【期刊名称】《中国医院管理》 【年(卷),期】2011(031)011
【摘要】医生作为一种高危职业,面临着巨大的职业压力.尤其在医患关系紧张的今天,医生面临着前所未有的压力.而在这种情况下,无论是社会还是医院,多数时候,过多的只是强调对患者的人文关怀,却忽视了对医生的人文关怀.若医院能在工作上、风险保障上、经济上、心理上给予医生更多的人文关怀,既可以减轻医生的压力,使医生更好地为患者服务:又可以改善医患关系,建立良好和谐的医患关系.%Doctors, as a high-risk vocation, are facing with great vocational pressure. Especially under the current strain physician-patient relationship, the pressure they are facing is unprecedented. But nowadays what we emphaze much is only humanistic care for patients, but we neglect the humanistic care for doctors. If hospitals and society can give them more care in the respects of work, risk protection, economy and psychology, it will not only relieve their stress and make them serve patients better, but also build more harmonious relationship with patients.
【关键词】人文关怀;保障机制;医患纠纷 【作者】任华玉;宋红;徐连英
【作者单位】哈尔滨医科大学人文社会科学学院 黑龙江哈尔滨 150086;哈尔滨