗等的)遵守,奉行。因此正确答案为D。

12.参考答案: A 详细解答: A。文章第一段倒数第二句话,给出了答案。

13.参考答案: C 详细解答: C

14.参考答案: B 详细解答: B。用排除法得出答案为B。

15.参考答案: D 详细解答: D。根据文章第四段第三句中的一个状语从句“Though at first the British public was slow to accept this rather artificial day.”即可得出正确答案。 16.参考答案: A 详细解答: A。对第一段culture shock定义的重新描述。

17.参考答案: C 详细解答: C。答案在第二段第一句,只不过答案把lose改写成了名词loss。

18.参考答案: C 详细解答: C。根据文章第二段所列举的那些现象,与四个选项对照,没有的即为正确选项。因为A、B、D都在文中的一处找到,而C找不到。

19.参考答案: A 详细解答: A。首先可以排除B、D两个选项,关于A和C,答案在最后一段:When suffering from culture shock people first reject the environment which caused discomfort如果了解短语take…for granted(想当然的认为)就很容易排除选项C。 20.参考答案: B 详细解答: B。归纳文章主要内容,得出B为文章中心思想。 PartⅡ Vocabulary and Structure

21.参考答案: D 详细解答: D。take…on a tour带某人参观。

22.参考答案: B 详细解答: B。bring up抚养,养育;grow up长大;feed up喂养。 23.参考答案: A 详细解答: A。keep in touch保持联系 24.参考答案: D 详细解答: D。同位语从句,由that引导。

25.参考答案: A 详细解答: A。incident特指(政治性的、国际性的)事件,争端;event指大的有深远意义的事件。

26.参考答案: C 详细解答: C。put...into practice实施,把……用于实践中。

27.参考答案: D 详细解答: D。enough用法:作副词修饰形容词或副词时,位于所修饰词之后。

28.参考答案: C 详细解答: C。否定词位于句首,主句部分倒装,助动词、情态动词或补充助动词提前。

29.参考答案: A 详细解答: A。时间状语从句。since自从…… 30.参考答案: B 详细解答: B。既引导主语从句,又在该主语从句中充当主语成分,只有what具有这一功能。

31.参考答案: B 详细解答: B。与过去事实相反的虚拟语气。条件状语从句隐含在other wise中。

32.参考答案: C 详细解答: C。固定搭配:have no choice but to do除了……没有选择。注意如but前含有实义动词do及其不同时态、语态,则不定式的to省略。 33.参考答案: B 详细解答: B。句中为survive及物动词的用法。

34.参考答案: A 详细解答: A。way of living生活方式;method偏重于“方法”。 35.参考答案: C 详细解答: C。首先排除B、D,其次,the most应直接接名词。 36.参考答案: C 详细解答: C。强调句。

37.参考答案: C 详细解答: C。省略式状语从句中的被动形式。

38.参考答案: B 详细解答: B。固定搭配:inform sb. of sth.就某事通知某人。 39.参考答案: D 详细解答: D。不定式十完成时,因miss这个动作发生在主句动作之后。

40.参考答案: C 详细解答: C。首先排除D;其次A、B皆为及物动词。

41.参考答案: A 详细解答: A。bare指光秃秃的,表面没有其他东西的;empty指(内部为)中空的;blank指空白的,空虚的;vacant(职位等)空缺的。

42.参考答案: C 详细解答: C。poll指民意测验,通常还可说public opinion poll。

43.参考答案: C 详细解答: C。by表示方法、手段、数量、程度等。 44.参考答案: A 详细解答: A。双重否定。

45.参考答案: A 详细解答: A。be accused of被指控……;charge表示该意义的用法时后接with。

46.参考答案: D 详细解答: D。once 一旦…

47.参考答案: D 详细解答: D。固定短语account for解释,说明;count on指望,依靠。

48.参考答案: A 详细解答: A。make up for弥补;make out辨认出,弄明白。 49.参考答案: A 详细解答: A。come into effect奏效,实施,起作用。 50.参考答案: C 详细解答: C。固定短语:be composed of由…组成。

51.参考答案: B 详细解答: B。education为不可数名词,只能用little修饰;其次so与such的用法为so +adj./adv. , such +a +adj. +n.

