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A. To be stunned B. Stunned C. To stun D. Stunning 51. ____, we'd better make some changes in the plan. A. That is the case B. That to be the case

C. That been the case D. That being the case

52. They have equipped the office with the ____business machines. A. last B. latter C. latest D. later

53. The police found that George had still another ____of income. A. origin B. source C. basis D. means

54. An open-minded teacher doesn't always ____one single teaching method. A. set aside B. take over C. take on D. stick to 55. Much to the student's ____, the exam was postponed.

A. burden B. concern C. relief D. requirement 56. Children normally feel a lot of ____about their first day at school. A. anxiety B. difference C. feelings D. trouble

57. The weather was ____hot that she decided to have the barber ____her hairstyle. A. rather; to change B. so; change

C. much too; change D. too; changed 58. She ____meet her former instructor on the bus. A. delighted to B. happened to C. pleased to D. tended to

59. Just as no two words are truly synonymous. ____no two different expressions can mean exactly the same thing.

A. rather B. also C. yet D. so

60. The new engineer's suggestions were ____in the revised plan. A. entitled B. engaged C. embodied D. estimated

Part III Cloze(10﹪,15minutes)

Directions: There are 20 blanks in the following passage. For each blank there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You should choose the ONE that best fits into the passage. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.

Other experiments have shown 61 the brain needs time to \time necessary 63 this is 5 to 10 minutes. After a break of this period of time the memory will have 64 what has just been learnt, and more will be remembered. During this break, 65 is important to exercise the right side of the brain, 66 the left side is used during a learning period. 67 you should relax in some way. 68 music, breathing in fresh air, and 69 at a picture, are all ways of using 70 side of the brain. 61. A. that B. what C. which D. it 62. A. that B. how C. what D. which 63. A. in B. for C. about D. to

64. A. attracted B. added C. brought D. absorbed 65. A. this B. it C. that D. such

66. A. because of B. due to C. because D. just as 67. A. So that B. Now that C. However D. Therefore 68. A. Hearing B. Attending C. Absorbing D. Listening to 69. A. looking B. look C. to look D. looked

70. A. other B. the other C. another D. others

Historians can't tell us when, where or 71 the first food was cooked. In earliest 72 when people had eaten their food 73 , an fire was used only to provide heat and light. The first primitive cooks were74 women, 75 preparing food and making clothing were considered women's work. 76 most of the great chefs in history have been men. This might have been because chefs learned 77 work in the kitchens of rich families 78 in restaurants and women didn't often take jobs outside their homes, or it might have been because kitchen equipment was so heavy and difficult to work with 79 only strong men could do it. In modem times, great female chefs have become known, and some of the best cook books 80 by women. 71. A. who B. which C. how D. what

72. A. time B. times C. ages D. period

73. A. uncooked B. being cooked C. uncooking D. to be uncooked 74. A. probable B. possible C. probably D. likewise 75. A. while B. since C. so that D. unless

76. A. But B. Therefore C. And D. Moreover 77. A. his B. its C. their D. theirs 78. A. as well B. either C. both D. or 79. A. as B. such C. so D. that

80. A. have written B. have been written C. were written D. are written


Part Ⅳ Vocabulary (10﹪,10minutes)

Directions: Complete each of the following sentences with the proper word derived from the one given in the bracket.

1. Mother will need ____ (add) help while there are so many guests. 2. His face ____ (dark) with anger when he heard the bad news. 3. Many people keep their ____ (save) in banks.

4. Don't take the boat out in this ____ (storm) weather.

5. These studies give ____ (leading) results because they haven't looked at enough cases. 6. Smoking during pregnancy could ____ (danger) your baby's health.

7. Because of her ____ (refuse) to provide the information, I had to abandon the project. 8. My parents will he ____ (disappoint) with me if I fail the exam. 9. He is ardently ____ (act) for the cause of environmental protection.

10. The singer gave an ____ (accept) performance, but it was not outstanding. Part Ⅴ Sentence Completion(20﹪,30minutes)

Directions: Put the underlined part in each sentence into English. Section A

1. 他全神贯注在工作上that he didn't hear anybody knocking at the door.

2. 这条河从前是干净的but it has got polluted since the chemical plant was built. 3. If he is not at the office, 就一定在别的什么地方。我刚才还看见过他。 4. 只要照着告诉你的做,every thing will be fine.

