【期刊名称】《自动化与仪表》 【年(卷),期】2012(027)009
【摘要】Simulate the poisonous gas in the fire rescuing train. The paper proposes simulating the poisonous gas and managing the information of trainer with wireless sensor networks(WSN)teehnology. The poisonous gas simulating system consists of gas detecting instrument,gas producing instrument,gateway and the management software in the host Computer. The system may set up the type,the location,threshold value of the poisonous gas. When the trainer enters in the location of the gas,the detecting instrument display the type and location of the gas,warns and sends the temperature and sphygmus of trainer to host computer. The system has been used practically.%火灾救援训练中需要对毒气模拟,提出将无线传感器网络(WSN)技术应用于现代火灾救援工作中,用于对毒气的模拟和消防训练人员的信息管理.毒气模拟系统由毒气发生器、毒气侦检仪、网关和上位机管理软件组成.整个系统实现对毒气的种类、地点和阈值的设置.当消防训练人员进入毒气区域,侦检仪显示毒气的类型和位置,并报警,同时毒气侦检仪将训练人员的脉搏和体温通过网关传送到上位机管理系统,毒气模拟系统已经应用到实际工作中. 【总页数】5页(24-28)