52.参考答案: D 详细解答: D。prevent… from…与shoot at为固定短语。

53.参考答案: A 详细解答: A。natural gas和wind只能归类于energy能量。 54.参考答案: A 详细解答: A。主要难点在A和B,take place通常指事情有计划地发生。自然现象是不可能用take place来表示“发生”的。 55.参考答案: D 详细解答: D。事实胜于雄辩。

56.参考答案: A 详细解答: A。让步从句中的倒装句。

57.参考答案: C 详细解答: C。vast强调的是(在尺寸、数目、数量或份量上或在区域、宽度上甚至是程度或强度上)“很大的,广大的”;striking通常指(外表、效果等)“引人注意的,显著的”;considerable指的是(在数目、变化上)“客观的,相当……的”;extreme含义是“极端的,非常的”。

58.参考答案: A 详细解答: A。set短语辨析;set aside留出(时间、金钱等)。 59.参考答案: B 详细解答: B。固定短语:take notice of与notice同义,“注意”。 60.参考答案: D 详细解答: D。非限制性定语从句,用which引导。 Part III Cloze

61.参考答案: B 详细解答: B。上文中提到advice,此处是向人请教,用ask。实际上,该句暗含ask sb.for sth.短语。

62.参考答案: B详细解答: B。上下文理解。前面说美国人不想向自己认识的人寻求意见,后文说他们更愿意找报纸、杂志来征求意见,两者之间用instead(取而代之)连接。 63.参考答案: C 详细解答: C。介词on表示“关于”,如:a book on radio。 64.参考答案: D 详细解答: D。of表示从属关系。

65.参考答案: A 详细解答: A。根据上下文用most比较客观。

66.参考答案: A 详细解答: A。表示来源用from,因为后面接的是with problems。 67.参考答案: B 详细解答: B。along with和…一起。

68.参考答案: D 详细解答: D。by表示写信的人。可由people后接的定语从句得到提示。

69.参考答案: D 详细解答: D。解决problem只能用动词solve或tackle。

70.参考答案: C详细解答: C。some…others… 一些人……,另外一些人……,固定句式。

71.参考答案: B 详细解答: B。主谓数的一致。

72.参考答案: A 详细解答: A。介词for表示培训的科目。

73.参考答案: B 详细解答: B。address to固定搭配:在(信封、包裹)上写姓名、地址等。

74.参考答案: C 详细解答: C。be addressed as用……称呼(某人)。 75.参考答案: B 详细解答: B。give advice to sb.给某人忠告。

76.参考答案: D 详细解答: D。enough修饰形容词,放在形容词之后。

77.参考答案: C 详细解答: C。根据上下文可知该小女孩是一位向别人提供忠告的人,因此用advice。

78.参考答案: A 详细解答: A。at the age of在……年龄。

79.参考答案: C 详细解答: C。根据上文所述,该小女孩的忠告regularly定期地“出现”在报纸上,并以专栏形式(in a column)刊登。

80.参考答案: A 详细解答: A。前两个选项的区别:name指“取名,命名”,且常用被动式短语be named after; call称为。

Part Ⅳ Vocabulary

1. application 2. increasingly 3. unidentified 4. proposal 5. poisonous 6. pleasant 7. tastefully 8. tastefully 9. impressive 10. competition Part Ⅴ Sentence Completion Section A

1. broke down immediately(as soon as) they set out. 2. on the other side of the river 3. everyone serves himself(herself). 4. Whoever breaks the law

5. were killed in the fire 6. If you follow my advice 7. but goes by way of Paris 8. as to regard enemies as friends.或as to take enemies for friends.

9. This regulation doesn't apply to you.或This rule is not suitable for you. 10. I can go any time but/except now. Section B

1.对你愚蠢的行为负责。 2.虽然受到尊重,但他并不受人喜爱 3.明天你可以放假/明天你可以休息一天。 4.消磨了一个小时 5.把自己的意见埋在心里。 6.如果我们一开始就泄气/失去信心

7.现在的时令水果是什么? 8.吃一堑,长一智。 9.整天不停地忙着 10. 他已经发展到从不听自己父母意见的地步。 Part Ⅵ Writing

How to Solve the problem of Heavy Traffic

Due to the decrease of cost and the increasing support from governments, city people are finding themselves surrounded by more and more traffic. Heavy traffic has become a common reason for being late to work. To tackle this problem, people are racking their brains to come up with all kinds solutions. some suggest that more roads be built for the increasing traffic,and others propose putting a limit on the amount of private cars. In my opinion, the fundamental way to solve this problem is to perfect and speed up the public transportation system.

If faster transportation like magnetic suspension train is very convenient, more and more people will abandon the idea of purchasing private cars and resort to public transportation. The public transport system in New York has set a good example for other cities. The expensive parking fees, and more importantly,the dense routes of buses and subway make It possible that people live far from their work place. Therefore,I suggest the government set aside more investment for faster and more convenient transport system in order to solve the problem of heavy traffic.



