【期刊名称】《中华医学教育杂志》 【年(卷),期】2010(030)003
【摘要】本文首先介绍了愿景文化的内涵,继而介绍了教学竞赛的内涵及其重要性,提出通过教学竞赛可以培育教师共同的愿景文化.在此基础上,探讨了如何建立以教学竞赛为核心的发展性教学评价体系,指出教学竞赛可以成为建立愿景文化的平台,在教学竞赛中,教师建立了共同的奋斗目标,调动了教学积极性,投入少,效益高,培育了以教学团队为核心、以提高教学质量为最终目标的愿景文化.%This paper introduced the meaning of vision of culture, and then introduced the meaning and importance of teaching contest. It also presented teaching contest can foster a common vision of culture of teachers. On this basis, it explored ways to establish a teaching contest as the key of development assessment system. It pointed that teaching contest is to establish a platform in teaching contest of vision of culture, teachers' efforts to establish a common goal, mobilized teaching enthusiasm, small investment, teaching effective, nurtured by teaching the core team to improve the quality of teaching as the ultimate goal of the vision of culture. 【总页数】3页(389-391)