A Study of the Effect of Topography on the
Merging of Vortices
【期刊名称】《大气科学进展(英文版)》 【年(卷),期】2004(021)001
【摘要】Eight sets of numerical experiments are performed in 48 hours of integtation by using a barotropic primitive equation model with a topographic term so as to investigate the effect of topography on the merging of vortices.It is pointed out that the introduction of topography may change the track of vortices,and it causes the low vortices and vorticity lumps to be detained on the southeast side of the topography,thus creating a favorable condition for the merging of the low vortex and vorticity lumps.It is also shown that the effect of topography may cause double mergers of vortices in a horizontally shearing basic flow,and it can strengthen the low vortex remarkably. 【总页数】10页(13-22)
【关键词】topography;vortex;vortices merger 【作者】陈联寿;罗哲贤
【作者单位】Chinese Academy of Meteorological Science,Beijing 100081;Nanjing Institute of Meteorology,Nanjing 210044 【正文语种】中文 【中图分类】
A Study of the Effect of Topography on the Merging of Vortices