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You need your sneakers if you want to run.

Your shoes are old now.

These shoes are old and torn.

I still love these shoes.Don't throw them away.

My shoelaces are untied,Mom. My shoelaces won't stay tied. Can you tie my shoes? I like Velcro shoes.

Those shoes don't match your clothes. Put your shoes in the right place. Put your shoes on the shoe rack. They must be on the shoe rack. Your shoe size is 130mm. Do the shoes fit?

Are they not too big/small? You've outgrown your shoes. Let me buy you a new pair. These new shoes hurt my feet. I want to wear my dress shoes. What shoes should I wear,Mom? They are very dirty.They need to be washed.

如果你要跑步的话,你需要穿运动鞋。 你的鞋子好旧了。 这鞋子又旧又破。

我还是很喜欢这双鞋子。不要丢掉它们 妈妈,我的鞋带松开了。 我的鞋带一直松开。 你能帮我绑鞋带吗? 我喜欢魔鬼扣鞋

那鞋子跟你的衣服不搭。 把鞋子放在该放的位置上。 把鞋子放在鞋架上。 它们应该放在鞋架上。 你鞋子的大小是130公分。 合脚吗? 鞋子太大/小?

你已经长到鞋子穿不下了。 让我买双新的给你吧。 因为穿新鞋,脚好痛。 我要穿我的皮鞋。 妈妈,我要穿哪双?



运动鞋sneakers,sports shoes 拖鞋slippers,flip-flops 有跟的女鞋pumps

皮鞋dress shoes 凉鞋sandals 马靴boots


Have a good day. Have a good time.

Have fun with your friends. Be happy all day long.

Bow your head politely,Honey. You should say goodbye.? Shouldn't you say bye to Dad? Give me a kiss,Honey.

Didn't you forget something? Goodbye!I'm leaving. Study hard at school.

Be good at school.Behave!

Call me after school./Call me after you're done.

I'll see you later in the afternoon.

祝你有个美好的一天。 祝你度过美好的时光。 跟朋友们好好玩喔。 一整天都要快乐喔。 要恭敬地鞠躬打招呼,宝贝 你应该说再见。

你不该跟爸爸说再见吗? 亲一下,宝贝。

你没有忘了什么吗?(亲亲) 再见,我走了。 在学校好好用功。 好好待在学校,要听话! 放学后,打电话给我。 等一下下午见。

Come home right after school.

I'll be waiting with a tasty snack ready. Will you be home when I come back? Come pick me up later. I'll go pick you up.


Watch out for cars. Don't walk on the road.

Always cross at crosswalks.

Be careful when you cross the street. Look sideways while you are walking. Watch for the traffic lights.

Make sure you walk when the light is green.

Raise your hand when you cross the street.

Don't play with your cell phone on the street.

Don't run.Walk slowly. Don't rush

Go straight to school.

Don't ever follow strangers. Go along the broad street.

Don't go down the narrow back street. Listen to your teacher.

Ask your teacher if you want to go to the bathroom.

Be nice to your friends.

Turn off your cell phone at school. Eat plenty for lunch.

Don't stop at the game machine.Just pass by it.

What should you do when there is a bully?

If you meet a bully,tell me at once.


Go and call the elevator.

The elevator is going up / down. Let me push the button. The elevator is here. Hold the elevator.

Let's get on the elevator. Wait until everyone gets off.

放学后,立刻回家。 我会准备好吃的点心等你。 我回来时,你会在家吗? 等一下,来接我。 我会去接你。

要小心车。 不要走到车道。

穿越马路一定要走在斑马线上。 你过马路时,要小心。 走路时,要注意看旁边。 要看红绿灯。

确定是绿灯时,你才能走。 过马路,要牵起你的手。 不要在路上玩你的手机。 不要跑,慢慢走。 不要赶。 直接去学校。

绝对不可以跟陌生人走。 要走在大马路上。 不可以走到狭窄的巷弄。 要听老师的话。

如果你要去厕所,你要跟老师说一声。 要跟朋友们好好相处。 在学校时要关掉手机。 午餐要吃饱。

不要在游戏机前停留,走过去就好。 当有恶霸时你应该怎么做呢?

如果你看到有人被欺负,要立刻告诉我 。

去按一下电梯。 电梯上来/下来了。 我来按按钮。 电梯来了。

按钮让电梯停一下。 进电梯吧。 等所有人出来。

Can you press the first floor? What floor should we press? Press the open / close button. Be calm inside here.

Don't lean on the elevator door. Don't goof around in the elevator. Don't jump inside the elevator.

Be careful!You might get stuck in the door.

This elevator moves too slowly. Wow,it's moving fast.

What floor are you going to? Let's get out.★也经常使用get off

Get off when the elevator is completely open.

Be careful when you get off.

Always look at what floor you're leaving. Let's take the stairs.

Let's have a race to the first floor. Don't ever run on the stairs. Don't hang on the handrail. Go down one step at a time.

Don't goof around on the steps.You might get hurt.

你能按一下一楼吗? 我们要按哪一楼呢? 按一下开门/关门钮。 在里面请安静。 不要靠在电梯门上。 不要在电梯内捣蛋。 不要在电梯内跳来跳去。 小心!你会被门夹住的。 着电梯太慢了。 哇,好快喔。 你要去几楼? 我们出去吧。

当电梯门完全打开后,再出去。 出去时要小心。

出去之前,要看一下是几楼。 我们走楼梯吧。 我们比赛谁先到一楼。 绝对不可以在楼梯上跑。 不要握住栏杆不放。 一次走一个阶梯。



It's about time for the bus.

