天道留学http://tiandaoedu.com/ 为了帮助同学们理清美国研究生留学ps写作的思路,在今天的文章中,天道留学小编将与诸位同学分享一份美国研究生个人陈述范文,希望可以在一定程度上帮到大家!更多留学文书资讯,还请继续关注天道教育美国留学频道!
China’s pervasive Confucian value system dates back to more than 2000 years ago. One of the major Confucian tenets is that those who toil their minds rule and those who toil with their hands are ruled. In ancient China when the great sages, such as Confucius and Mencius, lived and taught, the “mind” or what we now know to be the function of the brains was referred to as the “heart” because the heart was believed then to be capable of thinking. Scholarly people, those who could read and write were superior and held in high regard; People who did manual work, especially those who worked on the land, i.e, peasants, were inferior and looked down upon. This highly discriminatory attitude is very much alive in China even today. So when I failed to be accepted by a comprehensive and well-known university, my first choice, and was admitted by Huazhong Agricultural University, my second and less preferred choice, I felt disappointed. I could tell that many of my friends, relatives and teachers felt somewhat disappointed too. They thought, and I thought too, that I could have done better than just a “Moo U”. In China, the mentioning of agriculture immediately conjures up the Confucian image of a laborer tilling the paddy rice fields, whose hands are dirty and whose mind is not particularly sharp and whose fate is going to be dictated and determined by those who labor their hearts.
I had to admit that when I took up the Food Science and Engineering major, I thought I was going to deal with vegetables, rice/wheat growing and food processing. I had no clue I was going to be exposed to some of the most exciting cutting-edge technologies and research projects in China, including the study on preparation and properties of novel nanomaterials for drug delivery and tumor inhibition. My professor, Dr. Hongbing Deng, introduced me to the wonderful world of nanotechnology, one that deals with manipulation of matters on an atomic and molecular scale. I am sure if Confucius and Mencius were still alive today, they
天道教育 带您走向成功留学之道! 天道留学http://tiandaoedu.com/ would be impressed with the tools and means with which I conduct my studies in research labs. They may still characterize me as a manual laborer, because my area of specialization, biomedical application of polysaccharide nanomaterials, requires quite a lot of hands-on experiments. But they will definitely have trouble understanding why a laborer can also read top journals such as Nature Nanotechnology, ACS Nano, Advanced Materials and can write academic papers in a language that is filled with acronyms, jargons, quantitative symbols and bibliographies, just too much and too outlandish for their taste. They will also have trouble understanding why an agricultural institution has to do with advanced materials and medicine. And why things are so crisscrossed, intertwined and interdependent these days, they’d wonder, so much so that they can no longer tell apart those who apply their hands and those who use their minds?
I may have gone a little bit too far in celebrating the “sophistication” of the modern era we live in and in laughing at the “ignorance” of our forefathers. I am fully aware that in spite of the constant advancement of science and technology, we still do not have answers or solutions to the numerous problems our forefathers had in the past and we have today. When I was told late last year that my great uncle had come down with lung cancer and that when he was diagnosed he was already in the late stage of his illness, I was devastated. I frantically searched all medical reference materials I could possibly gather. I realized there simply is not much there in the way of a cure. I found I was powerless to my uncle’s disease even though I have previously done research related cancer treatment and made some achievements. How I wish we had diagnostic means for early detection; how I wish we had surgical and chemotherapeutic means that are not destructive to the healthy cells and tissues of the body.
My interest in nanomaterials for biomedical applications and my studies and experiments on the subject preceded my uncle’s diagnosis. I have also learnt the basics of nanotechnology as related to the structure of nanomaterials and the characterization methods. I am convinced that nanobiotechnology holds great promises in diagnostics, pharmaceuticals, surgeries, drug deliveries and medical materials. Indeed, we have good reasons to look up to
nanobiotechnology for solutions and treatment of what we now have to accept as terminal illness. My most recent assignment as an academic visitor at the Fourth Military Medical University in Xi’an involved observing surgical experiments on animals and learning the intricacies of operations of biomedical equipment. I gained firsthand appreciation of the application of biomedical research and technologies in the real-life hospital environment. The United States is at the forefront of biomedical engineering research and application. I know whatever exposure I have had in this field of studies, both in terms of textbook learning and research methods, much of it originated from America. I want to pursue my graduate work at Tufts University, not only because I am motivated to help people like my great uncle but also because I want to prove the Confucian value regarding the hand verse the heart and the degree of literacy in relationship with one’s social status wrong. In this day and age, it is important to develop our minds, that is, be knowledgeable and technology savvy; it is equally important to use our hands to apply our learning for the well-being of the society in which we live.
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