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考点十二 词性转换

限时25分钟 一、单句语法填空

1.My English improved a lot; more importantly, I gained much ________ (confident).

答案:confidence 句意:我的英语提高了许多;更重要的是,我的自信心增强了不少。句中的much为限定词,后应接名词,作宾语。根据派生法规则,confident的名词形式为confidence。

2.Smoking during pregnancy ________ (danger) your baby's life.

答案:will endanger 句意:孕期抽烟会危及胎儿生命。句中所填词应为谓语动词,意为“危及”;根据派生词构词法规则,可在名词前加前缀en-,转化为相应意义的动词,即endanger;另外,本句表示叙述在某种情况下有可能发生的事,应用情态动词will,故填will endanger。

3.It was a ________ (fog) cold morning when he set off for the remote village. 答案:foggy 句意:在一个寒冷的起雾的上午,他向那个遥远的村庄进发了。句中所填词修饰morning,作定语。根据派生法规则,fog的形容词形式为foggy。

4.People certainly have a variety of reasons for going back to school but one important thing to know is, no knowledge is ________ (use).

答案:useless 句意:对于重返学校,人们当然有各种理由,但是有一点需要知道的重要的事是,知识是有用的。所填词涉及否定意义的后缀:名词+-less构成形容词。所填词作系动词is的表语,且根据语境,此处应填表示否定意义的形容词,构成双重否定。useless “无用的”。

5.The ________ (protect) and improvement of the human environment is a major issue which affects all the people and economic development throughout the world.

答案:protection 句意:人类环境的保护和改善是一个影响全世界人民和经济发展的大问题。根据“and improvement”可知,所填词为protect的名词形式。根据派生法规则,在protect后加后缀-ion变为名词。

6.The meeting supposed to be ________ (success) turned out to be a failure in the end.

答案:successful 句意:那场本应该成功的会议最终被证明是失败的。所填词作be的表语,应填形容词。根据派生法规则,在success后加后缀-ful,构成形容词。

7.Customs officials ________ (cover) a plot to smuggle weapons into the country.

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答案:uncovered 句意:海关官员发现了一个走私武器入境的阴谋。句中所填词应为谓语动词,根据后面的宾语a plot可知,此处应表示“发现,揭露”;根据派生词构词法规则,在动词前加前缀un-,转化为相反意义的动词,故填uncovered。

8.Ann will be remembered for her ability and her ________ (warm).

答案:warmth 句意:安因为她的能力和热情友好,将被铭记。所填词位于形容词性物主代词her之后,应填名词。根据派生法规则可知warm的名词形式,即在词尾加后缀-th。

9.The cooling wind swept through our bedroom windows, making air conditioning ________ (necessary).

答案:unnecessary 句意:凉爽的风吹过卧室的窗户,使得空调都没有必要了。所填词在句中作宾语补足语,应填形容词,根据语境可知,此处表示“没有必要的”;根据派生词构词法的规则,可在形容词前加表示“没有,不”的前缀un-,故填unnecessary,意为“没有必要的”。

10.It has a highly ________ (regular) shape, covered with bumps and indentations. 答案:irregular 句意:它的外形极不规则,满是凸块和凹陷。句中为形容词作定语,修饰名词shape,根据后面的过去分词短语可知,所填词表示“不规则的”;根据派生词构词法规则,在形容词前加前缀ir-,转化为相反意义的形容词,故填irregular。

11.It is ________ (legal) to sell tobacco to someone under 16.

答案:illegal 句意:出售烟草给16岁以下者是非法的。所填词在句中作表语,且根据“to someone under 16”可知,此处表示“非法的”。根据派生法规则,应加前缀il-。

12.Extracurricular activities ________ (able) the students to know how to apply the knowledge learned in the textbooks.

答案:enable 句意:课外活动可以使学生们知道怎样运用在课本上学到的知识。所填词在句中作谓语动词,根据派生法规则,able的动词形式需要在词首加前缀en-即可,enable 意为“使……能够”。

13.You can rely on him because he is quite ________ (rely).

答案:reliable 所填词用在系动词is后,作表语,根据句中的“rely on him”可知,所填词表示“值得信赖的”,根据派生法规则,rely的形容词形式需要将字母y改为i,再加后缀-able。

14.People on welfare are wrongly seen as lazy or ________ (honest). 答案:dishonest 句意:靠福利救济的人被误认为懒惰或不诚实。根据语境可知,应填形容词,并表示否定意义,即 “不诚实的”;根据派生法规则,只需在词首加前缀dis-。

15.You may find to your ________ (amaze) that there is more kindness in your community than you ever believe possible.

答案:amazement 句意:你可能会惊奇地发现,在你的社区,洋溢着难以置信的友爱。

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16.I cannot control my body well. My legs become ________ (pain).

答案:painful 句意:我无法很好地掌控我的身体。我的双腿变得疼痛。所填词位于连系动词之后,应用形容词作表语;根据派生法规则,只需在词尾加后缀-ful即可构成painful “疼痛的”。

17.Late last year the Thompsons took part in a television documentary (纪录片) to prove that not all gifted children are the result of extremely ________ (ambition) parents.

答案:ambitious 根据空格位置,后面是名词parents,应该使用形容词作定语,故填ambitious。

18.Under her ________ (encourage), I would spend hours burying myself in novels, even if my friends just laughed at me.

答案:encouragement 句意:在她的鼓励下我总会花几个小时埋头看小说,即使朋友们嘲笑我。这里需用名词,指的是“在她的鼓励下”。

19.The ________ (grow) number of Chinese tourists traveling to Spain has in recent years offered opportunities for local companies.

答案:growing 该空格处后面的词“number”是名词,名词受形容词修饰限制,grow为动词,动词转化为形容词时,常用v.-ing表示主动进行,v.-ed表示被动完成。此处表示大量中国游客去西班牙旅行,这个数量一直在增长中,表示进行,故答案为growing。

20.China has once again showed its ability to change the world with its “new four great ________ (invent)”.

答案:inventions 句意:中国用“新四大发明”再次展示了改变世界的能力。前面有形容词性物主代词修饰,且作介词的宾语,故这里用名词形式invention,且为可数名词,故用复数形式。

21.I ________ (firm) believed I could learn lots of words, phrases, translation skills, news stories and even amazing knowledge by reading it.

答案:firmly 空格后的believed为动词,动词受副词修饰,故答案为firmly。 22.In most ________ (develop) countries, like America and the Great Britain, teaching is a profession.

答案:developed 句意:在美国和英国等发达国家中,教书是一种专业。develop的形容词变体有developing “发展中的”和developed “发达的”两种形式,句中修饰美国和英国,故答案应为developed。

23.________ (luck), native English speakers can understand each other even if

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