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学校:_________ 班级:_________ 姓名:_________ I. Read and choose.(读一读,找出每组单词中不同类的一个。10’)

( ) 1. A. go B. behind C.in front of ( ) 2. A. museum B. post office C. music ( ) 3. A. on B.is C. at ( ) 4. A. turn right B. go home C. turn left ( ) 5.A.pizza B. hamburger C. restaurant II. Read and choose.(读一读,选出正确的答案。10’) ( ) 1. -- How can I ______the cinema? -- Go straight and turn left.

A. get to B. get on C. get off ( ) 2. What ________interesting film !

A. a B. an C. the ( ) 3. Turn left ________ the cinema.绿色圃中小学教

A. on B. of C. at ( ) 4. If you want to see a doctor, you can go to the _____. A. hospital B. library C. cinema ( ) 5. The restaurant is next to the park ___Dongfang Street.

A. at B. on C. to

( )6.Where is the post office?

A.Thank you. B.Is there a post office? C.It’s next to the bookstore.

( ) 7.Robin has GPS. He can ______________. A. find food B. read books C. find the way

( ) 8.The hospital is ____________ cinema. A. next B. near C. near to ( )9.--_______is the museum shop? --It’s next to the door. A. What B.Where C.How ( )10. I want ________________ a bag. A. buy B. to buy C.buying

III. Read and write(读一读,根据提示写出正确答案10’) 1. It’s next to the __________________ .(书店) 2. Excuse me. Where is the _______________?( 医院) 3. It means ___________________.(直走)

4. _____________________ (左转) at the science museum. 5. ____________________(右转)at the cinema. You can see it . V. Read and connect to become a sentence.(连词成句。10’) 1. how I can get to the post office (?) 2. a hospital near here is there (?)

3. the next to it’s bookstore (.) 4. school at the turn right (.) 5. is the post office where (?)

VI. Read and write(根据汉语意思,补全句子。10’) 1.直走,然后在医院处左转。

Go straight and turn left _______ _______ __________. 2.我怎么到邮局?

_________ can I ___________ ___________ the post office? 3.先直走,然后在第一个十字路口右转。

First, ____straight and then ______ _____ at the first ______. VII. Read and write(看答语,写问句。10’) 1.---______________________________________? ----No, there isn’t a hospital near here.

2.---_______________________________________? ---The bookstore is next to the cinema.

3.---_______________________________________? ----No, it’s not far.

4.---_______________________________________? ---Go straight for 5 minutes and you’ll get there. 5.---_______________________________________? --- The hospital is in front of the post office.

VIII. Read and choose(从方框中选择正确的选项补全对话10’)

A: Excuse me. __________ B: Yes, there is.There is a big hospital.

A:__________ B: No, it’s not far.

A:________ B:First, go straight for 3 minutes. Then turn left.______

A:Thanks. B: _________

A:Is it far from here? B: How can I get to the hopital? C:Is there a hospital near here? D:You’re welcome. E:You’ll see the hospital on the left. IX. Comprehension. (阅读理解。10’)


Mike: Hi, Tina. I’m hungry. Let’s go to the restaurant. Tina: Me too. I know a great American restaurant.

Mike: Really? I like beef! Where is the restaurant? Is it near here?

Tina: Turn right here, then go straight, and we can see it. Mike: Great! Let’s go now!

Read and choose.(阅读对话,选择正确答案。) ( ) 1. Mike and Tina are ______ now.

A. hungry B. thirsty C. happy ( ) 2. They want to go to the _____.

A. park B. cinema C. restaurant ( ) 3. Mike likes ______.

A. pizza B. beef C. bananas ( ) 4. --Is the restaurant near here? -- ___________.

A. Yes, it is. B. No, it isn’t. C. I don’t know

( ) 5. Turn right here, then ______, and they can see the restaurant.

A. go straight B. turn left C. stop and wait


Oliver: Hi, John. I want to go to post office. Do you know where is it?

John: Hi, Oliver. It’s next to the Xinhua Bookstore. Oliver: How can I get to the Xinhua Bookstore?

John: Turn left here and you can find a bus stop. Take the No. 7 bus. Get off at the bookstore. The post office is on the right.

Read and tick or cross. (根据对话内容,判断正误,用T/F表示。)

( ) 1. Oliver wants to go to bookstore.

( ) 2. The post office is near the Xinhua Bookstore.

( ) 3. Oliver can take the NO. 17 bus to the Xinhua Bookstore. ( ) 4. The post office is on the right. X. Writing. (写作。)

Lily 和她的朋友们要去一家意大利餐馆吃比萨饼。请你根据提示写出他们行走的路线。


Lily and her friends want to eat some pizza in an Italian restaurant. They are in front of the cinema now. They ___________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________



