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AIP1629系列 LED显示驱动芯片 - 图文 

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4.3、Serial Communication Format Receive 1 bit data all in rising of the clock Write data time:


Common-cathode LED driver

You can write data”3F”in “00”address to set the digital tube display “0”

Common-anode LED driver

You can write data ”01” in “00,02,04,06,08,0a” address and other address write “00” to set the digital tube display “0”. SEG8 0 0

SEG7 0 0

SEG6 0 0

SEG5 0 0

SEG4 0 0

SEG3 0 0

SEG2 0 0

SEG1 1 1

00H 02H

0 0 0 0 B7 0

0 0 0 0 B6 0

0 0 0 0 B5 0

0 0 0 0 B4 0

0 0 0 0 B3 0

0 0 0 0 B2 0

0 0 0 0 B1 0

1 1 1 1 B0 0

04H 06H 0AH 08H


Note: SEGn p-channel, open drain output, GRIDn N-channel, open drain output. when using, SEGn connect to anode of LED, GRIDn connect to cathode of LED. 4.5、The serial data transfer in the applications 4.5.1、Address Increasing Mode

Display memory is updated by incrementing addresses. Please refer to the following diagram.


Command 1: Data setting command Command 2: Address setting command

Data 1 to n: Transfer display data (16 bytes max.)

Command 3: Display control command 4.5.2、Fixing Address

The following diagram shows the waveforms when updating specific addresses.


Command 1: Data setting command Command 2: Address setting command Data 1 : display data Command 3:Address setting command Data 2 : display data

。 。

Command 4:display control setting command

4.6、Recommended Software Flowchart

5、Typical Application Circuit And Application Note

Common-anode digital tube Application figure

Common-cathode digital tube Application figure

AIP1629系列 LED显示驱动芯片 - 图文 


