Illustrated phonics board
申请(专利)号: US201514829814
专利号: US9892654B2 主分类号: G09B19/00 申请权利人: ELIZABETH
BISHOP 公开国代码: US 优先权国家: US
申请日: 2015-08-19 公开公告日: 2018-02-13
分类号: G09B19/00;
优先权: 20150819 US
201514829814; 20140826 US 201462070497
摘 要 附 图:
摘 要:
An illustrated phonics board is provided offering a simplified language learning system using visuals, and moving
selectors that are easily manipulated to form simple words. To use, the operator chooses letters from three moving
selectors to form a three letter word that shows within a target window. The art on the board provides readily available visual prompts, a quick reference to letters and their phonetic sounds for beginning readers. 主权项:
1. A learning tool comprising an illustrated phonics board comprising:
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