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2020春外研版七年级英语下册同步练习题:Module 10模块话题写作

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Module 10 模块话题写作[见学生用书B36]



第一天 参观景点,与当地人(local people)聊天(chat) 第二天 品尝当地各种各样的美食,去酒吧(bar)听歌 第三天 去逛街市,给朋友买礼物 【思路点拨】 第一步:写作提纲 主题 Travel ※visited some famous __places__ __of__ __interest__ and chatted with local people; ※tried different kinds of __delicious__ __food__,went to a bar to __listen__ __to__ __songs__; ※went to __street__ __markets__,bought some __presents__ for their friends 目的 Describe holiday travel experiences. 内容

1.主要人称:第三人称; 2.主要时态:一般过去时。



He __had__ __a__ __good/great__ __time__ with us yesterday. 2.上周日我们在公园野餐了。

We __had__ __a__ __picnic__ in the park last Sunday. 3.他们花了十个小时才到达那里。

It __took__ __them__ 10 hours __to__ __get__ there. 4.我们坐出租车去了北海公园。 We __took__ __a__ __taxi__ to Beihai Park. 5.假期很短,但很美好。

It __was__ __a__ __short__ holiday,but it __was__ great. 【句型拓展】

1.Travelling not only broadens my horizons,but also opens my eyes to the world. 旅行不仅开阔了我的视野,而且打开了我的眼界。 2.For me,travel is the source of the recovery of youth. 对我来说,旅行是恢复青春活力的源泉。 3.Travel makes a wise man better,a fool worse. 旅游使智者更智,愚者更昧。

4.Travel is the greatest source of true knowledge. 旅行是真知最伟大的发源地。

5.The reason why I like travelling so much is that I love life.

我如此喜欢旅行的原因是我热爱生活。 【自我展示】

Last summer,Tony and his mother went to Lijiang for their holiday.Lijiang is a beautiful city in Yunnan Province.They stayed there for three days and had a good time.On the first day,they visited some famous places of interest and chatted with local people.On the second day,they tried different kinds of delicious food and they also went to a bar to listen to songs.On the last day,they went to street markets and bought some presents for their friends.It was really a wonderful trip.Tony said he and his mother would never forget it. 【能力提升】


要点:1.乘飞机抵达; 2.在伦敦停留3天;

3.行程:(1)第一天参观了英国国家博物馆;(2)第二天乘船沿泰晤士河旅行;(3)第三天去了“伦敦眼”,饱览伦敦风光; 4.个人感受。

要求:1.词数:60左右(开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数); 2.字迹工整,语言流畅,表达正确,逻辑清晰。 From: Li Jun Sent: Sunday To: Jim

Subject: My Holiday in London

Hi,Jim!I went to London with my parents during May Day holiday.We stayed there for three days.After we arrived in London by plane,we began our tour of the city.On the first day,we visited the British Museum and saw lots of world-famous works of art.On the second day,we took a boat tour on the River Thames.It was so great!On the last day,we went to the London Eye and did some sightseeing.We enjoyed ourselves very much. Love, Li Jun

2020春外研版七年级英语下册同步练习题:Module 10模块话题写作


