幼儿园中班英语教案--《happy birthday》 活动内容:学习生日聚会歌曲及用语、单词 活动目标:
1、学习单词“cake”“gift”“card”,在实物帮助下理解含义,能较准确地模仿发音,在情景中理解“??for you.”的含义。 2、愿意演唱歌曲,体会与同伴共同庆祝的快乐。 活动准备:
排练情景表演、歌曲磁带、蛋糕、礼物、卡、课件 一、greeting
1、teacher and children say “hello!” “good morning!”each other.
2、teacher and children sing《nice to see you》together. 二、review
t and c read the rhyme《horse》. 三、learn.
1、t and c watch tv of birthday party.“where is it?”“yes,it’s dog’s house.”t come in the house, “oh,this is a tv.let’s watch tv,ok?”
2、t and one child show together.
t: “hello,i’m cat.today is dog’s birthday,i’ll go to this party.” t: “ding-dong!” c: “what is it?” t: “i’m cat.”
c: “come in, please.”
t: “happy birthday,a cake for you,a card for you,a gift for you.” t1: “thank you.”
3、c learn “cake” “gift” “card”.
(1)t shows and reads “cake” “gift” “card” one by one,c say with t.“what’s this?”“[keik][gift][ca:d]”
(2)c reads alone. “what’s this?” “yes, here you are.” (3) t shows pictures,c practice together. (4)game, “who is the first?”
4、t shows a picture and reads “a cake for you.” c say with t. 四、game “birthday party”
1、t show a lot of pictures, “let’s go to party.who wants to try?” 2、c say with t, one child take a picture.
3、one child and t knock at door practice sentences. 4、c say with t again.a part of c play the game. 五、song
1、t and c come in the house,say “ happy birthday.”to dog. 2、t and c sing《happy birthday》. 六、ending.
t and c leave the dog’s house 中班英语教案:isee? 目的:
通过反复感受,理解问句“what do you see?;学习用句型 i see?.,表达所看见的内容。
准备:捉迷藏背景图 大转盘,图片
人手一份操作用具 过程:
2、游戏《快乐郊游》 3、招呼语
二、看图片,感受并理解对话: t: look! what do you see?
i see a rabbit / a monkey / a duck / two elephants. 三、欣赏儿歌、歌曲《what do you see?》。 四、游戏《大转盘》:
教师旋转转盘后,幼儿根据指针的指向,尝试集体输出 i see ?. 五、游戏《传球取宝》:
幼儿听音乐传球,音乐停,持球者击破纸面取出宝物,并集体说: i see ?. 六、分组操作游戏:
(教师提供:转盘、魔方、图书、彩色眼镜等)幼儿边玩边尝试个别输出 i see ?.
中班英语公开课教案:happy day 目标:
1、能与同伴愉快地游戏活动,大胆地展示自己的长处。 2、复习所学的歌曲及句型。 过程:
幼儿躺在各处做睡觉状,老师开始学鸡叫,并说:“get up ,kids !”。幼儿起床后唱《 goodmorning 》。 2、去幼儿园。
t:now ,let’s go to the kindergarten ! how did you get there ?
s: drive a car / row a boat。《drive a car》边唱边走到座位前坐好。
t:hey, boys and girls look! today there are many guests come here to see you wonderful show! are you happy? s: yes. im happy!
t: now ,let sing a song to welcome them ,ok? s: ok ! welcome song 4、户外活动。
t: its time to play . lets go out to play together! t: lets have a game !play game《 flower 》 5、学习活动。
t: my god its raining! lets go back to the classroom! lets go!!! t: that was close !! now class begins! who wants to be a little teacher?
t: you are so great! the next game is robot game! who wants to be a robot ? 6、午餐时间。
t: ring, ring ! lunch is ready! today we eat hamburger. do you like it? but ,before you eat ,you must ~~~?(老师做洗手状) s: wash my hands !《wash your hands》 7、午睡。
t: its nip time !let’s go to bed ! take off your shoes and put them neatly !sing 《nip time》(幼儿脱鞋,假装睡觉) 8、活动结束,向客人老师说再见。 幼儿中班英语教案:《 pencil 》铅笔 一、活动主题:《 pencil 》(铅笔) 二、活动目标:
2.通过学习英语,引导幼儿在日常生活中用英语交谈。 三、活动准备
1.卡通动物图片若干张 2.小故事一个
四、 开课前言:
早晨进园请用英语跟老师打招呼: good morning teacher! 离园请用英语跟老师告别:good byeteacher! 五、过程
接下来我们来认识一下这些小客人吧! p:像左手 e:像大鲨鱼 n:像小门 c:像刺猬 i:像小孩 l:像铅笔
这些小客人们在一起发生一件很有趣的事情,下面请小朋友们来听听故事! 单词形象小故事: 中班英语游戏教案
游戏目的:练习用英语数数,复习学习过的人体器官的英文单词,锻炼幼儿的注意力,快速反应力。 游戏过程:
首先告诉幼儿,老师说“one”时,小朋友手指头发并讲出hair。老师说:“two”时,小朋友手指脸并说 出face。老师说:“three”时,小朋友手指耳朵并说出ear。老师说:“four”时,小朋友手指眼睛并说出ey e。five—一鼻子—一nose,six—一嘴—一mouth,
seven—一双肩—一shoulder,eihgt—一腿—一leg,nine —一手—一hand,ten—一脚—一foot。经过反复练习,熟练以后可以让一名幼儿来数数,其余幼儿找出相应的 器官,讲出英语单词,并且可以抢答。要求幼儿手口一致,教师数数时应由慢至快,并注意幼儿讲的是否正确 。
材料准备:头饰:春风、春姑娘、树、草、花、小鸟。 游戏过程:
“春风”说:i’m wind.(回头,招手)sping is coming.(春姑娘上场)“春姑娘”说:i’m sping.(春风和春姑娘开始围绕着树、草、花做小跑步)
树开始发芽,小草也钻出了地面,花儿也长出了花苞。 “树”说:“i’m tree. i’m green!”
“小草”说:“i’m grass. i’m green,too.” 教师旁白:花儿也穿上了美丽的衣裳。 “一朵花儿”说:“i’m red flower.”
另一朵花儿说:“i’m yellow flower.” 另一朵花儿说:“i’m white flower.”
小鸟在窝里,听到了小草、花儿和大树们的谈话,也飞来了。(小鸟上场)“小鸟”说:“i’m a bird.(小鸟飞来飞去看春天的景色)i like spring.”“小草”、“小花”和“树”一齐喊:“bird,bind.”(小鸟飞到它们跟前)
“树”说:“let’s go to play.”
“草”、“花儿”、“鸟儿”齐说:“let’s go to play.”
幼儿英语教案——数字的奥秘 (中班)
2、让小朋友熟悉数字11——15,并能清楚的说出来。 教学准备:1、数字1——15的教师卡片 2、数字5——10的学生卡片(小朋友带)
3、教学磁带(歌曲部分ten little india boys) 4、手偶bob、玩具球
5、奖品:sticker(贴纸)、小红花 教学流程:
用手打招呼:t——hello,everyone!(大家好!) s——hello,miss wang!(王老师好!)