5. 那个工厂面临的问题is how to improve the quality of products. 6. 事实上直到读了你的信that I knew the true state of affairs. 7. If you want pass your exams, 你就得集中精力提高昕的技能。 8. She did not ask about his name, 以后也没有再遇见过他。

9. 我认为司机对那场事故负有责任。It was due to his carelessness that it all happened. 10. 我们到达那里时又累又饿,and worst of all we couldn't find any food. Section B

Directions: Put the underlined part in each sentence into Chinese.

1. Each time I saw Mrs. Smith, I mistook her for Laura as they look very much alike.

2. When she heard the ringing, Lucy rose from her chair and made her way to the door, while her husband sat rooted in his seat.

3. I always took it for granted that they would succeed in their experiment. 4. Given better instructions, the water melons could have grown bigger. 5. I don't think you should act on his advice immediately. 6. The train was held up by the storm, thus causing the delay.

7. He thought that the bad working conditions would result in the strike of the workers. 8. The normal temperature for a human being is about 37℃, no matter in what part of the world he lives.

9. When in Rome do as the Rome do.

10. Albert Einstein will always be remembered as the founder of the Theory of the Relativity.

2001年江苏省普通高校“专转本”统一考试答案及解析 Part I Reading Comprehension

1.参考答案: B 详细解答: B。由第一节第二句可知。 2.参考答案: C 详细解答: C。由第一节第二句可知。

3.参考答案: C 详细解答: C。由“Every letter takes less than a second to write.”可知。 4.参考答案: A 详细解答: A。由第三节第一句可知,该计算机很昂贵;由以下内容可知,它速度很快,效率很高。

5.参考答案: D 详细解答: D。由本文最后一节可知,每封信中所说均是总统本人想说的。

6.参考答案: C详细解答: C。由“it’s necessary to obtain a wide and extensive knowledge of what has been said and done in the world”可知。

7.参考答案: D 详细解答: D。由第二节第一句可知。

8.参考答案: B 详细解答: B。由“you must never give it up until you have mastered it”可知。

参考答案: C 详细解答: C。第三节意在告诉人们,不要去看别人的成功,重要的是自己付出艰苦的努力。

10.参考答案: C 详细解答: C。最后一节主要讨论勤奋。 11.参考答案: D详细解答: D。本题采用排除法。

12.参考答案: D详细解答: D。由第二节“about not looking young and attractive\和\可知。

13.参考答案: C详细解答: C。由第三节第一句可知,很多美国人都超出理想体重。 14.参考答案: A详细解答: A。减肥是项艰难的工程,但很多人都想通过一种又快又容易的方法,减肥方面的书因此畅销书店。作者暗示,这些书并不那么可靠。

15.参考答案: B 详细解答: B。因为减肥尚无定法,所以很多人都相信书店里减肥方面的书。

16.参考答案: B 详细解答: B。由最后一节可知。

17.参考答案: A 详细解答: A。该杂志很讲究用词,甚至小学教师都拿它来作为典


18.参考答案: C 详细解答: C。“时间是个顽皮的东西。它稍纵即逝,像喝牛奶一样吞掉每一天。”

19.参考答案: D 详细解答: D。指代前文所说的内容。 20.参考答案: D详细解答: D。由第二节第三句可知。 PartⅡ Vocabulary and Structure

21.参考答案: A 详细解答: A。否定句中用anyone,表示“任何人”。 22.参考答案: D 详细解答: D。固定句式。 23.参考答案: D 详细解答: D。固定短语,break one′s heart,义为“伤了某人的心”。 24.参考答案: D 详细解答: D。too…to…结构。

25.参考答案: B 详细解答: B。Not until开头的句型主句主谓倒装。 26.参考答案: A 详细解答: A。定语从句所修饰的中心词是主句主语。 27.参考答案: A 详细解答: A。定语从句所修饰的中心词是主句主语。 28.参考答案: B 详细解答: B。do you suppose是插入语。

29.参考答案: B详细解答: B。固定短语,have trouble doing sth.,为“做某事有困难之义”。

30.参考答案: C 详细解答: C。critical为“关键的”之义。 31.参考答案: A 详细解答: A。used to do sth.,义为“过去常常做某事”。 32.参考答案: A 详细解答: A。had better后接动词原形。 33.参考答案: D 详细解答: D。share,表示“共用”之义。 34.参考答案: C 详细解答: C。needn′t表示“不需要”之义。 35.参考答案: A 详细解答: A。lest为“防止”之义,even though为“即便”之义,unless为“除非”之义, only if为“只有当”之义。