Your school bus will be here very soon.Let's

I like riding on the school bus. Go line up nicely for the bus. We're early.No one's here yet.

There are a lot of kids already waiting in line.

Let's hurry up the next time. The bus is early /late today. Let's wait a little longer. It will be here soon. The bus came on time. Oh,the bus is already here. I'll be the first in line.

There's the bus./I see the bus coming. Wait until the bus has stopped. Say hello to the teacher.

Okay,let's get on the bus now.

Get on the bus one after another. / Get

工车要来的时间到了。 校车马上要来了,快点! 我喜欢搭校车。 去好好排队等公车。

我们来早了。一个人也没有耶。 已经有很多朋友在排队了。 下次我们再快点吧。 现在公车提早/晚到了。 我们再多等一会。 马上就会来了。 公车准时来了。 喔,公车已经来了。 我会排在第一个。 公车来了。 要等公车停好喔。 跟老师问好。

好,现在让我们上公车吧。 按顺序一个一个上公车。

on the bus one by one.

Be careful when you get on off the bus. 上下公车都要很小心。

不要插队。 Don't cut in line.

不要推挤,慢慢上车。 Don't push.Get on slowly.

Mommy will take you to school today. 今天妈妈会送你去学校。

系好安全带。 Fasten your seatbelt.

准备下车了。 Get ready to get off.



该是打扫的时间了。 It's time to clean up.

你能帮妈妈吗? Can you help Mommy ?

你想用吸尘器吗? Will you try to use the vacuum?

试试看,这很好玩喔。 Try it. It's fun.

妈咪,我想试试看。 I want to try, Mommy!

我会一直帮你打扫。 I'll help you clean all the time.

Open the window and let the fresh air 打开窗户让新鲜工期近来。 in.

你能把这个搬开一点吗? Can you move a little bit?

你能一开你的玩具,让我用一下吸尘器 Can you move your toys so I can

吗? vacuum?

You need to move the stuff on the floor. 你必须把地板上的东西移开。

让我们把鞋子放整齐。 Let's tidy up the shoes.

我只是要拍掉灰尘。 I just want to get the dust off.

吸尘器很重吧?拿给妈妈吧。 Isn't the vacuum heavy? Give it to


我要整理我的房间。 I want to clean up my room.

看!有很多头发。 Look! Lots of hair.

咦,好恶心! Ew, gross!

你要休息一下吗? Want to take a little break?

打扫后,觉得好干净。 It's clean after we clean up.

We finished early because of you, my 亲爱的,幸好有你帮忙,打扫提前结束

了。 darling.

你们都长大了,可以帮妈妈打扫房子了 You're all grown up helping Mommy

。 clean the


你不累吗? Aren't you tired?


Let's wipe the floor.

I'm going to sweep the floor today.

We're going to wipe the room with a rag. I wipe after sweeping.

We need to use the vacuum before we

我们来擦地板吧。 今天我要扫地。 我们要用抹布擦房间。 先扫之后再擦。


wipe the floor.

Can you help me clean the room? Can you get me the rag?

Turn it over and clean the floor. Ugh, the rag's too dirty. We need to wash the rag.

Clean everywhere and make everything nice and neat.

Clean with all your strength.

It looks like you're cleaning carelessly. Mom, this isn't all clean yet. I think Daddy should do it.

Clean quickly and get me the rag. Wiping the floor is tiring, isn't it? My knees hurt after kneeling down.


The toys on the floor are a mess.

Who made such a mess.

Why is there such a mess.

You should clean up after you play.


What should you do with your toys when you finish playing with them?

Go put away your toys so Mommy can

clean up the room.

I was just about to clean them up.

Can I pay a bit longer ?

I'll clean up after a little while.

I don't want to clean it up. Just leave

there, please.

Can you clean up by yourself?

Pick up the blocks and the other toys.

You should put the books on the shelves. Put it in the toy box.

Put it back where it was.

Where should the toys go?

You should put away your own toys.

Wow! You cleaned up so nicely.

You deserve a sticker for cleaning up.

Mommy feels so happy because you're

helping me.

The toys want to go back to their home. 你能帮我打扫房间吗? 你能帮我拿抹布吗?

把抹布翻过来,然后清洁地板。 哎呀,这抹布好脏哦。 我们要洗一下抹布。

打扫每个地方,并让每个东西都干净整 洁。 用全力去擦。

看起来你打扫得很漫不经心。 妈妈,这边还没有打扫。 我想这让爸爸做吧。 快点擦,把抹布给我。 擦地很辛苦,对吧?


地板上的玩具很凌乱。 是谁弄得这么乱的? 为什么这么乱? 玩完之后,你应该整理的。 当你不玩时,你应该对你的玩具做什么 呢? 去整理你的玩具,妈妈要打扫房间。 我正打算要整理。 我可以再玩一会儿吗? 我等一下会整理。 我不想整理,就这样放着吧。拜托啦。 你能自己整理吗? 收拾积木和其他玩具。 你应该把书放在书架上。

把那个放在玩具箱内。 把那个放回原位。 这些玩具应该放哪里呢? 你应该收拾自己的玩具。 哇!你收拾得好好哦。 因为你都收拾好了,你应该得到一个贴 纸。

妈妈很高兴你帮了我。 这些玩具想回到它们的家。



