【首页】 课程名称 课程编号 课程类型 Digital Signal 授课专业 Processing 20507630 必修课 选修课 授课方式 课程教学 总学时数 课时分配 教材名称 无线电技术与信息系统 信息与通信工程 电子信息科学与技术 计算机通信等 年级 本科三年级下半学期 校级公共课();基础及专业基础课(); 专业课(√) 限选课();任选课() 考核方式 学分数 考试(√);考查() 3 课堂讲授(√);实践课() 51 课堂讲授51学时;实践课 学时 Digital Signal Sanjit Processing A K.Mitra Computer-Based Approach Second 作者 Edition 1. 《数字信号处理》 2. 《数字信号处理学习指导》 3. 《数字信号处理作者 教程》 4. 《数字信号处理》 出版社及出版时间 Tsinghua University Press McGraw-Hill 2001 指定参考书丁玉美、高出版社西全 编著 及出版 时间 丁玉美、高西全 编著 程佩青 编著 冷建华等 编著 西安电子科技大学出版社,2001 西安电子科技大学出版社,2001 清华大学出版社,2001 国防工业出版社,2002 授课教师 何培宇 授课时间 注:表中()选项请打“√”。
单位 电子信息学院 春季学期,2月至6月;秋季学期,9月至1月 四川大学教案
【理、工科】 周次 第 1 周 备 注 Chapter 1 Signals and Signal Processing 章节 名称 1.1 What is Signal and Signal Processing? 1.2 Characterization and Classification of Signals 1.3 Typical Signal Processing Operations 1.4 Why Digital Signal Processing? 理论课(√);实验课();实习() Objectives and Requirements: 1) 2) 3) Handle the basic concepts of signal and signal processing; Understand how to characterize and classify signals; Understand typical signal processing operations; 授课方 式 教学时 数 3 教学目的及要求4) Understand the reasons of carrying out digital signal processing. 教学内容提要 1.0 Objectives and Requirements of the Multimedia Dual-Language ( bilingual ) Course 1.1 What is Signal and Signal Processing? ? What is Signal? ? Examples of Typical Signals are Introduced ? What is Signal Processing? 1.2 Characterization and Classification of Signals ? Classification of Signals ? Characterization of Signals 1.3 Typical Signal Processing Operations ? Elementary Time-Domain Operations ? Some Other Signal Processing Operations 1.4 Why Digital Signal Processing? ? Scheme for the Digital Processing of an Analog Signal ? Advantages of Digital Signal Processing ? Disadvantages of Digital Signal Processing 时间分配 15 minutes 20 minutes 40 minutes 35 minutes 25 minutes
1. Reasons of Carrying Out Digital Signal Processing 2. Scheme for the Digital Processing of an Analog Signal 教学重点与难点 3. Classification of signals 1) One-dimensional Signal and Multidimensional Signal 2) Analog Signal and Digital Signal 3) Sampled-Data Signal and Quantized Boxcar Signal 4) Deterministic Signal and Random Signal 4. Typical Signal Processing Operations 1) Scaling 2) Delay 3) Addition 4) Integration 5) Differentiation 6) Filtering 习、作业 讨论、练Review the first part of Chapter 1 and try to remember some typical English terms of digital signal processing. 手教段学 Multimedia 参考资料
The same as the first page
【理、工科】 周次 第 2 周 备 注 Chapter 1 Signals and Signal Processing 章节 名称 1.5 Typical Digital Signal Processing Applications Chapter 2 Discrete-Time Signals and Systems in the Time-Domain 2.1 Discrete-Time Signals 授课方 式 理论课(√);实验课();实习() Objectives and Requirements: 教学时 数 3 求教学目的及要 1) Understand some typical digital signal processing applications and find interest on learning this course; 2) Handle the basic concepts of discrete-time signals. 教学内容提要 1.5 Typical Digital Signal Processing Examples via Vivid Multimedia Slides ? Cellular Phone ? Digital Camera ? Digital Sound Synthesis ? Signal Coding and Compression ? Signal Enhancement ? Blind Signal Separation (BSS) ? Acoustic Echo Cancellation (AEC) 2.1 Discrete-Time Signals ? Time-Domain Representation ? Operations on Sequences ? Basic Operations ? Combination of Basic Operations ? Sampling Rate Alteration 时间分配 90 minutes 45 minutes
1. Stimulate students’ interest in Digital Signal Processing via the vivid multimedia lectures. 2. Emphasize on the following basic concepts about discrete-time sequences and important operations on sequences: ? Sampling Period (Interval) and Sampling Frequency ? Finite-Length Sequence and Infinite-Length Sequence ? Right-Sided Sequence and Left-Sided Sequence ? Causal Sequence and Anti-causal Sequence ? Real Sequence and Complex Sequence ? Sampled-data Signal and Digital Signal ? Product Operation ? Multiplication Operation ? Addition Operation ? Time-Shifting Operation ? Time-Reversal Operation ? Branching Operation 3. Stress especially on Sampling Rate Alteration: ? Interpolation; Up-Sampling; Up-Sampler ? Decimation; Down-Sampling; Down-Sampler 教学重点与难点 习、作业 讨论、练Review the first part of Chapter 2 and try to remember some typical English terms of discrete-time sequences. 手教段学 Multimedia The same as the first page 参考资料