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( ) 1. A. bag B. book C. big D. bed ( ) 2. A. pen B. pencil C. pencil-case D. peach ( ) 3. A. dog B. duck C. door D. draw ( ) 4. A. house B. horse C. hen D. hat ( ) 5. A. touch B. catch C. watch D. beach ( ) 6. A. lemon B. mango C. pear D. apple ( ) 7.A. bedroom B. bathroom C. living room D. dining room ( ) 8. A. skirt B. shirt C. shorts D. shoes ( ) 9. A. garden B. park C. playground D. classroom ( ) 10. A. tomato B. potato C. onion D. carrot 二、听一听,圈出听到的单词。(5分) 1.This is a (quick , slow) rabbit. 2.This is a ( sad , happy) boy. 3.I go to school by ( bus , bike ).

4.I like (skirt , shirt) but I don’t like (trousers, jeans). 三、听音,选出你所听到的句子。(5分)

( ) 1. A. This is big. B. That is small. C. It’s big. ( ) 2. A. I can see a dog. B. I can see a cat. C.I can see a fox.

( ) 3. A. I’m going there by bus.

B. I’m going there by bike. C. I’m going there on foot.

( ) 4. A.The panda is playing football.

B. The panda is telling a story. C. The panda is climbing the tree.

( ) 5. A. I like skirts. B. I like dresses. C. I like jeans.


一、 看图片连单词 (12分)

car bus ship train bike jeep shirt handbag jeans hat dress skirt 二、选择(10分)

1、—What do you like to wear? — I like to wear _________ .

A. pink B. cold C. a T-shirt D. an apple 2、—Do you like oranges? —No, I ______.

A. do B. not C. can not D. don’t 3、( ) Where are you going?

A. We are going there by ship. B. I don’t like trousers. C.We are going to Shanghai. 4、—What are the cows doing? —They are ________.

A. take a bath B. cows C. eating grass D. watch TV 5、The tea is _____(热的) and the ice cream is _____(冷的)。 A. big/small B. long/short C. hot/cold D. happy/sad 6、—What animals do you like? —I like __________.

A. hats B. pink C. tigers D. boats 7、This is (高兴的)______and that is _____(伤心的).

A. hot/cold B. up/down C. big/small D. happy/sad

8、—How are you going to Shanghai? —I’m going to there _______.

A. on bike B. by train C. by foot D. by sheep 9、—What are you doing in the kitchen? —I’m ________ in the kitchen.

A. watching TV B. eating meals C. washing my face D. sleeping 10、—Do you like to keep a turtle?

—Yes, ________.

A.I do B. you do C.I don’t D. I’m 三、写出下列单词的反义词。(8分)

big long young left short cold sad tall happy old quick short small hot right 四、 单词分类 (20分)

onion spider skirt mango potato bus dress banana bike carrot rabbit peach tomato lemon turtle ship parrot socks train snake shirt pea vest pear plane 水果 交通工具 动物 衣服

蔬菜 五、英汉连线(6分)

1. I’m going to Kunming. 熊猫正在做什么? 2. How are you going there ? 我将要去昆明。 3. What are the pandas doing ? 你将怎样去那? 4. It’s Children’s Day. 你在客厅里做什么? 5. What do you like to wear ? 今天是儿童节。 6. What do you do in the living room ? 你喜欢穿什么? 六、排列下面儿歌的顺序(4分) ( )How are you going there? ( ) I’m going to Dalian. ( ) Where are you going ? ( ) I’m going there by ship. 七、翻译(10分)

keep a pet brush teeth watch TV the Great Wall on foot play football Children’s Day climb the tree tell a story by plane