36.参考答案: B 详细解答: B。警方需要寻找的是“线索”。

37.参考答案: D 详细解答: D。固定短语superior to,义为“优于”。 38.参考答案: B 详细解答: B。in that表示“在于”之义。 39.参考答案: A 详细解答: A。后接名词,用other。

40.参考答案: C详细解答: C。固定句型,主句用现在完成时,since引导的从句中用过去时。

41.参考答案: A详细解答: A。necessarily为“必要地”之义,especially为“特别地”之义,essentially为“根本上地”,practically为“实事求是地”。 42.参考答案: A详细解答: A。make for为“前往”之义。 43.参考答案: D详细解答: D。定语从句。

44.参考答案: D详细解答: D。it指代后面从句内容。

45.参考答案: C详细解答: C。live with为“共同生存”之义,keep away from为“远离”之义,keep up with为“赶上”之义,live on为“靠某物生存”之义。

46.参考答案: B 详细解答: B。他“意识到”他的客人觉得无聊。

47.参考答案: C 详细解答: C。固定句型,prefer doing sth.to doing sth. 48.参考答案: C 详细解答: C。point为“点,目的”之义。

49.参考答案: B 详细解答: B。关于新学校的选址,有“互相矛盾的”意见。 50.参考答案: B 详细解答: B。分词短语作状语。

51.参考答案: D 详细解答: D。独立主格结构,主语接分词。

52.参考答案: C 详细解答: C。他们给办公室配备了“最新的”商业机器。 53.参考答案: B 详细解答: B。警方发现他还有另一个收入“来源”。

54.参考答案: D 详细解答: D。set aside为“留出”之义,take over为“接管,接替”之义,take on为“呈现”之义,stick to为“坚持”之义。

55.参考答案: C 详细解答: C。让那个学生“松了一口气”的是,考试延期了。 56.参考答案: A 详细解答: A。学生通常在第一天上学时会感到“焦虑”。

57.参考答案: B 详细解答: B。so…that…义为“如此……而……”,have sb.do sth.义为“让某人做某事”。

58.参考答案: B 详细解答: B。delighted to为“很高兴做某事”之义,happen to义为“恰好做某事”之义, pleased to为“乐意做某事”之义,tend to为“倾向于做某事”之义。 59.参考答案: D 详细解答: D。固定句型“just as…so...”,义为“正如……,……也”。 60.参考答案: C 详细解答: C。那位新工程师的建议在修改后的计划中得以“体现”。 Part III Cloze

61.参考答案: A 详细解答: A。that引导定语从句。

62.参考答案: C 详细解答: C。定语修饰语在从句中作主语。 63.参考答案: B 详细解答: B。for表示目的。

64.参考答案: D 详细解答: D。attract义为“吸引”,add义为“增加”,bring义为“带来”,absorb义为“吸收”。

65.参考答案: B 详细解答: B。it指代后面从句。 66.参考答案: C 详细解答: C。表明原因。

67.参考答案: D 详细解答: D。表明推导出的结论。 68.参考答案: D 详细解答: D。听音乐:listen to music。 69.参考答案: A 详细解答: A。并列结构,同样用分词。

70.参考答案: B 详细解答: B。大脑只有两边,所以用the other。 71.参考答案: C 详细解答: C。用how引导方式状语。 72.参考答案: B rliest times为“最早的年代”之义。

73.参考答案: A 详细解答: A。很早时人们吃“没有煮熟的”食物。 74.参考答案: C 详细解答: C。作者根据下半句的内容推测如此。 75.参考答案: B 详细解答: B。since表示“既然”,说明推测的理由。

76.参考答案: A 详细解答:A。最早的厨师可能是女人,“但是”历史上绝大多数的名厨都是男人。

77.参考答案: C 详细解答: C。厨师们学习“他们的”厨艺。

78.参考答案: D 详细解答: D。厨师们在富有的家庭“或”饭馆学习厨艺。 79.参考答案: D 详细解答: D. so…that…_句型。 80.参考答案: B 详细解答: B。用现在完成时态。 Part Ⅳ Vocabulary

1. additional 2. darkened 3. savings 4. stormy 5. misleading 6. endanger 7. refusal 8. disappointed 9. active 10. acceptable Part Ⅴ Sentence Completion Section A

1. He was so absorbed in his work 2. This river used to be very clean

3. he must have been somewhere else for I saw him just now. 4. As long as you act on what I told you, 5. The problem the factory is facing 6. It was not until I had read your letter



